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Recent Political Essay Samples

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Civil Rights

Given US Citizenship to All Babies Born in the United States

Citizenship has a significant role in the lives of people of any given country. It provides persons with privileges and governmental support that are not available to foreigners. The benefits of being a citizen may include free medical services, the right to vote, free education, permission to buy land within...

Words: 1702 Pages: 6
Political Theory

Libertarian Camp. “Socialist Fun” by G. Tsipurian

Since Karl Marx introduced the leftist paradigm in the XIX century, people have been discussing and having debates on the economic model of the social structure. The author of the text to analyze seems to support the opposite, libertarian camp. However, they also believe that there is no place for...

Words: 364 Pages: 1

Political Science: President Trump’s Speech

Introduction Over the recent past, the United States government has been trying to leverage diplomatic approaches to address the need to achieve regional integration and promote socio-economic and political interests. President Trump’s speech addresses numerous key issues adversely affecting the attainment of such fundamental goals. National policies and values play...

Words: 939 Pages: 3
International Trade

Letter of Credit in the International Trade

Introduction Since man existed there has been trade between different people and countries: from the Greek and Persian to Romans which highlighted the economic importance. Goods that were traded were mainly timber, textiles and precious metal. During this period they made business transactions using credit facilities. The First and the...

Words: 3837 Pages: 14
Political Ideology

Ideological Solution to Global Peace

Today the world includes more than one hundred and fifty different countries that vary from each other in their history and culture. After surviving two World Wars, many other challenges, including local disputes, frozen conflicts, cyber-attacks, and genocides, continue to occur year after year. On this basis, the importance of...

Words: 691 Pages: 3
International Organizations

EU’s Homeland Security as a Part of Its Foreign Policy

The European Union is an active and influential actor in international relations. Its political activities are closely linked to supranational bodies. Their existence indicates that the EU is not just an economic but also a political association. The various areas of their activities depend significantly on countries outside the Union,...

Words: 311 Pages: 1
International Trade

Trade Partners of France

These days, not only is France one of the leaders among European countries, but it is also one of the most modern nations around the world. France, being a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council, the G-7, the G-20, the EU, NATO, and other multilateral organizations, plays an...

Words: 530 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

U.S. Political Office You Would Like to Run For

Justifying the choice The US Senate is one of two houses of Congress responsible for the legislative representation of all state subjects and hinders the progressive but sometimes frivolous ideas of the House of Representatives. In general, the atmosphere in each senator’s convocation is moderately democratic, with an emphasis on...

Words: 1200 Pages: 4
International Organizations

The EU and NATO: Role of the Relationship

Maintaining stability and peace throughout the world is a challenging task, requiring the cooperation of forces from all countries of the globe. However, since the interests of many countries do not coincide in matters of world order, it is almost impossible to form one alliance. Therefore, the world community was...

Words: 1202 Pages: 4
Civil Rights

Civil Liberties in the Supreme Court

Every nation that positions itself as a democratic one should provide its citizens with appropriate rights and civil liberties. These phenomena ensure that individuals will not experience unlawful actions against their freedoms on behalf of the government without due process. However, it is sad to say that violations of civil...

Words: 892 Pages: 3

Using Psychology to Influence Voting

Introduction In any democratic process, the choice of candidate to support is a complex choice guided by several psychological principles. A skilled candidate can learn to apply these principles and improve the voters’ attitude on him or herself and increase his or her chance to be elected. Some possible strategies...

Words: 614 Pages: 2

A Better Electoral System in Canada

The way people choose their leaders, or the electoral system, is important because it determines the composition of legislatures. Canada uses the outdated single-member plurality, which is commonly known as “first past the post” (FPTP) system. This voting modality has been in place for over a century, and it allows...

Words: 599 Pages: 2
Political Culture

The Importance of Keeping Police Systems Open

Introduction There is no doubt that any of the existing organizational structures undergo evolutionary changes over time. Norms and working procedures that were relevant fifty years ago are becoming inexpedient and outdated in modern management practice. The organizations whose professional activities are directly related to the provision of daily services...

