Healthcare Reform in the USA

The United States of America on behalf of its Government serves as a stimulator in case of reforms to be provided. Previous and current proposals go together in achieving the universal goal of the country in supporting the population with the well-organized legal basis of the reforms. This paper is intended to work out the alternative measurements between the healthcare policy promoted in the USA from the period of Bill Clinton’s administration and its estimation by the present administration of Barak Obama. Those healthcare reforms which were made in previous times brought some significant solutions into the sphere of medical ability to serve the Americans. These current reforms maintained and resolved many problems in this field of people’s activities which seemed to be fatal for society.

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The proposal of Bill Clinton is under the view in this paper because, on the one hand, of its interesting and deliberate character in points of the main prescription, and, on the other hand, the facts which are ill-observed for the further adoption and maintenance. Taking into account the versatile approach of solving the issue Clinton’s administration kept a strict eye at the point of collective partaking in this process. Former President in his compellation towards the representatives of law bodies as well as the legislative branch of power pointed out that they should “fix a health care system that is badly broken…giving every American health security–health care that is always there, health care that can never be taken away.” (Bok 1994) Three aspects standing for the adoption of Clinton’s plan are designated to be the standpoints. Their estimation side includes the issues concerning the prospects on the population characteristics in Medicare; beneficial approach; and freedom in the decision-making process as for rendering of healthcare services and their probable acceptance or denial.

  1. To provide coverage for all eligible persons;
  2. To guarantee certain core benefits;
  3. To create an elaborate claims procedure by which individuals or providers may challenge the denial of a benefit, payment, or preauthorization of services (Wolf, 1993).

The proposal of Bill Clinton possesses more attention on the role of physicians and the ethical side of their work to prevent the troublesome facts concerning income, race, gender, or other types of segregation. Moreover, the issue touched upon the Medicare issue. “Doctors’ incomes in the United States are 50-200 percent higher than they are in other advanced democracies.” (Bok, 1994) Almost $100 million “had been spent for advertisement program.” (Bok, 1994) A great percentage of money, due to the reform, was spent on mass media communication with the public. Irrational reapportionment of national financial means reflected on the following effect:

According to one side, the Clinton Plan amounted to “involuntary euthanasia” and deprived families of their choice of a doctor. According to the other, “Unless the Clinton Plan is passed, millions of Americans will have no access to health care.” (Bok, 1994).

The financial implications throughout the population bear in mind the facts of the medical insurance costs. The point is that the question remains unanswered: what type of it the individual would like to purchase? According to Stephen H. Bandeian and Lawrence S. Lewin’s social research, the situation has some hidden facts and contradictions confronting the financial side of healthcare support in the US:

Many people have the traditional form of insurance under which the insurer pays the full cost of care to the patient’s private physician. This arrangement contributes to economic inefficiency in health care because neither the patient nor the physician has much reason to control costs. (Bandeian, 1994).

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The national distrust in the activity and current policy of the Clinton-era government was too high due to the lessening of the public support of healthcare within society. (Budrys, p. 29) Society’s refusals to follow such high taxation were another basic reason why the proposal was not efficient. The ill-fated approaches of the reform maintained and adopted by the administration of the former President Bill Clinton caught after years of discussions the attention of today’s American President Barak Obama due to his bright and well-planned social program. The further elaboration of Clinton’s plan continued the administration of President Obama considering it to be a “reverse playbook”. More emphasis is made on the financial alterations which are to be followed: “The cost of such a plan was pegged at between $1 trillion and $2 trillion over 10 years. That works out to between $100 million and $200 million of new spending a year.” (Vanac 2009) With such innovative ideas of the new generation, it is seen that the taxation process should take into account the ability of people to get health insurance notwithstanding the social level. It is needful because many strata of society are unable to pay for their insurance. This fact, nonetheless the idea of Asclepiades’ Oath, can invoke the intention of physicians to deny in Medicare because of someone’s lack of money. That is why nowadays government makes all possible steps to decrease the struggle of ordinary people when needing medical aid.

Thus, the reform adopted in the Clinton era was the impulse for Americans, patients, and physicians, to grab more attention on the financial implications of this proposal. The main drawback of it was implemented in the fact that the former President wanted to make great pains within a short period. It resulted in the inefficiency of the reform and its disapproval in society. President Obama continued the reformation of the healthcare process to supply the protection of most weakened categories of people following the gradual steps for the reform’s perfection.


  1. Bandeian, S. H., & Lewin, L. S. (1994). What We Don’t Know about Health Care Reform. Issues in Science and Technology, 10
  2. Budrys, Grace. (2005). Our unsystematic health care system. Edition 2. Rowman & Littlefield.
  3. Kaveny, M. C., & Keenan, J. F. (1995). Ethical Issues in Health-Care Restructuring. Theological Studies, 56(1),
  4. Vanac, M. (2009). Obama administration using Clinton-era health care reform as ‘reverse playbook’ — MedCity morning read, 14
  5. Wolf, S. M. (1994). Health Care Reform and the Future of Physician Ethics. The Hastings Center Report, 24(2)
  6. Bok, Derek. (1994). “The Great Health Care Debate of 1993-94.” Journal of Discourse Leadership. Harvard University.

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DemoEssays. "Healthcare Reform in the USA." February 8, 2024.