The Adjutant General’s Corps and Its Representatives


The Adjutant Generals Corps is a branch of the United States military whose mandate is to provide a wide range of services including administration, support to military commanders and provision of personnel. They also oversee tracking of military promotions and awards, guarding profiles and personnel records and enhancing communication among military officers through handling of mails. Corps appointed as Adjutant Generals undergo rigorous training to equip them which professional tools and skills required in the department. They have also been charged with development of military personnel and formulation of programs and policies (Global Security, 2011).

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The Adjutant Generals Corps

History records Horatio Gates as the first Adjutant General in the American army after being appointed on June 17, 1775. Before rising to this level, Horatio was serving as major general in the army (Global Security, 2011). Since his appointment, there are several army officers who have served in the same position. One of these is Major General Charles H. Bridges who was born on March 1, 1873 in Illinois. He held several positions in the army, serving as the major general before being appointed as an Adjutant General in 1928 (Patterson, 2008). He served in this capacity for three years before being succeeded by James McKinley in the year 1933. As mentioned above, Major General Charles H. Bridges dedicated his life to the military from 21 June 1893 when he was recruited in the Cadet US Military Academy. Due to his conduct and good performance standards, Major General Charles H. Bridges received several promotions during his entire career in the United States’ Army. He joined the sixth US Infantry on 11 June 1897 as Second Lieutenant. On 8 March 1898, Major General Charles H. Bridges joined the 22 US Infantry as a Second Lieutenant before being promoted to the position of the First Lieutenant in March 1899. He served in this capacity for three years and rose to the position of Captain in the 15 US Infantry in June 1902 (Patterson, 2008).

Additionally, Major General Charles H. Bridges is remembered for his participation and contribution during wars and attacks led by the United States Army in early 1990’s. He fought some of the fiercest wars during United States’ military blockade of the Santiago in Cuba. Besides this encounter Major General Charles H. Bridges actively participated in the San Juan war. During his service, Major General Bridges made tremendous achievements in the war against the revolution in Philippine. He served as the chief guard of the rebel leader for four months (Patterson, 2008).


Moreover, Major General Bridges’ participation in the World War I was remarkable and influential. He was sent on a mission to France in the rank of the Inspector General (G-1) of the 2nd Division before holding the office of the Assistant Chief of Staff for Personnel for the same division (Patterson, 2008). Following his outstanding performance, he was transferred in 1918 to serve in the same capacity with the VI Army Corps. Major General Charles H. Bridges rose to the helm of the United States Army in 1928 after being appointed as the Adjutant General of the military force. He held this position for three years before retiring from the army, after forty years of successful military service to the nation. He died in 1948 and was laid to rest at Arlington National Cemetery in Massachusetts (Patterson, 2008). I chose Major General Charles H. Bridges because of his outstanding performance in the army for forty years, having served in several influential positions.


Global Security. (2011). Adjutant General’s Corps. Global Security. Web.

Patterson, M. (2008). Charles H. Bridges. Arlington National Cemetery. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 22). The Adjutant General's Corps and Its Representatives.

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"The Adjutant General's Corps and Its Representatives." DemoEssays, 22 Dec. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'The Adjutant General's Corps and Its Representatives'. 22 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "The Adjutant General's Corps and Its Representatives." December 22, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "The Adjutant General's Corps and Its Representatives." December 22, 2022.


DemoEssays. "The Adjutant General's Corps and Its Representatives." December 22, 2022.