Political Ideology Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

The Communist Manifesto: Overview, Purpose, and Significance

The Communist Manifesto is a document by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels describing the goals and methods of the struggle of communist organizations against the capitalist class society. This work emerged in a collaboration between the two authors, culminating in the publication of the first version of the Manifesto in...

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Refuting the Advantages of Communism

Peruvian economist and writer Hernando de Soto has spent decades researching the economics of the developing and post-Soviet world. In Lima, Peru, he founded and became the head of the Institute of Freedom and Democracy (ILD). In the video The Power of The Poor, he gives examples that refute the...

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Neoliberalism in America’s Politics

Nowadays, the U.S. is more divided politically than ever before. Thus, it is essential to study this process and explore its causes, one of which is neoliberalism. It is an entire economic paradigm that the U.S. entered during the presidency of Ronald Reagan. The speaker in the video states that...

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The Topic of Democracy in Various Speeches

Political speeches can be perceived as an instrument intended to help a public figure to translate their thoughts and aspirations to a form that could link communities together. Politicians and their audience would then pursue a common cause and follow the language and symbols displayed by the given leader to...

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Social Democratic Welfare State

Social democracy is one of the three forms of welfare capitalism presented by political theorist Esping-Andersen. The social democratic regime is also known as a universalistic system, where the state offers welfare to maintain high standards and promote equality at all levels of society. There is no division to access...

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Aspects of Political Science

The president has the authority to regulate commerce and other businesses in the country through the issuance of Executive Orders. They are issued from the white house straight to the Executive arm of the government to act accordingly. It is a compulsory requirement and affects the country’s law. From Trump’s...

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Discussion of Capitalism and Socialism

Background The concept of capitalism described an economic system, or in Marx’s (1867) words, a “mode of production” that is based on the private ownership of means of production (p. 41). The main idea of capitalism is that the purpose of the means of production, i.e., property utilized to produce...

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Ideas of Socialism in United States

I think that reading about the Chilean popular unity government program was both especially interesting and informative. In the United States, ideas of socialism and redistribution of power have always been intrinsically connected with totalitarian regimes and the red scare, meaning that the overall impression regarding social countries is not...

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Hernando de Soto’s Opinion on Communism

Having got familiar with Hernando de Soto’s viewpoint on communism, it seems clear that he considered most promises of the left empty and illusory. De Soto was a straightforward follower of capitalistic ideas and fought hard to address the issues concerning poverty among the same believers as him. Overall, Hernando...

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Significance of the Navy Chief Petty Officer’s Anchor

Introduction Navy officers of the United States and service members have long accepted the senior enlisted community’s particular power to command, which connects these teams and is important to the achievement of Navy missions. Despite this, little has been published on the organization that makes the Chief Petty Officer’s cadre...

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Political Participation in Christian Worldview

Before discussing how my participation in Indonesian politics can be evaluated through the lenses of the Christian Worldview, it is important to mention that the latter is not a fixed set of rules. Indeed, Bible is quite open to various interpretations, and therefore there is no unity in opinion on...

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Ideological Beliefs for Liberals, Marxists, and Conservatives

Introduction It is hard to disagree that almost each person and every society has particular ideas, thoughts, beliefs, or views on how this world or their country should work. Without these principles, it is impossible for any order to appear. All people “have views on the ‘correct’ form of government,...

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Democracy Description as a Political System

Democracy is a term that is applied to describe the political system of government, an idea and concept based on the principles of popular power. The word “democracy” has an ancient Greek origin because it was there that the main ideas of the democratic concept of governance were formed and...

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Democrats and Communists in 1950

The era of the Red Scare was difficult due to the constant fear of communism within the United States. Senator Joseph McCarthy and his policies that shaped the term “McCarthyism” were a central point in this confrontation. They resulted in the crumbling of numerous careers due to the questions on...

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Nationalism, Socialism, and Capitalism in Indonesia

Nationalism, socialism, and capitalism are three central concepts that Indonesian political and social life revolves around. As for the former, the country experienced significant growth in nationalistic sentiments since the end of Suharto’s rule and reached its peak in the middle of the previous decade. As such, new Indonesian nationalists’...

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The Source’s Ideological Perspective

The source’s ideological perspective demonstrates that adherence to democratic principles might be challenging and result in unpopular decisions criticized by the majority; moreover, following the selected course demands courage and destination from a leader; however, this devotion and readiness to remain honest can be rewarded measuring outcomes and accepting the...

