Public Policy Essay Examples for Free - Page 5

Marijuana Legalization in New York and Its Effects

Introduction The legalization of marijuana has been a controversial issue within the U.S. due to the negative connotations associated with its use. Prior to the process behind the decriminalization of marijuana that started in Oregon by 1973, the mere possession of small quantities of marijuana was considered as being on...

Words: 1129 Pages: 5

Same-Sex Civil Rights and Domestic Partnerships

Among the majority of Americans, equality entails an American value articulated in the Constitution. Although the Constitution does not support discrimination, LGBT persons are denied most of the basic rights that other members of society enjoy. By virtue of being human, LGBT people should enjoy basic rights enjoyed by other...

Words: 1664 Pages: 7

US Gun Control Insufficiency in Crime Prevention

In 2012, a gunman opened fire indiscriminately targeting a public entertainment spot. As a result, twelve people died (Bjeloper, 2013). In the same year, a young man, who was later reported to be psychologically challenged, attacked a Connecticut elementary school killing 20 students, and 6 adults (Bjeloper, 2013). These events...

Words: 566 Pages: 3

Public Policy on Drug Abuse

Introduction Over the past decades, the problem of drug abuse has continued to present challenges to our government, our families, and the whole society in general. As an important component that drives and directs our society, the government has been developing several measures aimed at mitigating the challenge of drug...

Words: 2495 Pages: 10

Public Education Policy in the United States

Public policy is a collection of deliberations that shapes the manner in which a country is managed (Kraft and Furlong 1). The study of public policy majorly aims to bring into perspective the importance of governments as well as how the efficiency of these governments can be enhanced. Today, the...

Words: 1109 Pages: 5

National Identity Cards in Developing Countries

Introduction The use of national identity cards dates back to the First World War when they were used as statutory registration schemes. In fact, the British colonial government used the identity card system to identify and control people in their colonies (Arora, 2008). Since then, national identity cards have been...

Words: 1961 Pages: 8

Emiratisation: the UAE Government and Private Sector

Introduction Emiratization is an affirmative action policy of the United Arab Emirates Government that gives preferential hiring status to Emiratis over expatriates in order to preserve national identity, economic sustainability, and political stability. The initiative has been exercised for more than ten years. However, the unemployment challenge for nationals continues...

Words: 2776 Pages: 11

Dubai Political and Economic Development

Dubai is a monarchy state and a part of the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Warring neighbors characterized by conflicts, extremism and widespread hostilities surround it. Some of these countries include Iran, Iraq and Pakistan. The emirate is located in the desert with extreme temperatures. These conditions reflect hardship for Dubai,...

Words: 1941 Pages: 8

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Abstract In today’s society, its widely accepted that diversity is important in ensuring effective functioning in the workplace. Various companies stress on diversity when hiring and promoting employees. The case also applies in times of ordering of goods and services. However, the case was much different a couple of decades...

Words: 3338 Pages: 13