Words: 1374 Pages: 5
International Relations Theories

Marxism and Realism in International Relationships

Introduction Realism orientated scholars might be found in fields like social theory and sociology, management studies, law and geography, feminism, and economics. In turn, Marxism was not demanded within several decades, nevertheless, remaining one of the leading intellectual perspectives. It is noteworthy that many of Marxism’s opponents recognize its main...

Words: 1160 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

How Does Influence Affect Unit Readiness?

The ultimate aim of any military unit, including a platoon and a company, is to meet the outlined operational demands. Such an objective is possible when lieutenants and captains apply appropriate strategies to guide and influence their soldiers. The inclusion of principles and standards will compel soldiers to act swiftly,...

Words: 551 Pages: 2
International Organizations

Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP)

Common Security and Defense Policy (CSDP) is an integral part of the Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) of the European Union. It already includes both military and civilian operations, which are required to preserve peace, prevent conflicts, and conduct humanitarian activities. Therefore, the overall future of CSDP is bright,...

Words: 290 Pages: 1
Public Services

Dubai Roads and Transport Authority’s Policy Brief

Introduction An opportunity to strengthen the urban transport system is an objective that can not only enhance the local infrastructure but also increase the credibility of the city in the context of its administrative system. This appeal is directed to the Road and Transport Authority (RTA) of Dubai, the board...

Words: 1950 Pages: 7
International Trade

China-US Trade War and Impact on Global Community

The economic conflict between the United States and China has escalated to its maximum this year with new accusations and import tariff threats. The concept of fair trade implies transparent policy in international trading activities, while free trade is an agreement between countries on an unlimited movement of goods and...

Words: 893 Pages: 3
Political Culture

Should We Consider Trump a Populist?

Introduction A populist represents an individual, particularly a politician, who endeavors to please the ordinary folks who have a feeling that their issues are ignored by the recognized elite leaders or groups. Therefore, the practices of populists seek to divide people instead of uniting them. A populist splits a country...

Words: 1969 Pages: 7
Political Ideology

Tocqueville and the Idea of America Moving toward Communism

Introduction Since the evolution of the political thought within a particular country is defined to a significant degree by the relevant social, economic, and cultural factors outside of political influences, estimating the potential choices of avenues for development is a challenging task. Moreover, depending on the perspective that one might...

Words: 1988 Pages: 7
Law Enforcement

War on Polio and War on Drugs: Comparative Analysis

Introduction The term “war,” referring to a set of measures taken by the US government with regard to a specific problem, signifies their magnitude and radicality. In this sense, the War on Polio is a less known but highly illustrative example. According to Oshinsky, American officials’ policies were primarily focused...

Words: 1276 Pages: 7

Re-Election of Donald Trump

On January 20, 2017, Donald Trump officially became president of the United States. Trump is approaching the end of his third year in power with fairly high ratings, but his position is not so stable. If Trump makes serious mistakes, he will be defeated by a Democratic candidate Joe Biden...

Words: 928 Pages: 3
International Relations Theories

The European Union : International Relation Theories

Introduction The foundation of the European Community (EC), which later evolved into the European Union (EU), is considered an achievement of twenty-century world politics. Being a supranational entity, the EU represents a particular interest in political studies. The Union became a powerful actor in modern politics, which causes the need...

Words: 1228 Pages: 4

Barack Obama’s Speech Analysis

As a way of dispelling the fears of some White Americans as well as to advance his chances of winning the trust of people, Barack Obama delivered an important address concerning race matters in the United Speech. On March 18, 2008, Obama expressed his intention to move the US to...

Words: 327 Pages: 1
Military Leadership

Reasons for a Tighter Gun Control in the United States

Introduction The issue of gun control has attracted attention of many stakeholders in the United States within the past two decades, including policymakers, members of the public, attorneys, courts, and politicians. Some people have been interpreting this divisive subject from different perspectives due to the involved social, security, and constitutional...

Words: 1668 Pages: 6

Abraham Lincoln’s Second Inaugural Address: Analysis

Abraham Lincoln delivered the second inaugural address in 1865 when the Civil War and slavery were almost over in the USA. However, the speech was not filled with merriness or contentedness. On the contrary, it was permeated with sorrow and humility in the face of heaven’s will. Major themes of...