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Examining the Function of the Congress

In the U.S. political setting, the creation of law is preceded by the development of a bill. For a bill to transform into law, it must pass several critical stages. Namely, seven steps are typically outlined when discussing the transformation of a bill into law (United States Senate). First, a...

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Native Sovereignty and Canadian Sovereignty: A Debate

The question of Aboriginal rights in Canada has received little attention from the public and policymakers. As such, the majority of Canadians are oblivious of the pertinent issues that affect Aboriginals in terms of land ownership among the Natives, greater autonomy, and self-governance. The issue of Native sovereignty is sensitive...

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Nation-Building Challenge in the Middle East

National identity underlies the formation of many modern states. Identity has historically been called upon to unite people, mainly in opposition to other dissimilar communities. This is the duality of this phenomenon – on the one hand, it generates cooperation and political power, and on the other, it leads to...

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Discussion of Capitalism Political Ideology

It goes without saying that as a particular economic system, capitalism has already become an intrinsic part of modern Western society that affects millions of people. Capitalism has four fundamental features that include the existence of companies, a competitive market, the goal of making a profit, and the ownership of...

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The US and the World-Systems Theory

Immanuel Wallerstein emphasizes world systems more than nation-states in several issues such as politics, history, sociology, and others. He discusses the world system as a social reality having nations, households, firms, social classes, and others interconnected. He also explains the critical moments in developing the modern world system through the...

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Trends That Define Global Politics Today

In his TED talk, Joseph Nye argues that the “tectonic plates” of power in the world are shifting. In particular, the speaker singles out two overarching trends that define global politics today. Firstly, it is a power shift from West to East, and secondly, it is the diffusion of power...

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US Citizenship Test Review

One of the questions I think is important in the citizenship test is “who makes laws in the United States?” This is an important question because laws govern society, and it is essential to know who makes them. In addition, people applying for a US citizenship must understand the legislative...

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The Variety of Capitalism (VoC) Approach and Examples

The modern epoch of globalization cements the ties among national economies that influence each other increasingly more seriously. Therefore, it is becoming critical to examine the principles different states rely on to reach economic prosperity. This can be done effectively with the Variety of Capitalism (VoC) approach. Its multi-dimensional framework...

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Impact of Colonialism on Africa’s Politics

Introduction African politics remains a unique subject that provides unique and powerful lessons to more students and leaders. The continent is characterized by many countries with unique processes, aspects, ideas, and goals that are different from the ones recorded elsewhere across the globe. The region is characterized by countries with...

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The Views of Smith and Marx in Their Works

Adam Smith’s Wealth of Nations is a work which ultimately allowed people to become familiar at least at a basic level with how free-market economies work. The concept of the “invisible hand,” which Smith described in the book, outlines how individuals can unknowingly contribute to society’s well-being through personal efforts....

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Difference Between Liberal and Marxist Understandings of Human Freedom

Liberalism and Marxism are comparative theoretical perspectives on human freedom that has sparked debates in education. However, differentiating between the two models is challenging. Liberalism involves the ideology, political construct, and philosophy indicating that a person’s freedoms form the legal base of the society and economic order. Liberalism aims to...

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Security and Regulatory Measures: Application of Security Vulnerability Assessment

A Security Vulnerability Assessment (SVA) is a useful tool for international banking because this field requires powerful measures of security control. International banks depend on their digital systems, must comply with regulatory standards to avoid fines and bans, and should satisfy their customers’ demands to maintain competitiveness. They should respond...

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Spread of Capitalism, Imperialism and Globalization

Capitalism started in Europe, specifically in England due to the weak feudal system, which gave peasants land rights and the bargaining power to dictate market trends for agricultural produce based on forces of demand and supply. Competition among peasants created room for job specialization and improved productivity, thus allowing farmers...

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Just War Theory: The Conflict in Iraq

The just war theory is an idea from military ethics, theology, and political philosophy. The revival of the just war theory relates to the desire to find objective moral criteria of justification for the armed force. The primary goal of the concept is to provide a morally justifiable reason for...

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Creating a Presidential Campaign Plan in the US

My home state is Maryland, and I represent the Republican Party. My campaign slogan is “It’s always been a matter of trust”. It is a line from the theme song I will use, called “A Matter of Trust” by Billy Joel. I chose this song because I do believe that...

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Nuclear Waste Storage in Nevada

One of the most pressing problems of the state of Nevada is the disposal of nuclear waste, the history of which dates back to the days of the Cold War. Fierce disputes are due to constructing the only US repository for spent nuclear fuel in the Yucca Mountains of Nevada....

