Driver’s License in the U.S. Overview

Obtaining a driver’s license in the United States has been a pressing issue for the country’s residents and migrants for ages. There have been many accidents and hundreds of thousands of deaths due to poor driving skills. Those who were caught up illegally driving explained that they could not obtain a license due to the absence of such an option (Lyndel et al. 28). Therefore, this paper aims to investigate why the U.S.A. should pay for driver’s education regardless of age and citizenship status.

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The first reason why the U.S. should provide people with free driver education concerns teenagers’ ability to drive carefully. Primarily, the government should support those who live in low-income families. Due to the lack of experience, teenagers are in the risk group of having a road accident. Therefore, a trainer should offer control and flexibility to enhance one’s potential for driving.

Moreover, the government should re-educate those drivers who were pulled over and admitted intoxicated while driving (DWI), so that they could improve their driving skills (Lyndel et al. 28). The final point concerns the inability of immigrants to obtain licenses quickly. This increases the uninsured rate and the number of unlicensed drivers, and it exposes law enforcement effectively. Therefore, the U.S. must implement a policy allowing immigrants to improve their driving skills to drive legally.

The opposite view suggests that teenagers do not have to learn to drive at a young age. However, teenagers should enroll in a driving school as soon as possible to adapt to the road quickly and learn traffic regulations better. The other viewpoint presumes that immigrants must not receive an opportunity to drive (Lyndel et al. 31). On the contrary, they must legally learn how to drive so that they will not be pulled over, arrested, or even deported.

In conclusion, it seems reasonable to state that the United States should let all drivers obtain licenses because it will ensure that people may access necessities and contribute to the economy without living in fear. Such a policy will also increase revenue for the government and provide safety on the roads. The ongoing debate should stop to provide the country with safety and comfort.

Works Cited

Lyndel, Bates, et al. “Simulators, Driver Education and Disadvantaged Groups: A Scoping Review.” Journal of the Australian College Road Safety, vol. 30, no. 4, 2019, pp. 26-40.

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DemoEssays. (2022, February 19). Driver’s License in the U.S. Overview.

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"Driver’s License in the U.S. Overview." DemoEssays, 19 Feb. 2022,


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DemoEssays. 2022. "Driver’s License in the U.S. Overview." February 19, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Driver’s License in the U.S. Overview." February 19, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Driver’s License in the U.S. Overview." February 19, 2022.