Foundation of Army Leadership. Development of Leadership Self-Efficacy

For every successful organization, there must be an existence of good leadership. An army can be defined as a military force that is organized to fight on land. With capable leaders, the Army will be able to solve the current challenges in the security environment. Successful army leaders across the world should be swift, multi-skilled, and adaptive to any given environment. In simple terms, an army leader is responsible for shaping and inspiring a group of people to meet an organization’s set goals and objectives. The inspiration of the army leaders can be attributed to both being inward and outward. They help focus on specific thoughts, shape decisions, and practice proceedings that make an organization better. By accepting that soldiers can make errors, army leaders should be ready to acknowledge and take risks when necessary (Bergman et al., 2019). Army leadership foundation is attributed to evolution, founding documents, loyalty, accountability, and close alliance with the government.

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Strong Army organizations must be founded on firm and strong leadership stands. Army leadership is based on people’s loyalty to the Nation’s laws, the country’s history, accountable authority, and the Army’s emerging doctrines. When the above knowledge is effectively applied, experts and multi-skilled leaders will emerge. Despite maintaining individual and professional competence, army leaders are also responsible for training other subordinates. Lead, Develop and Achieve are the three classes of army leadership that help develop competent leadership at all stages (Bergman et al., 2019). The above courses help in the identification and classification of leadership roles and functions.

The Nation’s democratic foundations, identified values, and excellent standards form the Army leadership’s basic requirements. Recognition of the need to maintain time-proven standards is one way the Army uses to identify distinguished leaders throughout history (Fosse et al., 2019). The doctrines of leadership dictate that for society to experience a change or experience threats to its security and technology-related developments need an ever-increasing degree of adaptability. The Army possesses organized documents that require all soldiers to be familiar. All documents are written according to the Nations democratic principles, values, and excellent standards. Due to the amendments to the U.S constitution frequently, army documents that are adjustable are subject to revision (Fosse et al., 2019). The constitution has undergone twenty-seven amendments, an indication that government adapts to the societal changes.

The government works closely with the Army; congress can host and sustain the Army while the Army is responsible for defending the state and its territories. The Army takes an oath to defend and support the constitution of the United States against the enemies. The Oath also makes the Army recognize the President as the commander in chief of the armed forces (Fosse et al., 2019). They also recognize themselves as the agents of the President. The Oath helps the Army carry out its responsibilities confidently without fear. Obedience to the authority of the President is ensured through the administration of the Oath. The activities help to maintain a mutual relationship between the military and the government. All leaders exercising their authority should be considerate of their juniors (Fosse et al., 2019). The leaders should be able to differentiate the times when commanding a weak force and a strong force.

The Army leadership model comprises a strong character, competent knowledge, study, and better application and preparation. The following elements can bring down a leader’s character; empathy, values, and warrior ethos. One can lack the above elements, which can be instilled through character development, experience, apprenticeship, and training future (Bergman et al., 2019). Successful training techniques will, in the end, lead to effective and wise leadership. One of the core leadership values is competence; it is enhanced through personal effort, experience and training. Army leaders rely on value to be able to pass expectations from one leader to another. For competencies to improve, it takes time and happens mostly in difficult situations. Commanders can improve their competence by performing duties assigned to them responsibly future (Bergman et al., 2019). To any aspiring competent army leader, he should be ready to learn.

Strong and firm leadership in the Army plays a vital role in society as it is responsible for providing future leaders. In any successful organization, junior leaders should be under a transparent leadership authority to replicate the same kind of leadership in the future (Bergman et al., 2019). A good leader can be defined as someone who can influence his juniors, adapt changes easily, intelligent and competent. Army leadership is founded by ensuring soldiers undergo successful training. It is carried out for a specific period which ensures that they should have acquired enough knowledge and skills. Army leaders become more efficient by gaining more experience when carrying out their assigned tasks and responsibilities successfully. The apprenticeship program provides mentoring opportunities hence bringing out more responsible and effective army leaders.

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Bergman, D., Sendén, M. G., & Berntson, E. (2019). Preparing to lead in combat: Development of leadership self-efficacy by static-line parachuting. Military Psychology, 31(6), 481-489. Web.

Fosse, T. H., Skogstad, A., Einarsen, S. V., & Martinussen, M. (2019). Active and passive forms of destructive leadership in a military context: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology, 28(5), 708-722. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 21). Foundation of Army Leadership. Development of Leadership Self-Efficacy.

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DemoEssays. 2022. "Foundation of Army Leadership. Development of Leadership Self-Efficacy." December 21, 2022.

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DemoEssays. "Foundation of Army Leadership. Development of Leadership Self-Efficacy." December 21, 2022.