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Discussion of Authoritarianism in Modern World

It is agreeable on what conservatives argue about many liberals adopting the norm of political correctness. Senator Tim Scott’s opinion on woke supremacy raised concerns about what is right or wrong on social matters (Sandys, 2021). The senator, who criticized the notion that being in a particular political movement guarantees...

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The Constitution as a Controversial Document

Introduction In 1776, Scottish political economist Adam Smith discussed “Mercantilism” in his book called “The Wealth of Nations.” Here he argues that Mercantilism represents a theory standing for a nation to gain economic power; the state needs to export more than it imports. When Stuarts came to rule, the new...

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CSR Campaigns Used in the UAE

As the effectiveness of CSR practices has been previously analyzed for Western countries with regard to their economies, it was necessary to see how effective such practices can be for developing economies such as one the United Arab Emirates. As a result of the research, I enhanced my understanding of...

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The Significance of Labor Unions

The emergence of labor unions is a factor that renders a significant impact on the management of organizations. The workers’ confederation is an institutional entity based on democratic practice. In this case, the officials in the alliance get elected to the position as representatives of the members. Over the decades,...

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Transformation to Communism and Societal Problems

Introduction The debate over whether communism is a valid alternative to capitalism or even its logical replacement seems endless, exacerbated by its practical implementation in history. The countries where the government tried to enforce the ideology, such as the USSR, China, and others, were mostly noted for their undemocratic regimes,...

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Capitalism: The Good, the Bad, and the Greedy

Many people associate capitalism with such a human feature as greed. Interestingly, some believe that socialistic societies have nothing to do with greed. Nonetheless, I tend to see greed as a purely human feature that cannot be applied to the entire economic system. Hill and Rae (2010) stress that greed...

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The Political System of Articulated Forms: The Radical, Populist Republic

The issue of socialism and populism in the Middle East is a controversial one. Socialism or radical regimen is a system where people in the authority impose transformation on the society rather than allowing the citizens to initiate and implement it. On the other hand, populism regimen is democratic in...

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Draft Intelligence Assessment: Horn of Africa

Introduction Political and economic instability in the Horn of Africa (HOA) has proliferated threat networks that deny safe passage to the Strait of Bab el-Mandeb, endanger local populations, and threaten to spark a war. A missile fired from the coastline struck a British naval ship, causing 12 casualties. The HOA...

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“Public Opinion” by Lippmann

Summary In Public Opinion, it is argued that people develop irrational opinions, which lead them to act in the way they do without drawing logical conclusions on the existing evidence. The author shows that the people’s actions such as the political discourses and wars that were fought by the Germans,...

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Women Empowerment in U.S. Political Life

Analyzing the Situation Democracy without women is incomplete. Ideally, when women were engaged in civil society and government leadership in Colombia, the United Nations successfully pushed for the adoption of the 30 percent quota for women candidates in national elections. This is evident that women can participate in political campaigns...

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China and India: Comparison of Political Systems

Introduction China and India are some of the largest and fastest developing countries in the world. They have many similarities, such as their neighboring position, size of the population, and millennia-old history. In addition, the proximity of two powerful countries forces them to compete and interact in the same political...

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Italian Fascism and German Nazism Contrast Analysis

Italian fascism and German Nazism are an ideology and a system of political and economic domination. The similarity between Italian fascism and German National Socialism was that both doctrines were totalitarian and assumed complete state control over all spheres of human life. Common to the two ideologies was the cult...

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Capitalism v. Socialism Think Piece

Issue Background Capitalism and socialism are two economic and ideological systems that countries employ to handle their finances and manage their means of production. It is safe to say that capitalism and socialism have grown into two opposing ideologies whose fervent proponents have yet to come to a consensus. Understanding...

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Sharansky’s Experience vs. The Current Conditions in the Country of Iran

It is the role of democratic countries to influence the undemocratic states into adopting this system. By doing this, these countries guarantee the continuation of their own societies by minimizing possible threats that face them. This happens because people have a say on the mode of governance hence tend to...

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Political Realism Is the Theory of International Relations

Political realism is one of the main concepts in the theory of international relations. The basic concepts and principles of diplomacy began to be defined within the framework of a realistic paradigm, and states built their political strategies based largely on these principles. One of the main ideas of realism...

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Challenging the Myths: The Idea of ‘Demographics as Destiny’

The idea of ‘demographics as destiny’ refers to the concept that because one falls within a specific demographic group, one is more likely to behave in a way that has been predicted for that group. More generally, it suggests that trends for the demographic group seen in the present can...

