Accountability and the Leadership in Army

Introduction and The Army Leadership Model

The dictionaries define accountability as “an obligation or willingness to accept responsibility or to account for one’s actions.” In the Army, accountability is a broader concept. It is essential for the leader since it enables all the requirements that the Army Leadership Model presents. Without accountability, the leader will not be able to introduce these elements into their work. The Army leadership model is a combination of requirements set for the Army leaders (Army Publishing Directorate, 2019). Consisting of Attributes and Competencies, it informs the leaders on what they have to be, do, and know. Attributes include character, presence, and intellect, while Competencies are leading, developing, and achieving. These characteristics are essential for a good leader. However, they would not be attainable without accountability, the key element. The purpose of this essay is to describe five main ways in which a soldier can be accountable in the Army: accountability to superiors, subordinates, peers, oneself, and the country.

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Accountability to Superiors and Subordinates

The first aspect is accountability to superiors, which means being able to execute tasks without constant supervision. That may differ for Soldiers on basic combat training (BCT) and advanced individual training (AIT). Soldiers undergoing the first type of activity might need guidance because they do not yet know about the Army service. However, soldiers who have completed AIT, have more skills and freedom to take charge of certain tasks. This will allow for a soldier’s development as a leader. The second important point is accountability to subordinates. Being a leader in the Army means teaching, coaching, and counseling other Soldiers. Therefore, a leader must ensure that a relationship with associates is developed, which will allow for effective work and problem-solving. The commander is responsible for everything the unit does or fails to do. Therefore, a commander must be accountable to subordinates to ensure their welfare.

Accountability to Peers and Oneself

Another aspect is holding peers accountable, as well as being responsible to them. The leaders have the duty to do the right thing while being loyal to their peers. It takes a strong character and courage to discuss the issues that may arise because of the peers’ mistakes. Proper communication will also provide an environment where leaders encourage each other to be more involved and committed. Being clear about one’s expectations and values will help to establish accountability in relationships with peers. The next aspect discussed here is accountability that leaders must hold to themselves. The Army needs people who are responsible for their own actions and mistakes, and who understand their strengths and weaknesses. It is the leaders’ duty to ensure that they are the best leaders they can be. In case there is a lack of specific skills or knowledge, the leader has to get the necessary training. Being proficient, they will be able to provide help to their subordinates and peers when the latter need it.

Accountability to the Country

Above all, the leaders have to remember their responsibility to the country. It is important to teach the leaders that serving in the Army means being accountable to the U.S. people and the Constitution (Army Publishing Directorate, 2020). Every Soldier must learn how to apply loyalty, duty, selfless service, and other army values. All these allow creating a foundation for further improvement and a positive climate in the units. In addition, leaders who are accountable for the causes mentioned above experience personal growth and improved performance. Accountable leaders are seen as dependable and strong Soldiers and Commanders. They are punctual, competent, and try their best to do the right thing at the right time and place. Accountability allows to gain peers’ trust and respect, as well as set an example for them to follow. Viewing their leader as a role model, Soldiers will adopt similar behavior patterns.


All this allows the conclusion that accountability is a crucial factor that contributes to the Army leaders’ growth. Regardless of the rank, every Soldier and Leader can and must learn accountability. The main way to do it is through experience, and the Army provides that experience. Leadership skills that Soldiers develop in a unique military environment have proven to be the strongest and the most sustainable. Serving in the military, Soldiers learn to be more self-aware. Every upgrade in rank gives them more privilege as well as more responsibility. The leader can implement all the components of the Army Leadership Model properly only if they apply accountability. Learning how to be accountable to superiors, subordinates, peers, oneself, and the country can provide valuable experience. It is impossible to overestimate the outcomes of such attitudes. Among them are improved performance, increased competency, better management skills, soldiers’ involvement, and commitment.


Army Publishing Directorate. (2020). AR 600–20 Army Command Policy. Web.

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Army Publishing Directorate. (2019). Doctrine Publication ADP 6-22 Army Leadership and the Profession. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, June 28). Accountability and the Leadership in Army.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "Accountability and the Leadership in Army." June 28, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Accountability and the Leadership in Army." June 28, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Accountability and the Leadership in Army." June 28, 2023.