Public Policy Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

The Aviation Industry’s Trends and Patterns

Introduction The aviation industry has no ancient roots, yet it is a well-established part of the market with multiple subdivisions. According to Revfine (2021), “the aviation industry … includes aircraft manufacturers, researchers, air safety specialists, businesses involved with military aviation and, increasingly, companies that design, produce and/or make use of...

Words: 578 Pages: 2

Social Policies That Have Affected Family Members

Introduction Nowadays, people view policies differently, with one group of people accentuating the positive aspects of a certain regulation and another group not seeing any difference. Yet, it should be noted that there are both beneficial policies and those that seem to have a negative influence on people’s lives. In...

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Abortion Policies in the US, Sweden, Dominican Republic, and Israel

Introduction Over the years, abortion has been a controversial issue in the world. Countries like the US, Israel, Dominican Republic, and Sweden have formulated abortion policies. Sweden has authorized abortion as a social welfare system. For example, the Abortion Act of 1974 states that all Swedish women have the right...

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History and Evolution of Policing

The United States has undergone significant policy evolution in establishing its current criminal justice system. America was once a British colony where people like Sir Robert Peel helped established constitutional principles. The policy eras can be divided into political, reform, and community depending on the objective of the activists and...

Words: 1282 Pages: 4

Nullification of Arbitral Awards in the UAE

Introduction This essay aims to describe the specifics of international arbitration applicable to the United Arab Emirates. Problematic legal situations arising from inconsistencies and contradictions in the judicial codes of the UAE and other countries are considered. Within the framework of international trade arrangements, the Emirates is one of the...

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Government Surveillance and Privacy Infringement

Introduction The notion of privacy has become increasingly muddled in the modern world, characterized by the rapid onset of technology. The pandemic of COVID-19 brought a new struggle to the ethical and legal implications surrounding the balance of public health and safety with the right to privacy. Therefore, the question...

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The Importance of Anti-Stalking Legislation

Legislation is one of the essential principles of the existence of humankind in the modern civilization and society. Thanks to the laws and their enforcement by the executive authorities, society is safe and restricted from criminal activities. One of the manifestations of socially dangerous acts is stalking. This work explains...

Words: 360 Pages: 1

Hispanic Migrants and American Dream: Reflection

Latinos are now not only the most prominent and youngest ethnic group in the United States, but they are also the most dynamic force shaping the future of the United States. Every aspect of American culture, every facet of American society, is now being reshaped by Hispanics. Their culture has...

Words: 294 Pages: 1

Influence of Public Opinion on American Politics

Introduction Public opinion has been a significant tool in democratic countries’ politics, including the United States. Politicians have often made numerous decisions depending on public opinion, even when these decisions are contrary to their beliefs. This paper provides an in-depth discussion of how public opinion influences American politics. How Public...

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Health Policy Development in Germany

Summary Germany has the largest population in Europe, with a competitive economy. High levels of invention and exporting are responsible for Germany’s global economic competitiveness and networking; high-growth industries such as automobiles, chemicals, and medical technology rely on exports for more than half of sales. The United States of America,...

Words: 1883 Pages: 7

Legalizing Marijuana for Adults in Ohio

Introduction While the Presidential race in November 2020 got the most extensive coverage, numerous other crucial decisions were taken at the elections, including votes in various states to decide the status of the legalized marijuana sector in some form or another. Several states in America have approved the use of...

Words: 1097 Pages: 4

The Campus Gun Carry as a Threat

It is important to note that although the Second Amendment is a critical part of the United States Constitution, it should not infringe or supersede the First Amendment or any other part of the law. Considering the fact that campuses are places where academic freedom and freedom of speech are...

Words: 739 Pages: 3

South Australia Arts and Culture Plan 2019-2024

Introduction Culture is currently part of the broader socio-economic field of the development of society. Thus, cultural policies should be aimed at the comprehensive development of this area in a global context. This essay analyzes the South Australia Arts and Culture Plan 2019-2024 in terms of the effectiveness of cultural...

Words: 2780 Pages: 10

A Letter to a Congressman: Monetary Reparations

I am writing to you regarding the issue of monetary reparations to descendants of slaves. While I agree that it might be a good attempt to apologize for the history of slavery and abuse, the question of how exactly it would work remains unanswered. Below are the reasons for why,...