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Three Changes to the Australian Constitution

Introduction To begin with, there is strong necessity to mention that Australian constitution was based on the principles of British constitution and country government. The fact is that, it was initially formed with the intention of British control over the Australian territory; nevertheless, it was further amended in order to...

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Realism and Liberalism: Review

International regulation exists from the beginning of human civilization, as tribes had to divide their territories and agree on peace. These days, foreign affairs present a matter of extreme significance. Each country has its interests and intentions, which are highly likely to interfere with each other. Such a conflict may...

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The Role of the State: Ideologies and Policies

An ideology is a series of dogmatic principles that shape a person’s or a group of persons’ understanding of how the world works. The four ideological models that support capitalism are liberalism, Keynesianism, mixed market ideology, and neo-liberalism. Liberalism first appeared in an attempt to focus on individual freedoms. It...

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Marxism: Speech for the Presentation About Marxism

Hello! Today I will tell you about Marxism, its history, fundamental theories, and principles, as well as its significance for the world and science. The first thing we need to find out is what is Marxism in general. However, some difficulties arise in this matter, since representatives of different sciences...

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Marxism Philosophy, a Constitutional Republic and American Criminal Justice

The Marxist philosophy is often seen as a product of its time that has served good in the past but lost its practical use in today’s late-stage capitalism. Many political figures disparaged its legacy: for instance, in the 1960s, the UK Labor Prime Minister Harold Wilson stated that it was...

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Karl Marx’s “The Communist Manifesto” Analysis

Karl Marx’s The Communist Manifesto is the most famous work of the author, which addresses the issue of class conflict. The work begins with a claim that the entire history of humanity was based on the struggle of class (Marx 14). The bourgeoisie is the wealthiest elites who oppress, undermine,...

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Political Institutions in Turkey: Analysis

Introduction Turkey has a complex society that has developed over time. The nation has to balance religion with secularism and democracy to remain stable and achieve economic development. Moreover, the statist economy requires liberalization and the factors which will determine its state as either European or Middle Eastern. This essay...

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Trump’s “Zero-Tolerance” Policy Effect

Introduction The family separation policy is part of immigration policy initiated by the administration of the outgoing U.S. President Donald Trump. Its presentation and approach to the public came as ‘zero tolerance’ and aimed at deterring illegal immigration, encouraging more stringent legislation (Human Rights Watch, 2018). The official adoption of...

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Comparison of Democracy Levels in Uruguay and Venezuela

Democratic institutions face difficult times in winning back the confidence they have lost in the recent past in many countries worldwide. The ruling political parties and congress have not inspired confidence in the general public. Incumbent presidents have abused the democratic space by clinging to power and making amendments in...

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The Idea of Republican Theory

Introduction The idea of republican theory came into being in the early seventeenth century within Europe and around the eighteenth century in Italy and America. The republicans believe in the decree of law with people fighting for the good of the community. The republican theory has been mainly centered on...

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McCarthyism and its Aftermath

Senator McCarthy started to gain popularity in 1950 after a speech in Wheeling, West Virginia. He revealed that over two hundred prominent communists were residing in the State Department. Furthermore, he claimed that communists were a part of almost every department of the U.S. administration. His unreasonable charges became a...

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Credit Card: The Credit Card Act

Introduction There were, and still are, many experts and non-experts of law and the financial sector that wonder if its redundant to transform into legislation regulations that are like copy-paste of already imposed rules by banking institutions?!! Anyway, regardless this interrogative point in the minds of many, the newly minted...

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The Failure of Democracy in South America

Over the last two centuries, all Latin American countries have attempted to institute democracy. Most retain a democratic structure today, regularly carrying out elections and having the populace influence their nation’s politics through them. Moreover, a wide variety of government types have existed in the region, positioned in many different...

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Improving Decisions about Health, Wealth, and Happiness

Libertarian paternalism can seem a good idea for democratic societies due to its potential positive influence on people’s lives. However, on second thoughts, numerous pitfalls associated with this approach can lead to rather negative outcomes, including the loss of liberty and freedom. Thaler and Sunstein (2008) note that paternalistic policies...

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Democracy: Unites States of America

The new political map of North and South America was formed in the 19th century as a result of the Atlantic Revolutions and subsequent political and social processes. The Atlantic Revolutions were the reaction to the oppression of absolutists governments and the result of popular wishes for sovereignty, economic autonomy,...

