Democracy Description as a Political System

Democracy is a term that is applied to describe the political system of government, an idea and concept based on the principles of popular power. The word “democracy” has an ancient Greek origin because it was there that the main ideas of the democratic concept of governance were formed and implemented. Developed countries consider themselves democratic, and it is customary to equate well-being and economic achievements with it. However, like other forms of government, it has advantages and disadvantages.

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This system ensures effective control over political institutions and officials, prevents abuse of power, and does not allow the ruling side to be separated from the people. Even Pericles noted, extolling the dignity and ideals of Athenian democracy, that everyone is equal before the law under this form of government. This makes it possible to realize that each person’s voice will not only be heard but also taken into account and will have its weight in decision-making. Among the positive aspects of life in a democratic society, political stability and the opportunity to achieve a balance of interests can be noted. Analyzing the drawbacks, many leaders and opinions make it difficult to choose a single solution. The people are deprived of actual power, except when elections to the bodies of state institutions take place. There is a kind of alienation of deputies and officials from the people, which leads to bureaucratic forms of power.

Drawing parallels between the democracy described in the sources and today, certain freedoms of citizens are provided at the moment, which Pericles spoke about for the realities of his time. States have long proclaimed freedom of speech and self-determination and personal human rights and ensure social equality. However, gradually the ideas of equality and freedom are losing their undeniable significance; democracy becomes selective. If to consider society as a whole, one can understand that in a democracy, people are practically devoid of real power, except when they elect leaders.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 27). Democracy Description as a Political System.

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"Democracy Description as a Political System." DemoEssays, 27 Dec. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Democracy Description as a Political System'. 27 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Democracy Description as a Political System." December 27, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Democracy Description as a Political System." December 27, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Democracy Description as a Political System." December 27, 2022.