Words: 379 Pages: 1

A Law Mandating Gender-Neutral Toy Sections at Stores

Introduction The Op-Ed titled “Do we really need a law mandating gender-neutral toy sections at stores?” written by Nicholas Goldberg in the LA Times Column deals with the issue of gender-neutral toy sections in stores. The author refutes the idea of gender-separated toy sections but simultaneously points out the bill’s...

Words: 644 Pages: 2

Texas Politics and Its Challenges

Introduction Texas, being one of the largest states in the U.S., is notorious for many positive aspects that define the nature of the country itself. However, it is not without issues specific to its freedom-loving people. I have selected five of these problems due to their detrimental impact on the...

Words: 649 Pages: 2

Community Policing Program: Plan, Strategies, and Limitations

My Community Policing Program Community policing is one of the best ways of eradicating crimes in the community. It involves the community and the officers in dealing with crime, thus making it easier for the officers to identify secret crimes and criminals in society. For effective community policing, the police...

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Why America’s Freedom of Speech Should Be Limited

The freedom of speech and expression has the benefit of enabling individuals to express, think, or get information from diverse sources without fear of reprisal or punishment. The sources could be publications and media, as well as the authorities and their agents. This freedom is considered the first prerequisite for...

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American Political System and Supreme Court Reform

Introduction The United States of America is one of the oldest democracies in the world. It is an election-driven and representative federal democracy with competing interests between lobbyists and citizens (Chafetz and Pozen, 1430). The politics of the U.S. are shaped and determined by two major political parties, that is...

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Border Security in Texas: A Public Policy Initiative

Introduction Border security has been one of Texas’ major issues due to increased immigration. If this issue is not addressed in the short term, there are likely to be more cases of thefts and deaths at the border. In contrast, in the long term, the government will result from implementing...

Words: 262 Pages: 1

Senate Bill (SB) 1 Must Be Changed

Overview SB1 requires voters to have a consistent signature and be able to sign with ink on paper. People with neurological disabilities change their signatures from time to time and may need a signature stamp; hence, they will be banned from voting. The bill has added excessive requirements to voting...

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Employee Assistance Program in the Government of South Africa

Employee Assistance Programs are an essential aspect of many organizations, including governments of various countries. Generally, the employee assistance programs provide brief interventions, assessments, screening, and outpatient counseling for addictions and mental health problems, as part of the services offered to a client organization. Some of the sources for these...

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Texas Bail Reform and Economic Disparities

Texas bail reform requires that individuals accused of violent crimes post cash bail before being released from jail. The main issue associated with the adoption of this law is the increase in economic disparity. In other words, the poor accused of violent crimes would not be able to provide bail,...

Words: 290 Pages: 1

Integrating State Policies Into Internal Policies

Introduction Policies refer to the basic principles and fundamental positions that an organization sets to govern conduct. Within the context of the healthcare industry, the federal and state government has a set of laws that hospitals are expected to follow. In other words, there is an inevitable political context in...

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Transsexual Law in Germany: The Transsexuellengesetz

Introduction The LGBTQ+ community has been fighting for transgender rights for a long time all over the world. It is important to understand the difference between sex and gender. Once, the two terms largely meant the same thing, however today it is understood that they are different. Biological sex refers...

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The Crisis Intervention Team: Public Policy

Introduction Public policy significantly impacts crisis intervention organizations as it provides rules and guidelines for efficient decision-making. Institutions, governments, and experts in various fields cooperate, developing procedures, enhancing public administration, and improving the quality of life for citizens. In particular, the Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) model was created to strengthen...

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Gun Control in America: Necessary Restrictions

Introduction Gun control is an essential subject specifically in the American culture since it is likely to facilitate the reduction of gun-associated deaths within the country. Gun control is legislation and guidelines established to certify that the United States populace conforms to the utilization and ownership of guns in public...

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Strategies to Solve Wicked Problems

Introduction A wicked problem is a term used to describe public policy issues such as air pollution, bullying, and animal rights. The policies are described with the term wicked because they are aggressive or tricky when solving them. The most challenging issues might appear difficult to solve, and the article...