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Imperialism: Policy Definition

Imperialism is the expansionist policy of dominating and exploiting the life of another country or region in one’s own goals. These goals may include using the region as a source of raw materials or a cheap labor force. Apart from that, imperialist countries may use the regions they dominate as...

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Role of the Progressives in the Biden Administration

The newly elected 46th US president Joe Biden belongs to the Democratic party. The administration of Joe Biden, the president, and Kamala Harris, the vice president, is strongly supported by the progressives. Progressives emphasize the need for the provision of more social and economic equality. They also endorse social programs...

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Democratization Processes That Have Reshaped Societies

When thinking about the tangle of dilemmas and challenges faced by the processes of democratization around the world, the successful establishment of democracy in Western Europe in the 19th century looks outstanding. Emerging in the shadow of the reaction that followed the French Revolution and confronting new economic shifts, the...

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The Progressives in the United States

Pages 596 to 602 of chapter 19 focus on progressives, a political style utilized by the United States to address social and economic problems. The approach valued efficiency and organization and relied on scientific expertise to alleviate chances for clash of interests. Although the method helped the government address various...

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Speeches and Ratification of the New York Constitution

The ratification of the US Constitution was long and strenuous. It elicited a heated debate between the federalists and the anti-federalists. A change of the constitution was imminent, and delegates resolved to replace it rather than addressing the confederation’s contagious articles. Among other issues, representation in the congress, sources of...

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The Modern Application of Economic Socialism

Abstract This paper focuses on the modern application of economic socialism in Western economies. It describes specific actions taken by Western governments, with the main focus on US efforts to minimize the effect of the current economic recession which have many underlying characteristics of state socialism. In simple terms, State...

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Does Power Corrupt: Discussion

The phenomenon of power has always been food for thought for people. The interest in this topic can be traced to ancient philosophical studies, medieval treatises, and modern literary and scientific works. Yet, there is still no definite opinion on what power is, which components this concept includes, and whether...

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Classical Liberalism: Review

Classical Liberalism is a modern ideology, which is based around a notion of natural rights. It was established in the late 17th and 18th centuries by a series of foundational writings from three famous authors. Among these works are John Locke’s Second Treatise of Government (1689) and Montesquieu’s The Spirit...

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How Political Ideology, Organized Lobbying Are Impacting Reform Efforts

Introduction The discussion in the United States (U.S.) on issues regarding health care reform focuses on whether individuals are entitled to the basic right to medical care, the people who ought to access the medical care, and the quality of healthcare about the large sums used. In addition, the debate...

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The Shifting Nature of American Democracy

Political ideologies are key to understanding the advancement of civilizations. They are shaped through revolutions, class struggles and are meant to replace obsolete models of governance. The political divide in the US has been driven by two visions. Jefferson believed voters had to be educated so as not to be...

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Miranda Warnings: The History of Miranda Rights

Miranda warnings are the obligatory data that the police officers have to read to the suspect while arresting him/her and intending to question. The history of Miranda rights and Miranda warnings begins from the 1966 case of Miranda vs. Arizona, whose essence was in the fact that a person, Ernesto...

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Neoliberalism: History and Modern Perception

Abstract There exist different, often conflicting, perspectives on the role of government in the economy. Neoliberalism is one of the most established schools of thought which explain the relationship between the state and the economy. It provides an overarching economic and political policy model, which calls for free-market competition. Although...

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“The German Ideology” by Karl Marx and Materialism

Completed in 1846 by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, The German Ideology succeeds in providing a sound and empirically verifiable alternative to the idealism of Young Hegelians in the form of historical materialism. In Part A of Chapter 1, they sought to outline the problems of idealism and the Young...

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Middle East Democratization

Democratization can be understood as the process by which a political organization becomes democratic in its ruling. Democracy remains to be the most effective and valuable form of governance in the world today. However, this is not the situation in the Middle East countries where people still yarns for real...

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American Interest in Overseas Expansion

The latter part of the nineteenth century was marked by the heightened interest for territory acquisition and expansion in the United States of America. This period was named the Age of Imperialism (Mehta, 2018). American imperialism was partially based on the fact that they had a mission to spread democracy...

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Karl Marx’s Theory of Exploitation: A Critical Analysis

Introduction Ever since the dawn of the capitalist economics, scholars from various fields have continually been divided in support of and against its underlying theories and principles. While it has been dominant for the last half-century, capitalism has been widely criticized based on various political and philosophical perspectives. The prevailing...

