The military is one of the options available to many young people who want to protect and serve the United States while earning a good salary. With the presence of several branches in this field, potential candidates should consider the benefits and challenges associated with each one of them before making their final decisions. The purpose of this argumentative paper is to present the Marine Corps as the best choice for those who want to join the American disciplined forces and lead better lives thereafter.
Benefits of the Marine Corps
The choice to become a Marine could be one of the best since it presents a wide range of opportunities that can take someone closer to his or her professional and personal goals. First, those who are recruited successfully to join the Marine Corps tend to have better and higher expectations in comparison with their counterparts who purse the other branches (“U.S. military forces,” 2019). After completing the first phase without hitches, such individuals will have to go through a strenuous training that is intended to equip them with various competencies that are unique to such a force. Consequently, such candidates will develop a true sense of duty and learn how they can adjust depending on the complexities of every situation (Allison et al., 2019). Such an outcome is usually possible since they all have to follow instructions, become more responsible, and consider the importance of completing their tasks with precision. The possession of some of these skills is quite beneficial since they are capable of guiding a person throughout his or her life to become more successful.
Second, those who finish their training and graduate to become Marines without hindrance find a new opportunity that is unavailable to other soldiers. For instance, Schaefer et al. (2015) indicate that such a ceremony is a sign of achievement since the candidates get a chance to become part and parcel of an elite American military organization. They will always be honored since the branch has succeeded in completing some of the complex feats in the United States’ history (Allison et al., 2019). Those who remain involved and focus on their ultimate enlistments will eventually achieve similar gains as members of the Marine Corps. For instance, the famous photograph of 6 American Marines raising the American flag on Mt. Suribachi towards the end of the Pacific War is one of the best examples to support such an argument (see Fig. 1). All fighters involved in this upheaval were able to see the flag. This was a symbol of victory and it tried to showcase the superiority and teamwork associated with the Marine Corps.

Third, the operations, practices, and training programs associated with this military unit are usually of the highest quality. According to Allison et al. (2019), such elements have been designed in such a way that they can supports the needs of all the Marines and the duties they might ever undertake in the future. They acquire exceptional skills and strength that make it easier for them to overcome all hardships on the battlefield. Their competencies allow them to merge with other units and still remain outstanding (“U.S. military forces,” 2019). Additionally, they develop additional guidelines that empower them to help and support one another and focus on the best strategies to endure. These achievements will make it easier for the Marines to succeed and deliver the much needed victory.
Fourth, those who serve as Marines get a rare opportunity to acquire additional competencies that are applicable in life. For example, many individuals will get numerous chances to improve their overall leadership and organizational competencies (“U.S. military forces,” 2019). They will also find it easier to interact positively with others and solve some of the challenges they might encounter later in their lives. After finishing their careers successfully, these soldiers will be in a position to lead appropriate civilian lives, interact with others effectively, and offer the relevant support to make their respective communities more successful (Allison et al., 2019). These attributes explain why those who are planning to become part of the disciplined forces should consider this outstanding option and eventually become responsible American citizens.
The above argumentation has identified the Marine Corps as the best choice for those who want to join the military. The reader realizes that this force has a unique tradition of excellence that makes it outstanding and reputable. It is notable that all successful candidates will acquire superior competencies, develop effective leadership qualities, and be prepared for a wide range of challenges in their career and personal life. The choice to join the Marine Corps is, therefore, beneficial and capable of taking more individuals closer to their goals. In conclusion, the benefits, possible gains, and ideologies have the potential to guide and empower all Marines while in service and even after returning back to civilian life.
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Kramer, G. (2018). Who were the Marines who raised the flag on Iwo Jima? History Hit. Web.
Schaefer, A. G., Wenger, J. W., Kavanagh, J., Wong, J. P., Oak, G. S., Trail, T. E., & Nichols, T. (2015). Implications of integrating women into the Marine Corps infantry. Rand Corporation.
U.S. military forces in FY 2020: Marine Corps. (2019). Web.