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Bad Leaders in Power and Their Impact

Introduction The global political landscape is currently characterized by upheavals and uncertainty due to the most recent war that sparked from Russia’s invasion of Ukraine. Consequently, the war has led to a humanitarian crisis in Ukraine and nations that depended on Ukraine and Russia’s supplies for their economies. Nonetheless, it...

Words: 636 Pages: 2

Obama vs. Romney First Debate and Lessons Learned

Event Reflection The American presidential race is one of the most admired and democratic elections globally. An African American, Barrack Obama made history by becoming the 44th president of the U.S. What stands out about Obama is his intersectionality and how the American education system made the best out of...

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The American and Swedish Policies Comparison

Introduction Analysis of a country’s policies on various social and economic issues can give insights into the quality of life experienced by the citizens of that country. Quality of life is largely dependent on the policies and laws instituted in areas such as education, healthcare, employment, and housing. The United...

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Data Surplus from Shoshana Zuboff’s Viewpoint

Introduction Profitability is a driver for many new developments, yet their ethical side is not always taken into the proper assessment. Professor Shoshana Zuboff has raised a vital topic for modern society: data manipulation by big tech companies. Her position has helped me to realize a significant flaw in policies...

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Replacing Affordable Care Act With a Single-Payer Plan

Introduction In the United States, efforts have been made for centuries to achieve Universal Healthcare, raising fears and hopes but yielding little beyond Medicaid and Medicare. In 2010, the Affordable Care Act (ACA) ushered in a new reform era. Despite the full implementation of the law, it is evident that...

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Pittsburg Police Officer Meets With Community in Trust

The article entitled “Pittsburg police officer meets with the community in trust” describes the efforts of the police officers to mend relations with the Afro-American population of the neighborhood. The meeting is organized to acknowledge the wrong that has been done and is attended by police officers and Afro-American community...

Words: 290 Pages: 1

Pillars of the 21st Century Policing

Introduction The police forces are mandated to protect the community from various sources of harm. During their operations, their duties and responsibilities often cause controversy, especially when their interests crush those of society. Effective policing requires the officers to create and maintain positive relationships with the community members by engaging...

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Opioid Crisis Healthcare Policy: Description and Importance

Introduction More people have died from the opioid crisis than in any other war since World War II. Bonnie et al. (2017) state that over two million people suffer from Opioid Use Disorder most of whom use the substance without prescription. Despite this, the issue has not been well addressed,...

Words: 1670 Pages: 6

Legalization of Marijuana in Texas

Since the decriminalisation of Marijuana in 1970, many research studies have been conducted to examine the benefits and disadvantages of Marijuana. The results have been contradicting, with some supporting the legalization of Marijuana while others advocate for its criminalization. Some of the states that have legalized Marijuana in the US...

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Creative State 2025: The Main Goals

Creative State 2025 is divided into several phased objectives and highlight actions, which together formulate the main purpose of the project. The ultimate goal of the policy is to increase the cultural level of the community, along with the creation of jobs and development of opportunities for the population. Thus,...

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Unemployment Policies in the US and Europe

Policy Question The US social context has been long associated with the issue of mass unemployment. Currently, the national unemployment rates continue to decrease; 3.6% of the population had no steady income in March 2022, with a projected annual rate of 3.8% (US Bureau of Labor Statistics; Statista). However, the...

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Discussion: Political Issues in Texas

Summary Politics refers to a set of activities related to decision-making in groups or any form of power relations among individuals, such as the circulation of resources and positions. Political issues refer to everything politicians talk about when in parliamentary sittings. This document will discuss issues associated with politics in...

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The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance

In her article What if all guns disappeared?, Rachel Nuwer reflects on possible results of the sudden disappearance of firearms. She focuses mainly on three major consequences: a decline in the murder rate, reducing the frequency of suicides, and probable social and psychological effects. Firstly, the author argues that due...

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The Sierra Club and Its Impact on Politics

Like any representative system, the US political system gives citizens the right to exert a certain influence on public policy. One of the real ways to strengthen such influence on public policy development is organized work with like-minded people. Such interaction of people with a common opinion agreement on a...

