System of Checks and Balances in Government


A system of checks and balances is one of the commonly used concepts in law, which is important to all branches of governance. According to Gratton and Morelli, the system allows the executive, legislative, and judicial branches to avoid the abuse of authority and stay equal (550). The systems of checks and balances apply to constitutional governments where the powers are divided into different sectors, and the United States is one example of a government that follows the concept. Even though the system requires a lot of time to approve decisions with the parliament, every governmental branch stays under control, and everyone does their job. Separation of powers, in this case, is successful and stable across the law industry of the specific constitutional country.

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The executive branch of government is mostly beneficial for citizens of the country as the president of the state signs specific laws and regulations to ensure that a better change happens. However, in reality, some problems might appear due to the incompetence of the governmental official. For example, the previous president of the USA, Donald Trump, has made many changes regarding the immigration process. The changes were not beneficial even for Americans, and the trust was shattered (Ries 1). Trump has abused his executive powers causing issues in the legislative branch as illegal actions were conducted. This problem was checked in the executive and legislative branches, and when Joe Biden became president, his first executive order was aimed at Ensuring a Lawful and Accurate Enumeration and Apportionment Pursuant to the Decennial Census.

The legislative branch helps to produce laws and control the reaction of citizens. The system of checks and balances allows the legislative power to control presidential elections, budgeting, and impeachment of government leaders (Holcombe 57). This branch can check the performance of executive power in the financial sphere. According to Holcombe, while the executive branch controls the legislative division’s ability to exceed the number of components, the legislative branch can follow the preferences of executive power and mention when they go above the standardized expenditures (57). The legislative branch can be considered the most important as it regulates the Supreme Court and stays the most valuable when problems with presidents occur. Consequently, it is important to control this branch to ensure that no further issues appear in executive and judicial powers.

The judicial branch is related to both types of governmental sectors and can be applied to various cases of abuse of laws. There might be an individual or constitutional justice, and the System of checks and balances helps identify the problem and apply the constitutional solution (Holcombe 57). The judicial branch helps balance the government’s executive and legislative aspects. Workers in this branch do not have fixed terms, and they can be removed from their positions only after the specific impeachment process, which rarely happens. The judicial branch is the final point in creating new regulations, and if some abuse appears in executive or legislative powers, the changes will not be applied (Holcombe 57).


Consequently, judges and justices face many different governmental leaders and can easily understand who is not following the rules of executive and legislative power. The experience of judicial representatives allows them to check other branches and make the right conclusions regarding the production of new laws and their execution.

Works Cited

Gratton, Gabriele and Morelli, Massimo. “Optimal checks and balances under policy uncertainty.” International Economic Review, vol. 63, no. 2, pp. 549-569.

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Holcombe, Randall G. “Checks and balance: Enforcing constitutional constraints.” Economies, vol. 6, no. 4, 2018, p. 57.

Ries, Lora. “President Trump and Joe Biden: Comparing immigration policies.” The Heritage Foundation, no. 3547, pp. 1-17.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "System of Checks and Balances in Government." September 28, 2023.

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DemoEssays. "System of Checks and Balances in Government." September 28, 2023.