Words: 294 Pages: 1
International Organizations

The World Health Organization and its Role

With the rise of globalization, countries have become tightly interconnected, encouraging both domestic and international travel. Public health has become a global concern – an outbreak in one region has the potential to spread to other continents quickly because of the fast movement of people across the globe. The World...

Words: 371 Pages: 1

Representing a Democracy of Florida

A democratic environment needs to be sustained by the people that serve their demographics best and are capable of fostering diversity and creating equal opportunities for community members. However, to select the people that suit the specified position best, voters need to familiarize themselves with the policies that their electives...

Words: 1147 Pages: 4
International Law

Use of Force: Is It Justified?

The use of force by is often justified as the ultimate measure against the scenarios that involve an immediate threat to the well-being of any of the parties involved, especially the victim or innocent bystanders. However, the problem of power abuse by the party that ostensibly uses it in self-defense...

Words: 1148 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

The Donovian Forces’ Influence on the USA

The U.S. military is affected by the efforts of the Donovan forces in undermining its military activity. This could have significant consequences for the war, and thus it is essential to find ways of overcoming the resistance. To explain further, the Donovan forces use a combination of public media and...

Words: 275 Pages: 1

The Process of the U.S. Presidential Elections

In people’s everyday lives, they have to face various types of discrimination. Fortunately, there is a possibility to fight with it since the citizens’ rights and liberties are guaranteed and protected by the Constitution. Even though some of the freedoms stated in the Bill of Rights are clearly formulated, none...

Words: 631 Pages: 2
Political Theory

Health Inequity: Institutions and Ideologies

Introduction The idea of equity as the potential of every person to achieve the same quality of life regardless of their background appears to be the goal of human rights advocates. Among the aspects of this principle, health equity is considered as well; it is not a presence of equal...

Words: 2535 Pages: 9
Military Leadership

Deterrence and Mutually Assured Destruction

Concept The concept of mutually assured destruction is one of the things that the Cold War has left the world. Following this military doctrine, the use of weapons of mass destruction by one of the warring parties inevitably leads to the destruction of both sides. This doctrine appeared as a...

Words: 401 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Federal vs. State Judges and Their Power

The judicial system of the United States is divided into federal and state courts. Federal courts deal with the cases of federal offenses, whereas the state ones hear the cases of offenses within a state. The power of judges depends on what court they belong to, and they have different...

Words: 306 Pages: 1
Political Culture

The Impact of the Watergate Scandal

Watergate Scandal is regarded as one of the highly controversial incidents ever to occur in the United States of America. The Watergate Scandal occurred on 17th June of 1972, when burgles attempted to break into the Democratic National Committee offices. Unfortunately, the investigation revealed that President Richard Nixon and his...

Words: 545 Pages: 2
Military Leadership

The Concept of Mission Command

In the present day, mission command may be regarded as a highly significant military concept, and its full-scale implementation in the army of the United States will be immeasurably beneficial. In general, mission command is a specific type of military command that combines centralized intent and commanders’ control with necessary...

Words: 1690 Pages: 6
Military Leadership

Leadership in the U.S. Army

When people unite to achieve a common goal, they need to stay focused, agree with each other, and create and follow a certain plan. However, it may be challenging to stay organized, and that is why leaders are necessary. In its essence, leadership is the unique art of motivating a...

Words: 293 Pages: 1
Political Culture

Canadian Nationalism in Culture and Politics

Canadian Culture Canada’s diversity is a distinct aspect of its culture, which distinguishes it from other countries around the world. Canadian society is made up of an infusion of indigenous and immigrant cultures, which have both been blended to create a national hegemonic identity of what it means to be...

Words: 2234 Pages: 8

Bill Nelson: Biography

Background and History of Political Involvement Bill Nelson is a member of the Democratic Party and a senior US Senator from Florida. His family comes from Panhandle making him a “true son of Florida” (Biography, 2017, para. 1). He started his public service back in 1972 with electing to the...