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Biden Harm Reduction Program

One of the directions of drug policy is the increasingly widespread model of harm reduction. Its main idea is to reduce the harm associated with drug use and reduce various costs both for society and for the drug users themselves. The definition of harm reduction refers to the policies and...

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UFOs Are the World Conspiracy of Silence

Introduction The world has a highly suspicious situation in which many witnesses report observations of UFOs. They see these unknown vehicles not only flying in the sky but also landing on the Earth. Although humans have no definitive confirmation that they are aliens really exist, the witnesses have not provided...

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Gun Control: Effective Management of the Right to Carry

Introduction The constitution of the United States prohibits legislative bodies from restricting ownership of firearms. The constitution’s Second Amendment reads that a person who is well-regulated and belongs to a free state shall not be prohibited by the legislation to own firearms (Buttrick, 2020). Numerous insights arise from these Amendments...

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The National Labor Relations Act

The National Labor Relations Act (NLRA) governs hiring rules, the violation of which involves acts of discrimination or unreasonable denial of cause. Section 8.1a states that employers may not interfere with Section 7 rights: it regulates, among other things, joining a union and engaging in union activities (US Congress). Section...

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Global Issues: Politics, Economics, and Culture

Introduction Global problems of mankind are social and natural problems on the solution of which depends the progress, development and preservation of civilization. The author of the book believes that they concern all people in all countries (Payne, 2016, 3). There is no approved classification of global problems or gradation,...

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Aspects of Policies and Its Issues

Equal Pay Act The Equal Pay Act of 1963 (EPA) is a part of the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 which prohibits gender-based wage discrimination among men and women who work in the same organization and perform equal tasks that require the same level of responsibility, skills, and effort...

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The Problems of Drug Policy in the United States

The main purpose of mandatory punishment for drugs is to prevent illegal trafficking. The irreversibility of punishment should positively influence the state’s fight against drug traffickers and drug cartels. Show trials that emphasize the radical policy of the state about drugs make sense, but often it goes beyond the law....

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Drug Policies for the United States and Germany

The number one enemy in the United States is substance abuse. On June 18, 1971, about 50 years ago, Richard Nixon declared War on Drugs (Mosher & Akins, 2021). According to Nixon, it is necessary to fight with manufacturers and dealers of illegal drugs and their users. Even today, 50...

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Health Care Policy Bill for Vulnerable People

Introduction To ensure access to and proper treatment for people with rare diseases, legislation should be enhanced. For example, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, or Lou Gehrig’s disease, is a gradually progressive neurodegenerative illness of the central nervous system accompanied by damage to motor neurons (Kiernan, et al., 2021). The mentioned disease...

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Impacts on Right to Carry a Gun

Introduction In the United States of America, statistics data carried out in 2017 revealed that about 39,773 deaths were related to firearms. The research showed that some committed suicide using weapons, some through homicide, and others due to intervention through polices officers, which was legal. Gun control-right to carry was...

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Cap and Trade Reception in the US

The introduction of a cap and trade policy in the US has been a long-standing source of debate, discussing the effectiveness of such a policy and its particular implementation on a national level. With the start of the Joe Biden presidency, the question has become even more pivotal to the...

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Resource Availability for Low to Moderate Income Families in New York City

Introduction Effectiveness is the primary evaluative criterion that should be considered during policy assessment. It can be defined as a measure of the extent to which “an intervention is achieving or has achieved its objectives” (OECD, 2021, p. 52). The analysis of the policy effectiveness is beneficial for determining what...

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The Decision-Making Process in the Police Department

The decision-making process in the police department encapsulates the objective consideration of the variables affecting both parties. Apart from increasing the risk of encouraging actions that potentially compromise police integrity, developing a personal affinity influences the autonomous essence due to the elevated responsibility and accountability towards the community (Akimova et...

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Freedom of Speech Among Military Men and Women

Introduction One of the public policy issues that face profound controversy is the freedom of speech among the military men and women. The American military characters possess the citizenship identities hence qualifying to enjoy the rights of a common nationality. However, in the case an officer offers in-depth information regarding...

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Health Policy for Aboriginals in Australia

Australia. Department of Health. (2013). National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan: 2013-2023. Department of Health. The source provides a piece of information on the Australian government’s strategy on improving life and health conditions for the Aboriginals by providing indigenous people with the same opportunities and access to healthcare...

