Strategic Initiatives in Security

One of the major factors that affect the governance of a state is the level of security and the dynamic strategies utilized for proficiency in the implementation of policies. The primary role of a country’s administration entails enhancing the protection and safety of the citizens. Britain is a European nation that mainly focuses on joint forces to boost the defense based on merging operations, duties, and responsibilities across the different departments. An excellent example is the alignment of the UK national strategy for maritime security approaches with the Joint and RN doctrine (State for Defence, 2014). Guarding the inhabitants of the UK elevates the confidence of investors in establishing enterprises hence contributing to the growth and development in addition to the harmonious living among the residents. The philosophy of the British government encapsulates executing compelling aspects of freedom across the borders based on the cooperation of all institutions that deal with maritime security.

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The UK national strategy for maritime security is a doctrine that involves the documentation of the significant objectives to boost the level of security. Governance, however, is an interdependent concept encapsulating the coordination of efforts from various departments. In this case, one of the prominent concepts entails the protection of maritime norms and the international policy domain on naval operations (State for Defence, 2014). The policy is a construct akin to the doctrine of the Royal Navy and the Joint framework due to the focus on adhering to the global regulators governing the safeguarding of the bordering waters (Ministry of Defence, 2017). The safety of the citizens is an important aspect, especially under the spectral view of the consequences of terrorism. Therefore, it is crucial to ensure the maintenance of the worldwide standards in eradicating such entities as radicalism and piracy.

The unity of nationalities relies on the ability of a government to implement approaches that dynamically enhance professionalism across the landscape of strategic management. The UK maritime power doctrine focuses on the enlightenment of institutions based on the understanding of knowledge and experience (State for Defence, 2014). The UK national strategy for naval security aligns its second objective to the necessity of the RN philosophy based on empowering the administration with adequate insights into the important guard areas. Over the decades, human society faced a significant evolutionary process due to technological advancement. As a result, different entities focused on exploiting emergent concepts to elevate the essence of protecting the Britons. The alignment of the principles enshrines boosting the powers of the authorities in the monitoring and executing commands based on the updated intelligence facilitate by the utilization of the computers and the maritime personnel.

Another principle of the UK national strategy for maritime security is the provision of an effective support system to the neighboring ports and authorities in safeguarding the citizens. Over the decades, the evolution posed the necessity of interdependence across countries. Therefore, insecurity from the nearby environs threatens the peace and harmony among the residents of Britain. In this case, it is the responsibility of the agencies to ensure that activities involving the navy within the European region experience the necessary safety (Ministry of Defence, 2014). Cruise tourism is one of the major pillars of the economy in the UK. However, it is an activity highly dependent on the level of guarding across the borders and within the country. Further, the Maritime power doctrine establishes that Britain is an island and forms the foundation of its heritage. Primarily, it is the duty of the departments to provide the platform for the effective implementation of the security policies in Britain.

The UK is a hub of business activities due to the high-class infrastructure and technology to facilitate productivity. However, the efficiency of the coordination in the enterprises encompasses the prominence in security measures as an assertion to the investors and properties. The doctrines stipulate that based on the emergent ideologies, it is crucial that the government shifts from campaigning to the development of policies that enhance the engagement and contingency of the defense (Ministry of Defence, 2017). On the one hand, advocacy for peace and harmony enhances the coherence and the incorporation of interests from different parties. On the other hand, the focus on the ideologies that ensure the participation of all agencies in the protocol boosts the results in curbing such issues as terrorism and radicalism. In this case, the process fosters proficiency in the trade and transportation routes across the aquatic spaces as the UK national strategy maritime security goal.

The effectiveness of intelligence relies on the collaboration of all stakeholders in the monitoring and derivation of real-time information regarding criminal activities and the possibilities of national calamities. Apart from the eradication of terrorist operations, the government divisions ensure the implementation of initiatives to predict disasters such as tsunamis and the preparedness of emergency protocols (Kumara, 2020). Therefore, the objective of the UK national strategy for marine security on enhancing safety in trade and transportation routes aligns with the necessity to intensify the administration’s power and control in monitoring the economy.

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Apart from boosting the quality of living, the evolution of human society rendered sophistication to organized crime, especially across maritime borders. The British government is part of the international institutions entitled with the task to enhance security based on the significance of elevating and guarding the international population (Morris & Paoli, 2018). The coordination enhances the efficiency in the eradication of such operations as piracy and terrorism activities. In this case, the UK national strategy of maritime security focuses on steering the stakeholders’ participation in the protection protocol as an alignment to the stipulations in the doctrines regarding cross-administration cooperation (Cusumano & Ruzza, 2020). On the one hand, the process cultivates the sustainable concept of safety across nations. On the other hand, the emergence of a global village intensifies the importance of incorporating the different governance systems to combat the challenge.

In conclusion, the UK appreciates the optimal stakeholders’ participation in boosting the security of the marine territories. The increase in the evolutionary process rendered the development of a global village encompassing the elevated sharing of information. On the one hand, the acquisition of knowledge is a benefit to the agencies in monitoring the criminal activities and operations within the aquatic areas. On the other hand, terrorism heightened, prompting administrations to focus on the ideal solution to the framework. Primarily, the different doctrines address a similar essence of coordination among the departments in safeguarding the waters. The main points addressed include the cross-government policies steering the adherence to international standards on harmonious living as a sustainability initiative. Guarding the inhabitants of the UK elevates the confidence of investors in establishing enterprises hence contributing to the growth and development in addition to the harmonious living among the residents.


Cusumano, E., & Ruzza, S. (2020). Piracy and the privatization of maritime security: Isomorphic convergence in vessel protection. Maritime Security: Counter-Terrorism Lessons from Maritime Piracy and Narcotics Interdiction, 150, 124.

Kumara, J. S. (2020). Vulnerability to the international constraints: A study of Sri Lanka’s maritime security challenges. Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 3, 1.

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Ministry of Defence. (2014). Joint doctrine publication 0-01 UK defence doctrine [Ebook]. pp. 2-22. Web.

Ministry of Defence. (2017). Joint doctrine publication 0-10 UK maritime power [Ebook]. pp. 28-47. Web.

Morris, L. J., & Paoli, G. P. (2018). A preliminary assessment of Indonesia’s maritime security threats and capabilities. RAND.

State for Defence. (2014). The UK national strategy for maritime security [Ebook]. Web.

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DemoEssays. "Strategic Initiatives in Security." July 15, 2022.