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Marx’s Reasons of Capitalist Economy Collapse

Introduction Capitalism has been the evil dog, which has been around for so long, and which has brought many world economies crunching on their heels. The proponents of capitalism have done little in its bad times, only coming up with quick fix means to keep their systems of economies in...

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Ideological Solution to Global Peace

Today the world includes more than one hundred and fifty different countries that vary from each other in their history and culture. After surviving two World Wars, many other challenges, including local disputes, frozen conflicts, cyber-attacks, and genocides, continue to occur year after year. On this basis, the importance of...

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U.S. Political Office You Would Like to Run For

Justifying the choice The US Senate is one of two houses of Congress responsible for the legislative representation of all state subjects and hinders the progressive but sometimes frivolous ideas of the House of Representatives. In general, the atmosphere in each senator’s convocation is moderately democratic, with an emphasis on...

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Tocqueville and the Idea of America Moving toward Communism

Introduction Since the evolution of the political thought within a particular country is defined to a significant degree by the relevant social, economic, and cultural factors outside of political influences, estimating the potential choices of avenues for development is a challenging task. Moreover, depending on the perspective that one might...

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The Invalidity of Violence in Political Action

Humanity’s history is associated with numerous political developments and changes, many of which have taken place in violent circumstances. Many of the best-known political events in history were violent revolutions, with the French Revolution being credited as the end of absolute monarchy and the beginning of modern democracy. As a...

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People’s Republic of China Elite Studies

Introduction This article focuses on the political changes that have occurred in the People’s Republic of China (PRC). Scholars use various methods to explain the political changes in PRC. However, the political changes in the PRC defy explanation and prediction. Analysis of the people who manipulate power (elites) in China...

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Why Capitalism Started in Europe and Dominated the World

As societies evolved and civilization progressed, various economic systems emerged, persisted for some time, and then replaced by a seemingly better system from feudalism through mercantilism and socialism to capitalism. These economic models sought to address specific needs in society at the time, but when new challenges or needs egressed,...

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The Essential Concepts and Principles of Democracy

Introduction This paper discusses the impact of the principles and concepts of democracy on racism; it also examines how the concepts and principles shape racism as an item of public agenda. The Impact of Principles of Democracy on Public Agenda Racism is an issue that has been in the public...

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Concept and the Significance of Soft Power

Soft power is a form of political power, implying a capability to achieve the desired results via voluntary participation, proclivity and attractiveness. This method is opposed to hard power, which includes coercion. The term’s author, Joseph S. Nye, states that a country’s language and culture present soft power, which plays...

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Felony Disenfranchisement: Serious Problems

Every ten years, the entire population of the U.S. is counted by the Census Bureau. Each person is calculated at his or her “usual residence,” and based on these numbers, electoral district lines are drawn, and legislative seats are apportioned. However, for some purposes, more than two million “people in...

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Ideological Perspectives of Population-Specific Policy

There are objectives of the state policy in the field of social support of the population. They include mitigation of negative consequences of poverty, reduction of social inequality, and providing other forms of assistance. According to researchers, “during the last century, the government assumed a larger and larger role in...

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The Role of Liberalism in the Empire of Brazil

Introduction Liberalism is an ideology that emerged in Europe in the Age of Enlightenment. It emphasizes such principles as equality before the law, individual freedom, freedom of speech, free trade, and secularism. However, liberal ideas, adopted by political elites in other regions, were transformed in accordance with the socio-political conditions...

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Designing a Political System

A political system is defined as a political organization, laws that are essential to the society, rules, regulations, and what is to be observed as put forward by a country that controls powers exercised by the state, government and which also control the interaction between the society and the state....

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Capitalism in the United States

Introduction The United States is often referred to as the ‘father’ of capitalism due to its campaigns for the economic system. In a capitalist economy, factors of production such as land, capital, entrepreneurship, and labor are majorly owned and controlled by private investors (Hall 3). Experts consider the inception of...

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Political Ideologies: Liberalism, Conservatism, Socialism

Introduction Political ideologies are values given to political, social, and cultural interactions by a large population in a given society. The values explain the principles governing the distribution of wealth, protection of the environment, creation of peace, and human rights. There are various political ideologies which vary in the application...

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India and China Political Systems Comparison

Introduction India and China are complex political systems which are both fragmented and characterized by serious flaws. In India, inefficiencies are due to the polarized nature of political parties and the deep divisions in Indian society while China’s inefficiencies result from the lack of autonomous lower level government organs. These...

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