The Benefits of Mandatory Military or Public Service

Benefits to Mandatory Service

For the people, military and public service is good in a number of ways. First, it gives graduates time to think about their future and decide on a certain path. Secondly, it can give one incentive to continue their education. Thirdly, it promotes national unity and comradery. Military service also work to promote healthy values of hard work, integrity, loyalty and the ability to follow orders.

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Pros and Cons

Some feel that the volunteer system sufficiently covers the need for training civilians, and mandatory service is unnecessary. Another common rebuttal is that the government spending on training and preparing is excessive. While the volunteer organizations cover the need for manpower, it is impractical to rely on them alone. Furthermore, service in the military benefits the members of society by building character.

Benefits for the Country/Economy

Use of national service to cover the needs of the country is cost-efficient. The service programs spend around 1.7 billion $ and brings the profit of around 6.5 billion to the government. (“The Economic Value of National Service”, 2013) Use of military service also strengthens the economy by giving people skill crucial to succeeding in life.


Mandatory public service gives the nation a variety of benefits, including profits for the government and a number of opportunities for the individual. Service builds character, and trains people to posses some important skills in their future life. It also saves much in taxpayer money and effectively meet the needs of the government.


Den Tandt, M. (2012). Den Tandt: Young would benefit by compulsory community, military service. Postmedia News. Web.

The Economic Value of National Service (2013). Voices for National Service. Web.

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Torun, H., & Tumen, S. (2016). The Effects of Compulsory Military Service Exemption on Education and Labor Market Outcomes: Evidence from a Natural Experiment. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, September 27). The Benefits of Mandatory Military or Public Service.

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"The Benefits of Mandatory Military or Public Service." DemoEssays, 27 Sept. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'The Benefits of Mandatory Military or Public Service'. 27 September.


DemoEssays. 2023. "The Benefits of Mandatory Military or Public Service." September 27, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "The Benefits of Mandatory Military or Public Service." September 27, 2023.


DemoEssays. "The Benefits of Mandatory Military or Public Service." September 27, 2023.