Words: 942 Pages: 3
International Trade

International Trade and Its Benefits to Canada

Analytical Report Canada has become one of the most desired countries to invest in across the decades. The reason for that is rather simple: Canadian labor is well-educated, and the economy is strong with its international business experience that had grown quite wealthy as of late (“Why invest in Canada?”...

Words: 2462 Pages: 9
Law Enforcement

The USA Patriot Act Overview and Analysis

Introduction The PATRIOT Act became federal law in October of 2001. It was quickly accepted by Congress just a month and a half following the September 11 attacks. Pressure to pass homeland security legislation prevailed over the need to understand what the 342 page Act entailed. Most Congressmen admit to...

Words: 2021 Pages: 6

Campaign for Any Political Office in the United States

A successful political campaign depends on several factors, many of which are the responsibility of the candidates themselves. Primarily, a potential candidate must create a good plan for their campaign that will include a list of the essential components (Priyowidodo & Sari, 2019). One of them is targeting. This is...

Words: 295 Pages: 1
Political Culture

Treaty-Making and Dispossession of Indian People

In the nineteenth century, the United States reached a strong authority, directly touching the local Native nations. The basic concept of negotiated treaties between the United States and the Indian people implied the declared peace and companionship between the established American government and the Native population (Calloway). However, such treaties...

Words: 310 Pages: 1

Truman’s Inaugural Address

Introduction The Cold War was a period of severe geopolitical tension between the Soviet Union and the US which emerged following World War II and lasted until the USSR’s dissolution. Harry Truman’s inaugural speech, which he delivered on January 20, 1949, became the starting point of intense Cold War rivalry...

Words: 1147 Pages: 4

Democracy: Durbin’s, Duckworth’s, and Krishinamoorthi’s Positions

Introduction My home address is in Illinois; as in every state, it is represented in Congress. Senators for the 8th Congressional District are Richard Durbin and Tammy Duckworth; the district’s representative, or congressman, is Raja Krishnamoorthi (LeRoy, 2017). All of them are experienced politicians who carry out important activities for...

Words: 1465 Pages: 5
Military Leadership

South China’s Contingency Intelligence Augmentation Plan

Introduction The Sino-American relationship is incredibly complex in the modern-day, consisting of a strong military and intelligence apparatus with differing national interests, but also extremely intertwined economies as the two large powerhouses of the world. However, there are many points of friction from economic, political, and military perspectives. As Chinese...

Words: 4456 Pages: 16
Political Theory

Bureaucracy and Its Role in Society

Bureaucracy is a relevant concept in sociology, first described by Max Weber in the homonymous essay in 1921. Nowadays, it is usually associated with a range of negative tendencies, such as operation delays, redundant requirements of documentation, a non-transparent system of standards, and other complexities in meeting customers’ needs. However,...

Words: 402 Pages: 1

Elections: Third Parties in the USA

First, it is vital to state that in the United States, there is no specific piece of legislation that establishes the two-party system; instead, it is the consequence of the winner-take-all voting system. Legally, any candidate can take part in the elections, as long as they meet the criteria, but...

Words: 558 Pages: 2

The Presidential Elections in the United States

Introduction The Presidential voting system in the USA is traditionally carried out within the realm of the Electoral College, a body of official electors who define the President of the state every four years. Although this approach to electing mostly represents the will of the majority of the population, sometimes...

Words: 1423 Pages: 5
International Relations Theories

Alternative Theories in International Relations

One should be aware that there is a wide range of different perspectives in international relations, which allow people to understand and look at the major issues from varying angles. In addition, they are critical to deepen and broaden the overall appreciation for the complexity of the field because each...

Words: 284 Pages: 1
Political Ideology

The Invalidity of Violence in Political Action

Humanity’s history is associated with numerous political developments and changes, many of which have taken place in violent circumstances. Many of the best-known political events in history were violent revolutions, with the French Revolution being credited as the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of modern democracy. As a...