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The Australian Government’s National Health Plan

Introduction National Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Plan is the government policy that has been developed to eliminate the gap in the well-being of the indigenous and non-indigenous Australians. The Australian aboriginal society has been facing many issues, and one of them is an access to the healthcare. In...

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Legalizing Marijuana by the Federal Government

The library I visited was Dublin City Library in Dublin Civic Center. My study topic entailed the legalization of marijuana under the federal government. The target audience for the study topic were youth, federal leaders, and parents. These individuals can give the best view on the matter. Debates have arisen...

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Overcrowding in the Dubai Emergency Department

Policy title The overcrowding of patients in the emergency department in the Dubai government sector Description of Policy Problem There is a problem related to emergency departments in Dubai healthcare. Despite numerous models of care that have been developed to reduce overcrowding and processing time in the emergency room, the...

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US Gun Control as a Public Policy Issue

Public policy issue Gun control is a widely debated topic in the United States. However, the law protects an individual right to self-defense, which includes carrying firearms. Right-to-carry (RTC) laws allow civilians to have concealed handguns away from home with or without permits depending on the state. Around 74% or...

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Presidency, Bureaucracy, and Foreign Policy

Foreign policy is a priority area of policymaking, as well as how it allows for protecting the interests of the state in the international arena. However, the policymaking process is extremely complex due to the influence of many factors and the presence of various actors. While the main actors are...

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Discussion of Vehicle Insurance Coverage

Overview Vehicle Insurance is an insurance policy designed to protect your property interests related to the cost of fixing problems with your vehicle. Such problems can be breakdowns, accident recovery, theft, and damage. The widespread use of automobiles came after World War I, but insurance issues were not raised. There...

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Freedom of the Press in the United Arab Emirates

Over the years, the UAE government has waged scare campaigns targeting mainstream media groups. Journalists have been abducted, imprisoned, or fined, and executives and broadcasters have been interrogated for purportedly breaking vague media regulations. The authorities in the United Arab Emirates monitor and limit the mainstream press and online forms...

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Discussion about Police Defunding

Summary I think that the police department should be defunded because of many reasons. Even though the police play an essential role in society, they need to reduce their funding because they are a partial institution that discriminates against people of color and minority groups. Historically, police departments have been...

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Approaches to Urban Planning

Introduction Urban planners develop plans for land use in metropolitan areas and outskirts. These people set policies in the government or private entities when it comes to planning. Planners create communities and accommodate growth while revitalizing the facilities in cities, towns, counties, and other urbanite regions. Urban planners have several...

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Political Involvement: Lobbying vs. Advocacy

Promoting public healthcare often requires the medical staff’s active participation in the policymaking process. In this regard, such involvement may usually have two forms, namely lobbying and advocacy. Although these terms may sometimes be used interchangeably, they are not the same. On the one hand, a lobby is an action...

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Gun Control Practices and Criminal Justice Policies

Gun control is a highly contentious and sensitive issue in the United States. It is one of the few countries in the world where regular everyday citizens and residents are allowed to possess a firearm of virtually any kind. The Second Amendment to the Constitution which directly grants the “right...

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Childcare Policies in Supporting Education and Employment Rates

Introduction In most countries, parents struggle to find a balance between providing quality childcare and pursuing their education or career due to limited resources. Wladis et al. (2018) report that “postsecondary outcomes are significantly worse for student parents even though they earn higher GPA’s on average” (p. 807). In the...

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State Powers and Ways of Their Exercising

In determining various ways in which the state exercises its power, the author will search deep into prior literature and journals written about the government and the powers it holds. We will be able to articulate and formulate research questions that will help us analyze this topic critically. The plan...

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Broward’s Plan as a Legislative Housing Initiative

Broward’s plan for 2022 is to provide funding for all housing projects designed to serve seniors. Such a legislative initiative is due to the fact that more and more seniors are “aging in place” or moving to South Florida (Broward County, 2022). Solutions are needed to meet the affordable housing...

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Decriminalizing Marijuana After Pandemic

Introduction People often have contrary views on multiple aspects of life, and the current pandemic has generated more controversies. The spread of COVID-19 has affected numerous people and raised various questions, one of them being the decriminalization of marijuana. While cannabis is mostly restricted in the US, it has also...

