The Tactical Combat Casualty Care Information System


The Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) information system represents a source of all the vitals and documentation that may be required to provide the military with the latest updates on the state of affairs on the battlefield. In addition to different nursing flow sheets, the application could help gain insight into Medical Evacuation (MEDEVAC) records and access the data collected from staff members (Butler, 2017). For instance, there could be evidence from laboratory devices or physical examinations. As a multi-faceted instrument, the TCCC information system can be utilized to prevent serious injuries and provide staff members with timely healthcare services. The incorporation of the TCCC information system into the Department of Defense Trauma Registry facilitates the prevention of future casualties and creates premises for further innovation of information technologies and applications utilized by the US military (Butler, 2010). The application also holds a lot of potential in the area of improving decision-making and prehospital care provision since it helps the staff highlight optimal care options and complete the documentation as quickly as possible.

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Characteristics of the Users of the System

The TCCC information system was developed by the US Department of Defense, with the Defense Health Agency (DHA) standing at the forefront of the deployment of a trauma system. The main users of the current system are the individuals who participate in military battles for the US and have to possess a certain level of knowledge regarding life-saving practices and strategies (Milham et al., 2017). There are three essential types of end-users that benefit from the implementation of the TCCC:

  • Medical personnel. This military staff has to access the information system to support combat operations and provide timely care. Some of the possible end-users involved in utilizing the system are pararescue team members, corpsmen, and doctors.
  • Non-medical military personnel. This military staff has to utilize the given information system to support existing combat operations and obtain all the up-to-date information in regard to the deployment of the US forces. They may also be known as combat lifesavers within the framework of the TCCC information system.
  • Remaining service members. The information system also provides all the necessary instruments to other representatives of the military since they have to learn more about combat care and its specifics.

The main reason why each of the three groups noted above uses the TCCC information system is the capability to prevent serious injuries or react to them in a timely manner in order to prevent staff casualties.

Server-Side Hardware Requirements

As a government-operated and government-controlled system, the TCCC information system has to respect several essential hardware requirements to run smoothly and provide end-users with the best experience. In the absence of any specific evidence regarding the server-side of the TCCC, I think I may be able to assume that there is a Web server where all the information is stored that is required to answer end-user inquiries. Traditionally, similar systems might also include an application server to operate all the necessary software and store all the information solicited by the eligible staff members (Kotwal et al., 2017). A database server would be required to support these operations, with a database management server backing the primary set of hardware. I assume that there is a private network intended to remove the TCCC information system from direct access, with a lot of heavy protective measures averting civilians and hackers from accessing any private information concerning military personnel. There is a rather high chance more specific equipment deployed by the TCCC staff to establish sturdier network security for the server.

Server-Side Software Requirements

The main requirement that has to be respected in order for the TCCC information system to function properly in the presence of software instruments allowing for healthy communication between the key elements of hardware. The server should connect to the internal network established by the responsible agency and then provide end-users with an opportunity to access necessary files in the case of adequately granted permissions (Butler et al., 2017). There is a high chance that the TCCC functions in association with a File Transfer Protocol server that was set up to create more database connections. The database server software should also be in place (Oracle, for example). The TCCC information system will perfectly function on the basis of the Windows operating system developed by Microsoft. I do not possess any specific information regarding the server-side software that the information system might need to run properly.

Client-Side Hardware Requirements

As for the client-related requirements, the end-users have to possess a compatible digital device in order to access the TCCC information system. The list of accessible devices may include (but never be limited to) laptops, tablets, smartphones, and desktop computers. One of the main benefits of the TCCC is that this information can be accessed used other devices than computers and laptops. The modern authentication capabilities and protective measures developed by the Department of Defense create room for more platforms being used for military purposes (Tien et al., 2008). Knowing that the TCCC is an information system that is controlled by the government, it is reasonable that the military CAC should be utilized to help end-users log into the system using an appropriate certificate. Without a CAC reader with actualized certificates, the end-user will not be able to log in successfully.

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Client-Side Software Requirements

Client-side software does not have to be overly complex and is the most likely to run on the majority of modern computer systems. As an information system that is governed by the country’s administration, it has to feature client applications that can be accessed using Windows 10, 8, or 7. The list of required software may also include Microsoft Edge (Internet Explorer) in order to provide a graphic interface for the users accessing the database linked to the application. For the user views, the TCCC information system might require end-users to connect to the database using a tablet or a laptop that is powerful enough to remain compatible with all the features included in the system. Typical network protection elements, such as a firewall can be installed to prevent end-users from exposing their information to the global network.