Words: 2202 Pages: 8
Political Theory

Changing State-Society Relationship in China

In establishing the relation between state and society, based on the provided case study, in the context of civil society, state corporatism and societal corporatism indicate civil society as the final destination, where the changes and the reforms throughout the last decades will ultimately lead to it. The interpretations of...

Words: 1248 Pages: 3
Political Culture

Is Conflict the Natural Outcome of Interaction?

Conflict is an inherent trait of human nature, and conflicts between different states are highly probable and anticipated. All states pursue their interests and goals, and in the majority of cases, modern world states rarely commit to military solutions of disputed problems. However, such disputes remain extremely prevalent, whether they...

Words: 610 Pages: 2

Donald Trump’s Solutions to America’s Problems

The United States is undergoing an era of controversial and threatening developments. Despite the polarization of citizens based on the affiliation to one of the two major political parties, the overall population agrees on most current issues. Not only is such compliance a sign of surrendering to the majority opinion,...

Words: 831 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Roles of Non-Commissioned Officers in the US Army

Modern U.S. Army greatly benefits from non-commissioned officers (NCOs) who have varied sets of knowledge unrelated to military activities. For example, NCOs in Panama sometimes need to learn about new skills, tools, and duties outside of regular NCO missions (Jones, 2016). Cates and Quitugua (2018) state that “significant changes were...

Words: 277 Pages: 1
International Law

How International Law Prohibits the Use of Force

Introduction To begin with it is necessary to mention that the International Law is aimed to restrict the use of force or the threat of force, still, there are laws, regulating the principles of fair war and the principles of self defense. The central point of dealing with international law...

Words: 1357 Pages: 5
Civil Rights

Political Justice: Muslims’ Discrimination

Chief Justice Sonia Sotomayor’s opinion is appealing because her standpoint concerning Muslims’ discrimination is valid. The primary issue for her expressing her viewpoint is that Trump banned Muslim citizens from such countries as Iran, Iraq, Syria, and a couple of others to enter the United States. However, this ban contradicts...

Words: 276 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Correctional System and Its Effects

Problem statement The concept of a corrections system is not new in American society, but has undergone important changes which have improved the manner in which prisoners are treated and controlled in prisons. Prison development programs of the earlier times followed the doctrines of moral instruction to control and punish...

Words: 3861 Pages: 15

The Vulnerability of American Elections

The recent events showed that the American election process is highly vulnerable to direct outside influence in the form of cyberattacks. Although the elections have always had a number of issues regarding voting and accuracy, the emergence of technological cyber threats undermines the core pillars of democracy. It is evident...

Words: 746 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

The Concept of Police Corruption

Over the years, a number of scandals have shaken society with the involvement of police officers in various misconduct. Police misconduct can be characterized as inappropriate or illegal conduct by law enforcement in performance of official duties, ranging from misappropriation of force and unwarranted searches to coercion, falsification of evidence,...

Words: 1736 Pages: 6

Redistricting in the State of Texas

The process of redistricting is important because it shapes the ability of a community to choose representatives. The existence of equal access to party-political exemplification is also crucial because it contributes to how voters decide the outcomes of their actions and how predictable those outcomes could be. This is why...

Words: 566 Pages: 2
Political Culture

Anecdotal and Political in James Baldwin’s Essays

It would inevitably be an oversimplification to attempt summarizing James Baldwin with one term. He was not merely the essayist, but a novelist as well, not only an author, but also an activist, and so forth. Yet while his contribution to the discussion of race and any other adjacent issues...

Words: 859 Pages: 3
Law Enforcement

Police Brutality against African Americans in America

Abstract The seriousness of the issue of policemen’s violence cannot be underestimated. Police brutality is only one of the manifestations of racial discrimination in the USA. The solution to this problem requires the use of an interdisciplinary approach. Education, sociology, and history are the sciences that are investigated in the...

Words: 2085 Pages: 7
Law Enforcement

Police Misconduct: Factors That Lead to the Vice

Section A The United States has been treated to periodic scandals involving gross misconduct by police officers in various law enforcement agencies which have managed to make their way into the public domain. A good example is the videotaping of police brutality in Los Angeles as policemen assaulted Rodney King....