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The New York Police Department

Summary The New York City Police Department is one of the oldest and largest municipal police departments in the United States of America. As its name suggests, the agency is responsible for serving the community of New York, a city with a population of over 8.5 million people. Among this...

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Improving Access to Nutrition Act of 2021

Introduction Access to nutrition is among the most critical issues affecting a large population of citizens of the theUnited States. Thus, there was a need for policymakers to devise a proposal to address the problem in the unforeseeable future. Currently, the bill dealing with issues relating to nutrition is the...

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White Identity Politics and New Civil Rights Movement

Demby’s “The Birth of a New Civil Rights Movement” (2014) Summary Racial inequality and biased population-police relationships remain the two burning questions in the United States. The deaths of black citizens Ramarley Graham, John Crawford, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner and no punishment for white police officers create...

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The Homelessness Problem in New York

Purpose The executive summary seeks to illustrate the various challenges facing New York in solving its homelessness problem. Many individuals continue to permeate the city’s streets, reducing the place’s allure to tourists and local businesses while illustrating a deeper societal problem in the area. Current government interventions to curb the...

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Aspects of Policies of Gun Control

Editorial #1 is the most persuasive since it is the only article that backs its content with research findings on why gun control has no effect on crime rates in the country. Additionally, the article shows that by reducing legal sources to buy guns, the cost of guns relative to...

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Aspects of Marijuana Legalization

Scholars and researchers are continually showing interest in the marijuana legalization topic in the United States. Although Washington and Colorado legalized marijuana in 2012, some states are hesitant to decriminalize this drug since few studies prove its medicinal advantages (Wu et al. 393). Many organizations and individuals support the idea...

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The Equal Rights Amendment of the USA Constitution

The Equal Rights Amendment of the USA constitution is considered a political and cultural inkblot with uncertain changes on the status of women. Its purpose is to invalidate any state and federal laws discriminating against women. According to the provision, sex should not be used to determine a person’s legal...

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Importance of Social Insurance Programs

Social insurance programs are paid programs aimed at maintaining the financial stand of an individual when there is an occurrence of a peril that is insured. The primary funding for social programs such as Medicaid and Medicare include federal grants, privately-funded premiums, and public and private corporate stakeholders (Han, Luo...

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Democratic Traditions in Early American Colonies

During the early phases of their growth, the American colonies began to build democratic traditions. The colonial experience influenced the future United States’ political and social beliefs embedded in the Constitution. For example, self-government, local meetings, and majority norms in politics were all important. These concepts were adopted by the...

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How Decision Makers in Coquitlam Can End Gun Violence

Introduction Port Coquitlam is an electoral district represented by capable decision-makers or leaders who help solve social issues in the riding. Some leaders include the Mayor, Richard Stewart, the MLA, Fin Donnelly, and the MP, Ron McKinnon. Richard was elected to the City Council in 2005 and three years later...

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Administrative Policy and Substance Abuse in the US

Introduction Substance abuse is a serious problem, and governments worldwide adopt various policies to fight it. The situation is especially dire in the US, where the drug death rates hit a record level of 100,000 per year (Keating & Bernstein, 2021, para. 1). The Covid-19 pandemic is widely acknowledged as...

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Drug Policy in the US and Its Peculiarities

Introduction The presentation is held by Pete Nielson, the CEO of the California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP), and Michael Prichard, who has served as the Chairman of the same organization. Nielson has been in the field of addiction counseling for many years, keeping his pulse on drug...

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History and Effects of Gun Policy in the US

Monitoring Observed Policy Outcomes by William Dunn Monitoring and observing policy is a fundamental strategic concept because it enables planning and policymaking. The importance is to connect the outcomes of the policy and its interventions. There is an aspect of accountability and legitimacy used to fund policies publicly. Whenever there...

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The Biden Administration’s Vaccine Mandate

The coronavirus pandemic has become a challenge for government officials, who bear a significant part of the responsibility to overcome the crisis. In the first year of his presidency, Joe Biden tried to stick to the campaign promises and pursued a very unobtrusive policy to encourage mass vaccination. At some...

