China’s Position Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

Many countries have heard about China and its international presence during the last several decades, including the COVID pandemic, conflict zones, and strategic interests. The society of this country has already undergone multiple structural transformations and opening-ups in its economic and political spheres. Liu recognized such changes as industrialization in urban and rural areas, urbanization in most regions, and the economic growth of the agricultural sector (19). Today, the Chinese population continues to change under the new pandemic conditions in terms of technological advancement, social distancing policies, and interpersonal relationships.

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The last 20-30 years made China face a number of new obligations and tasks. Some were easy to follow, while other requirements created additional challenges and problems. Today, it gets harder to understand what leadership strategies are more effective for Chinese organizations and communities. The People’s Republic of China is always ready to take a chance and improve a situation. Still, the necessity to choose between fairness and efficiency is never simple but inevitable (Westbrook). Investors and entrepreneurs must forget about capitalism ideals and introduce improved policies based on socialism (Westbrook). Individual decision-making, communities’ interests, and complex international relationships are major stumbling blocks in Chinese society.

It was hard for people to imagine China’s present condition in the 1990s, and it was not easy and even useless to think about possible changes within the next 30 years. Last two years experience proved that one single virus could affect billions of people around the globe. Political and economic relationships are never stable because many factors depend on humans, and their decisions are personal and unpredictable. My vision of China in the next 30 years is related to its significant progress in many spheres, including health care, education, and politics. Socialism is a new philosophy for this country, which helps establish new trade relationships and partnerships at different levels. The future of China seems to be bright and beneficial in many directions.

Works Cited

Liu, Xiahui. “Structural Changes and Economic Growth in China over the Past 40 Years of Reform and Opening-Up.” China Political Economy, vol. 3, no. 1, 2020, pp. 19-38.

Westbrook, Tom. “Analysis: No Gain Without Pain: Why China’s Reform Push Must Hurt Investors.” Reuters, 2021, Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, October 29). China’s Position Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow.

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DemoEssays. 2022. "China’s Position Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." October 29, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "China’s Position Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." October 29, 2022.


DemoEssays. "China’s Position Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow." October 29, 2022.