Words: 6284 Pages: 18
International Organizations

Global Governance Structuring International Cooperation

Different types of international governmental organizations are available in the light of global cooperation and unified action: United Nations Organisation and its many organs, such as UNICEF, UNCTAD, UNDP, UN Security Council, etc. Although the UN is seen as the prime global governance body, there are also other specialized and...

Words: 612 Pages: 2

Political Parties, Political Participation, Campaigns and Elections

Introduction Comprehension of U.S. electorate, campaigns, and political parties is essential, as it helps citizens to make informed decisions. Presidential elections in the United States can appear complicated due to various practices and steps involved. However, distinguishing between different types of procedures, and learning more about different ways voters can...

Words: 2248 Pages: 9
Law Enforcement

The Current Policing Strategy of the New York City Police Department

Nowadays, the necessity to discard the current policing strategy of the New York City Police Department (NYPD) is becoming evident both for authorities and citizens. The recent cases of tragic police misconduct saw people fleeing to the streets of New York in June. Citizens express their discontent with the current...

Words: 918 Pages: 3

E-government and Democracy

Introduction E-government and democracy, put together, is simply one segment of e-democracy mystery. Be it online advocacy, lobbying, political views, discussions, or activism, the contemporary governance is moving towards being online globally. What is yet to be known is whether both aspects of politics and governance as is known would...

Words: 2654 Pages: 10
International Law

Jus Cogens and Legal Responsibilities of States

Introduction Jus cogens is an international principle of public law that is generally accepted by the international community as a norm that cannot be terminated. Even though the majority of states currently admit the existence of peremptory law, its identification attracts particular attention from international judges, lawyers, and scholars. The...

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Public Services

Miami Community Assessment: Main Points

Population and Geographic Miami’s population as of 2018 is 470,000 (“Miami, FL”). 74 % of the Miami population is of Hispanic ethnicity (“Miami, FL”). The highest-paid race in Miami is Asian. Fourth of the population in Miami is under the poverty rate. Miami is the most populous area in the...

Words: 589 Pages: 2

Andrew Jackson’s First Inaugural Address

Inauguration speeches are a norm that indicates the pace of administration. The incoming president pre-empties his or her goals and desires for a country, as seen in Andrew Jackson’s first inaugural speech. Jackson promised an accountable administration that would not be filled with inefficient individuals, and he implied that his...

Words: 286 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Law Enforcement Agencies

Obtaining compensation for law enforcement errors is quite rare and not provided everywhere. In most criminal justice systems, it is formally possible to review or abolish wrongful convictions. However, it is often quite problematic to actually achieve this. The majority of victims are suspects of non-serious crimes since they are...

Words: 285 Pages: 1
Political Theory

Federalism: Challenges and Debates

The interest in the theory and practice of federalism, federal relations, the federal structure of states has always been quite high among legal scholars, lawyers, political scientists in connection with the great importance of these problems for the development of human society. This is due to the need to further...

Words: 2480 Pages: 9
Law Enforcement

Hollywood vs. Reality Officer Involved Shootings Video

There is no secret that shooting as it is portrayed in Hollywood movies is quite removed from reality when compared to a real-life shooting incident. In reality, shootings tend to be significantly more messy and dangerous, leaving a lasting impact on an officer’s life, as shown in the video “Hollywood...

Words: 367 Pages: 1
Political Theory

Social Contract Theory and Power

Introduction Political power and its execution are tightly linked with the concept of social contract theory. The latter is based on the notion that citizens are willing to partially give up their sovereignty to the government to achieve collective benefit for the whole society. The social contract theory is one...

Words: 1958 Pages: 7
Law Enforcement

The Reputation of Law Enforcement: Negative Impact of Police Violence

The validity and legitimacy of legal authority institutions are often undermined by high-profile cases of police violence and brutality. As a social issue, police violence has existed for decades; however, the recent proliferation of recording technologies has made it as exposed as ever. Tragic instances such as the deaths of...