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Discouraging Divorce With Governmental Policies

Divorce rates have increased significantly in the past few decades. The United States society is ranked third with the highest number of divorces. Some of the factors contributing to divorce include the age of marriage, favorable divorce laws, education level, social-economic factors, and an individual’s attitude towards divorce. The government...

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Policy Identification and Analysis: Addressing Homelessness in New York

Problem Statement Homelessness is a severe problem across the United States of America, and New York City is not an exception. According to the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (n.d.), 91,271 people experienced homelessness in 2020, which denoted that many central streets, parks, and other public spaces were occupied...

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Mass Casualty Incident Specific Annex

Preventing and managing disasters, as well as mitigating their outcomes represents one of the core requirements for ensuring the well-being of citizens. Therefore, a framework for preventing and addressing the scenarios that can potentially involve a large number of casualties is vital. By focusing on cross-disciplinary and cross-departmental collaboration, one...

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Coordination Annex: A Quick Response of Local Government

The main function of this plan is to ensure the prompt response of the command and control bodies, forces, and means of civil protection of the population and territories from emergencies, to prevent the death of people, and to organize the priority life support of the affected population. In the...

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Underrepresentation of Women in Congress

The low representation of women in the government, specifically in Congress, continues to be a pressing problem in US politics. The current 117th session of Congress has a record number of women serving as its members. Thus, 27% of seats, 144 of 539 in the House of Representatives and the...

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The Legalization of Marijuana Debates

Introduction In the US, the idea of legalizing marijuana has been a matter of discussion over the past years. The federal law categorizes the plant as one of the illegal substances that its possession can lead to charges in court. The states’ policies have different regulations as some of them...

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Foreign and Domestic Policies of the US Government

Countries conduct various kinds of policies to maintain the functioning of all aspects of society. Hence, depending on the needs of the country and its population, goals, and desired results, it is possible to glue domestic and foreign policy. Domestic policy is characterized by a connection with the human institutions...

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War on Drugs and Its Effect on the United States

Introduction The United States government enacted measures over the past four decades to fight drug abuse. They included the use of the military to eliminate the trade of illegal drugs in the country, inhibiting the production of narcotics and discouraging its use through education. As such, the government strives to...

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The Substance of Public Policy

The Role of Public Policy in Society It is necessary to begin with the fact that public policy represents specific strategies that the state uses in order to put laws into effect. Speaking about the role of this policy in society, it should also be noted that all these laws...

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Legalization of Marijuana and Related Polls

Introduction Marijuana legalization has been a major debated topic in America since the 1960s. The older generations are not as supportive of marijuana legalization as the younger ones. Different generations are heavily impacted by their perception of the substance, which directly affects their judgment and usage of the drug. Different...

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Socio-Economic Issues & Public Policy in South Africa

Introduction It is more than two decades after the end of Apartheid in South Africa, and the country is different. South Africa has a well-institutionalized democracy with a widely significant set of gains in curbing social inequality and extreme poverty among the citizens. However, inequality, poverty, and unemployment are still...

Words: 884 Pages: 3

The US Presidential Administration’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic broke out around the world, posing the most significant challenge to health systems and causing widespread suspension of work, school, and business closures. President Biden has launched a project aimed at improving health systems, surveillance, and ongoing medical interventions. This article will analyze the Presidential...

Words: 553 Pages: 2

Federalism and Policy of Public Budgeting

Federalism in the United States is a form of governance when power is divided between individual states and the central government. Although the federal government was established in 1787 in Philadelphia, the debate of what type of ruling should exist in the U.S. is still ongoing (Rozell & Wilcox, 2019)....

Words: 1108 Pages: 4

The Second Amendment and Recent Gun Control Debates

We are swamped with newscasts portraying gunfights and gun killings nearly every day. There have been several debates regarding the Second Amendment’s implication. The major concern is the phrase, “a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State….” Does anything seem overly odd to you in this...

Words: 544 Pages: 2

Federalism and Public Budgeting

Sovereignty is constitutionally divided between the central governing authority and constituent political units. History The Articles of Confederation required replacement Shays’ Rebellion of 1786-1787 The results of the Civil War strengthened the position of the federal government President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced New Deal policies The Role of Federalism Compromise...

Words: 182 Pages: 4