International Relations Development and Approaches

International relations seem to be influenced by numerous factors. Among them, power distribution ranks highly because it is generally agreed that mighty states tend to lobby their national interests without taking into account the repercussions that developing countries may face because of their impact. The current situation in Afghanistan has shown that neoliberalist perception of the world without aggression and profound selfishness in decision-making is highly unlikely to come true. Unfortunately, diplomacy cannot serve as the remedy to cure all ills. It is power, together with a small degree of historical and cultural experiences that define the status quo, not striving for justice.

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Admittedly, superpowers try to create the image of the driving force of international development. However noble their motive to use power is, the result remains the same as it was in Middle Ages. Paul claims that superpowers have an understanding “that there no longer is a need to only pressure other nations through force.” If it was so and neoliberalists were right in their assumptions, no economic sanctions against Russia and China to suppress their development could take place. The current world is full of wars that take on different forms.

There is no doubt that every approach has something true in it. For instance, realists have proved that humanity hardly learns from its past failures concerning conflicts leading to millions of victims. Meanwhile, constructivists draw attention to the cultural backgrounds that may influence international development. Surprisingly, neoliberalists’ aspiration for a just world where states keep the balance between defending national interests and respecting other states seems to be approachable, too, though it is likely to take time and effort.


Hastedt, G. (2020). American Foreign Policy Past, Present, and Future. Rowman & Littlefield.

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DemoEssays. (2022, October 29). International Relations Development and Approaches.

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"International Relations Development and Approaches." DemoEssays, 29 Oct. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'International Relations Development and Approaches'. 29 October.


DemoEssays. 2022. "International Relations Development and Approaches." October 29, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "International Relations Development and Approaches." October 29, 2022.


DemoEssays. "International Relations Development and Approaches." October 29, 2022.