Words: 834 Pages: 3
International Trade

Exporting Deals Between the UK and South Africa: The Advantages and Disadvantages

Introduction World Trade Organization (WTO) is a transformation of GATT (General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs (GATT). GATT was formed in the year 1947 for the promotion of world trade at the global level especially among the member countries. GATT is the result of restrictions imposed by countries on the...

Words: 5269 Pages: 20
Political Theory

Neoliberalism and Human Suffering

Neoliberalism is associated with the quest by states to organize their affairs using free-market principles as the founding pillars. This philosophy suggests that there should be minimal interference in the market from the state or any other external actor because it corrects itself naturally (McGuigan, 2015; Van Valkenburgh, 2019). Similarly,...

Words: 1021 Pages: 11

Florida State Representatives Background and Politics

Introduction Florida has a diverse population, necessitating varied representation within the government. Currently, Florida has two Republican senators, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott, and a Democrat, the 24th congressional district representative, Frederica Wilson (“Florida’s 24th Congressional District,” n.d.). American democracy requires informed citizens, meaning the voters should be aware of...

Words: 1223 Pages: 4
Public Services

Impact of the Indian Ocean on the United Arab Emirates

The history of the United Arab Emirates (UAE) development is linked to the political, economic, and social ties with other states that were enabled by the Indian Ocean. This ocean served as a link between the UAE’s and other parts of the globe. Initially used for trade purposes, the migration...

Words: 1933 Pages: 7
Law Enforcement

Social Media for Law Enforcement

“Social Media: Establishing Criteria for Law Enforcement Use” is an article which was written by Robert D. Stuart on the official FBI Law Enforcement Bulletin. It discusses one of the most controversial questions regarding the safety and privacy of officers. The relevance of this topic cannot be overestimated because, at...

Words: 848 Pages: 3
International Organizations

International Organizations and Interstate Cooperation

Introduction Cooperation between countries has been analyzed as long as the world exists. While some states are in a constant state of conflict, others try to find resolutions to complicated situations and endeavor to mitigate disagreements. Quite often, the participation of a third-party state is necessary for the successful resolution...

Words: 2516 Pages: 9
Public Services

Brunswick Community Assessment

Brunswick is a coastal town in Glynn County, Georgia, with beautiful architecture and plenty of green areas. The total population is 16 256 people, according to the 2019 U.S. census (Quick Facts, 2019). Brunswick is an old city that got its name in 1771 and was established as a city...

Words: 1732 Pages: 6
International Law

Sovereignty and International Law

Countries believe in the idea of state sovereignty where each country has the right to dictate on what goes on within its boundaries without interference from other countries. This notion has existed for a long time and is aimed at reducing incidences of countries fighting. Each country has the freedom...

Words: 638 Pages: 2

Women in the U.S. Politics

Women have attained a significant milestone in United States politics and political leadership. According to McBride and Parry, the first gathering dedicated to women’s civil liberties in America occurred in 1848 at Seneca Falls, New York (13). The meeting is commonly known as the Seneca Falls Convention and it emphasized...

Words: 332 Pages: 1
Political Culture

Sustainable Capitalism: Utopia or Reality

Capitalism, like socialism and communism, relieson industrial development strategies. They are not the only factor of capitalism success, as otherwise, socialism could succeed either. Capitalism emphasizes on individual self-interests being uniquely complementary to specialization, consolidation, and standardization of industrial control strategies. Industrialism, combined with capitalism, led the world economy to...

Words: 1198 Pages: 4
International Relations Theories

Israeli Entrepreneurship’ Contribution to Peace in the Gulf Countries

Introduction The normalization of diplomatic relations with neighboring countries in times of political tensions might facilitate the process of resolving a conflict. The emerging changes in both business and the nature of conflict bring new perspectives on the interpretation of entrepreneurship and peace. Indeed, according to Nelson, the private sector...

Words: 1394 Pages: 5

The First Presidential Debate 2020: President Trump Versus Biden

The first presidential debate held on September 29, 2020, pitted the incumbent Donald Trump with presidential candidate Joe Biden. The purpose of the discussion was to allow the two candidates to talk about their plans once they assume the presidency. However, things turned out differently, with a significant portion of...