Features and Usage of the System

The basic advantage that can be found inside the TCCC information system is that it provides the administrators and end-users with the ability to establish specific backup plans and prevent serious data loss even in the case where the system goes down for an unknown period. All the upgrades and patches are uploaded swiftly in order to make sure that the required software functions properly and connects to the hardware with no limitations (Nemeth et al., 2021). The TCCC information system was built in a way that helps all users remain online even if there are database connectivity issues. There are also scheduling activities that protect the system from missing an important patch or network security update. From my personal perspective, this is a serious advantage because every end-user gets a chance to navigate available backups and restore the correct state of the system when necessary. There are systems in the US military that do not allow for backing up and restoring information, so I believe this functionality to be one of the central elements of the TCCC information system.

Another feature that qualifies as an important element of the TCCC information system is the fact that it allows military staff to access the database using their mobile devices. The introduction of smartphone-guided access allowed the US military to increase its agility and address crucial combat issues on the fly (Rasmussen et al., 2017). Some of the last-minute operations may be supported with the help of the TCCC with a slight delay, but the grade of coordination that can be achieved through the interface of the given information system is impeccable. Military forces should resort to the utilization of the TCCC information system more often in order to test its limits and see how the cross-platform approach facilitates the combat environment. In the field, the staff could resort to using its tablets to gain mobile access to the database and reach the most up-to-date information regarding the health state of any specific staff member. All the necessary verification and authentication protocols are in place, so the US military does not have any problem with secure logins and real-time communication.

The ultimate feature that is included in the TCCC information system is a training unit that might help most service members learn more about how the system works and what are the essential hints concerning using the system. Knowing that the majority of government-controlled systems are usually perceived as overly complex, the TCCC information system can be seen as an exception because all the steps are discussed in rich detail in the FAQ section of the application. Therefore, users’ experience with the system is remarkably positive because of the walkthrough tutorials available in the application. From authorization to soliciting and sharing information, the system contains all the vital data to provide the military staff with enough support. The TCCC information system does not feature any generic tutorials since the system has to be as clean and straightforward as possible. This is a serious advantage for the end-users because they have the possibility to access the system quickly and communicate all the necessary bits of information with no delay.

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The implementation of the TCCC information system allowed the military to bring plenty of change to the US military leadership and decision-making. The ability to attract more live data to the combat allowed the staff to research possible ways of approaching out-of-hospital care differently. The information system that was developed to increase the rate of casualty survival became an innovation due to the fact that more trainees gained a chance to train and communicate more effectively. The current report shows how the development of a tactical medical information system allowed the US military to contribute to the future research agenda and outline the key benefits of an integrated digital tool that supports the US troops on the battlefield.


Butler, F. K. (2010). Tactical combat casualty care: Update 2009. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 69(1), 10-13.

Butler, F. K. (2017). Two decades of saving lives on the battlefield: Tactical combat casualty care turns 20. Military Medicine, 182(3-4), 1563-1568.

Butler, F. K., Bennett, B., & Wedmore, C. I. (2017). Tactical combat casualty care and wilderness medicine: Advancing trauma care in austere environments. Emergency Medicine Clinics, 35(2), 391-407.

Kotwal, R. S., Montgomery, H. R., Miles, E. A., Conklin, C. C., Hall, M. T., & McChrystal, S. A. (2017). Leadership and a casualty response system for eliminating preventable death. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 82(6), 9-15.

Milham, L. M., Phillips, H. L., Ross, W. A., Townsend, L. N., Riddle, D. L., Smith, K. M.,… & Johnston, J. H. (2017). Squad-level training for tactical combat casualty care: Instructional approach and technology assessment. The Journal of Defense Modeling and Simulation, 14(4), 345-360.

Nemeth, C., Amos-Binks, A., Burris, C., Keeney, N., Pinevich, Y., Pickering, B. W.,… & Sun, M. G. (2021). Decision support for tactical combat casualty care using machine learning to detect shock. Military Medicine, 186(1), 273-280.

Rasmussen, T. E., Baer, D. G., Remick, K. N., & Ludwig, G. V. (2017). Combat casualty care research for the multidomain battlefield. Journal of Trauma and Acute Care Surgery, 83(1), 1-3.

Tien, H. C., Jung, V., Rizoli, S. B., Acharya, S. V., & MacDonald, J. C. (2008). An evaluation of tactical combat casualty care interventions in a combat environment. Journal of the American College of Surgeons, 207(2), 174-178.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "The Tactical Combat Casualty Care Information System." January 1, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "The Tactical Combat Casualty Care Information System." January 1, 2023.


DemoEssays. "The Tactical Combat Casualty Care Information System." January 1, 2023.