Zombie Marxism by Gonzalez (2021)
This essay recaps how Marxism haunts Europe and the whole world, unequivocally depicting Marxism as a global threat to the American narrative. According to Gonzalez (2021), successful modern Marxists understand that economics does not determine all human actions, and the internal contradictions of capitalism will not constantly produce revolutions. The author describes Marxism as leading Americans, especially the youth, to believe that they must annihilate the country and culture because it is fundamentally built on white supremacy.
Thus, a successful revolutionary movement would first have to make a long-term effort to instill Marxist ideas in people’s worldviews. This image of Marxism is widely reflected in Myers and Noebel’s (2015) analysis of Marxism narrative, being that overthrowing the exploiters will free the exploited â being happier once everyone is the same. Through the lens of Myers and Noebel, this article reads as further support to their criticism of Marxism disguising itself as the ultimate tool of a thinking man.
Critical race theory, cultural Marxism, wokeness are the greatest threats by Huppke (2021)
This text ponders a variety of issues, including the topic of cultural Marxism, through referencing interviews and news coverage from Fox News and other sources. Huppke (2021) states that the new Marxism is a threat, which has evolved over the years. According to the author, new cultural Marxism is based on organizing and then indoctrinating people by replacing the key American idea of all men created equal with a belief in white supremacy prevalence.
The article states that violence will remain central to the success of Marxism. Further, it suggests that dismantling the police, prisons, and the broader judicial system is part of the effort to leave society prone to Marxist attacks (Huppke 2021). The discussion of the proletariat’s use of violence to defeat the ruling class is pertinent to Myers and Nobel’s (2015) critique of Marxism as an extremely violence-oriented ideology.
In praise of Marxism by Madunagu (2022)
This article presents a personal journey through understanding, accepting, and embracing Marxism ideology. Madunagu (2022) reflects on how Marxism has grown both as an ideology of total and universal liberation and as a social science of the socialist revolution. Finally, a question of the interplay between religion and Marxism is discussed, asking where to draw the line between committing to an ideology or not.
The article highlights the author’s belief in Marxism as an ideology because it rationalized and promoted his pre-existing radical and rebellious consciousness. Madunagu (2022) states that the belief in Marxism is an ideology and science, which resonates with Myers and Noebelâs (2015) discussion of Marxism as a worldview that strived to incorporate scientific application. Furthermore, Marxism leaning on the pre-existence of disorganized belief and offering an all-explaining alternative was likewise considered by Myers and Noebel.
How Marxism ‘Won’ the War of Ideas by Maier (2022)
The article recaps Marxism ‘won’ the war of ideas in the West even as it failed as a theory. Maier (2022) draws a parallel with Marxism presenting itself to naĂŻve masses as a new, messianic gospel of the world that opposed the biblical faith. There was a good working class versus evil capitalists in the Marxist canon, the way of redemption through revolution, and the certainty of ultimate triumph â the direction of history (Maier, 2022). Overall, the author is critical and cautious about Marxist ideology, warning the readers against false idols.
In pointing out Marxismâs endeavor to replace the political, social, and religious outlook, the article resonates with Myers and Noebel’s (2015) notion of history being a struggle that inevitably moves toward the revolution. Maier (2022) argues that Marxism was and remains a cult of sacred knowledge, the possession of which claims to reveal our understanding and enable us to rule the world. Once again, the cult-like description refers back to the critique offered by Myers and Noebel (2015) on Marxism’s attempts to reaffirm an agnostic ideology following the template of Christian faith.
Commander of Space Force unit fired after accusing the military of pushing an agenda ârooted in Marxismâ by Thebault
This article covers a story of Lieutenant Matthew Lomayer, who has recently self-published a book and appeared on podcasts to discuss its topics, each time accusing the Defense Department of pushing Marxist agenda. According to Thebault (2021), the book carries a conspiracy plot and an allegedly urgent message, claiming that Marxists are prepared to infiltrate the military and overthrow the U.S. government. Lomayer’s critique of the government and theories on Marxism are presented in a non-sympathetic way.
Supported by quotes from his former superiors, the article stresses that the popular image of the impeding Marxist crisis is a paranoid and absurd conservative fantasy. Despite a different outlook, the overall sentiment aligns with the notion that Myers and Noebel (2015) start with: Marxism is not extremely likely to take over the world. However, Myers and Noebel (2015) also warn against thinking that laughing at something means being able to disregard it, referring to such articles as an example.

Gonzalez, M. (2021). Zombie Marxism. CE Think Tank Newswire. Web.
Huppke, R. W. (2021). Critical race theory, cultural Marxism, wokeness are the greatest threats. Chicago Tribune, 12. Web.
Madunagu, E. (2020). In praise of Marxism. The Guardian. Web.
Maier, F. X. (2022). How Marxism âwonâ the war of ideas. Wall Street Journal, Eastern Edition, A.13. Web.
Myers, J., & Noebel, D. A. (2015). Marxism. In Understanding the times: A survey of competing worldviews (Ebook., pp. 168â206). Summit Ministries; David C. Cook.
Thebault, R. (2021, May 17). Commander of Space Force unit fired after accusing the military of
pushing an agenda ârooted in Marxism.â The Washington Post (Online). Web.