Words: 276 Pages: 1
Law Enforcement

Education for Criminal Justice and Police Socialization

The education and training of new employees play an immeasurably significant role in criminal justice. While the judicial system has a substantially long history, education and further professional training for judges and prosecutors appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century (Kania & Davis, 2018). Multiple states formerly permitted...

Words: 570 Pages: 2
Law Enforcement

Criminal Justice Systems of the US and Colombia

Criminal Justice System, is the means for society to enforce the standards of conduct necessary to protect individuals and the community (President’s Commission on Law Enforcement and Administration of Justice 1967). As a component of Criminal Law it is that body of laws which defines criminal conduct and treats its...

Words: 2123 Pages: 7
International Organizations

The Role of the UN in the Promotion of Human Rights

Introduction The United Nations represented ideologies, political systems, religious and cultural backgrounds, and various stages of economic development. They aimed at ensuring the document they were drafting gave a picture of various cultural traditions and integrate common values inbuilt in the world’s principal legal systems, religious and philosophical traditions (Mertus...

Words: 2050 Pages: 7
Public Services

Cluster Analysis: Region Outline

Region Profile The Emirate of Dubai is a semi-autonomous member of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). It is situated in the south-eastern corner of the Arabian Peninsula, near the entrance to the Persian Gulf. The emirate’s capital city of Dubai is also its main population and economic center. Dubai’s natural...

Words: 1851 Pages: 16
Military Leadership

Multi-Domain Operations of Army

Introduction The modern world is changing and requires the development of new methods, new approaches to all areas. One of these areas is the military, as the unstable political situation needs timely and correct measures. It is impossible to try to maintain peace in a dynamic reality while clinging to...

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Political Sciences. “Founding Brothers” Book by Ellis

Introduction The book presents the history of the US through a different perspective in comparison to other literature on the subject. Joseph Ellis uses his book, Founding Brothers, to illustrate the history of the US in the post-revolution era. The book presents a non-fiction history of the formation of the...

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Political Theory

Utopia: Ideal State Basic Principles

Introduction What is an ideal state? There is no universal answer to this question. One might suggest that no one will ever be able to come up with such a perfect model that will satisfy the needs of all people. Nevertheless, it might be stated that everyone thought about how...

Words: 944 Pages: 3
Military Leadership

Broadening Assignments Employment in the United States Army

The United States Army is one of the eight branches of the United States Armed Forces, which specializes in land warfare. The Army does not only specialize in combat operations but also protects civil authorities with the Army National Guard. Therefore, two branches of the United States Army can be...

Words: 448 Pages: 2
Political Ideology

People’s Republic of China Elite Studies

Introduction This article focuses on the political changes that have occurred in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Scholars use various methods to explain the political changes in PRC. However, the political changes in the PRC defy explanation and prediction. Analysis of the people who manipulate power (elites) in China...

Words: 1166 Pages: 4

The Role of the United Nations in Peacekeeping

Summary According to the UN, peacekeeping is understood as a way of assisting nations affected with conflicts to develop conditions that facilitate sustainable peace. UN security officials keep an eye on the post-conflict regions and aides conflicting parties to implement the peace treaties signed. The role of the UN in...

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Political Ideology

Why Capitalism Started in Europe and Dominated the World

As societies evolved and civilization progressed, various economic systems emerged, persisted for some time, and then replaced by a seemingly better system from feudalism through mercantilism and socialism to capitalism. These economic models sought to address specific needs in society at the time, but when new challenges or needs egressed,...

Words: 2843 Pages: 10
International Relations Theories

International Relations Theories: Realism & Green Politics

Classical and Structural Realism Realism is a theory that explains international relations (IR) in terms of power and points at the conflictual and competitive nature of those relations. It emerged as a response to liberalism and has a more pessimistic view on human nature and the motives of international politics....

Words: 1204 Pages: 4
Military Leadership

The US Navy: Organizational Behavior

Introduction Organizational behavior is defined as the study of the interdependence between human behavior and organizational settings. As every reliable organization has its own unique culture, corporate values, guidelines, and visions substantially affect the behavioral patterns of employees. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of various...

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