Reducing Drug Trafficking in the United States

Step One


The paper aims at elaborating the topic, “reducing drug trafficking in the United States”.

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In as much as the paper exemplifies diverse aspects, it is imperative to denote that fighting drugs from the origin, partnership, and initiating policy changes are crucial strategies that will eliminate the vice.


The need for illegitimate drugs is liable for the persistence of such trade. Despite many disincentive measures, drug traffickers are willing to risk incarceration with the intent of meeting their clients’ needs. This is attributable to the worthwhile nature of the US drug marketplace. Failed leadership in Latin America has provided favourable atmosphere for cartels. In these countries, drug cartels grow an assortment of drugs in plantations, which meet the ever-expanding demand in the US. Despite American efforts to destroy such plantation, the cartels are able to move into isolated regions where they continue their activities.

Therefore, there is always adequate supply of drugs in the US. The above details exemplify that eradication of drug trafficking is impossible. However, the American government has initiated ways, which counter this phenomenon (Madras, 2010). An example is instituting tougher laws. In addition, the government should focus on trimming demand for illicit substances in this country. This paper seek to provide proof that it is impossible to eradicate drug trafficking and thus the government should focus on reducing it significantly.

Step Two

Scope and Nature of the Problem

Drug trafficking constitutes a national agenda. This indicates that research relating to this topic will focus on government documents. Research will involve government policy papers that relate to this topic. Various authorities publish documents on ways to fight drug trafficking. Such document will be very pivotal in writing this paper since they contain information detailing the nature and level of this menace.

DEA is an agency that primarily focuses on fighting the trade. The data from this agency will be essential, as it will reveal the possible quantity of drugs traded in this nation. In addition, it will disclose the basis of these drugs. Smuggling drugs posits dangers since most of the data collected in relation to this activity results from police intelligence. The research should also try to unearth the net worth of this trade. It is crucial to find out the regions in this country where this vice is rampant because government’s effort will concentrate on these areas.

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Specific Claim

This research paper aims at discussing “reduction of drug trade in United States” therefore making it paramount to elaborate this topic. The research should reveal the effects of this phenomenon on the American population and the reasons for calls to reduce drug trafficking.

Methods of data collection

Conventional research involves gathering of data from a target population. Nonetheless, the above research will involve more secondary research arising from the aspects typifying the subject. The research will mainly circumnavigate government policy document. This means that this research will lack the primary phase and will largely depend on literature review. Managing drug trafficking within the boundaries will incorporate an assortment of concerted efforts.

This research aims at disclosing the efforts that various organs of the government are enacting. Laws relating to drug trafficking are set for alteration because the transfer of money is complex due to digital advancement (Madras, 2010). This research will seek to unearth the alterations that are on course to fight money laundering. Money laundering is a malpractice largely linked to drug trade. The government will be seeking additional authority to seize assets that belong to drug barons and cartels.

Preliminary findings

The government has come to the realization that current drug policy is not working because drug trade is growing exponentially. Moreover, drug related hostility is on the up-surge. It has therefore prioritized an overhaul of the current policies. This research should disclose the intended changes to the drug policy. The US is the prevalent economy therefore a lucrative market for drug trade. The government must enact suitable measures to fight this trade.

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Money obtained from drug purchases assists cartels in acquisition of artillery that fuel conflict in drug-producing areas (Altschuler & Brounstein, 1991). However, the current government is seeking to control sales of weapons and this one among the measure that will assist in reduction of drug trafficking. The change in US drug policy intends to allocate considerable resources to efforts to trim down demand for illicit substance.


Research, thus intends to disclose these measures because they will have a significant impact on drug trafficking. Research will further disclose programs that aim at reducing demand for drugs. Authorities have concluded that high income and demand for drugs in this country are the key drivers of this vice globally. In sum, this research will mainly involve literature review because there is no data gathering.

Step Three: DRAFT


Drugs have an overall negative impact on any society and serves as an indication of moral dilapidation. Fighting drug trafficking has proved to be menacing and attempt by various governments have resulted in failure. This is largely attributable to the fact that the drug trade involves various cartels. In as much as the paper exemplifies diverse aspects, it is imperative to denote that fighting drugs from the origin, partnership, and initiating policy changes are crucial strategies that will eliminate the vice.

Fighting drugs from their origin

Eliminating drugs trafficking is impossible because it follows a complex network of cartels. It is important to realise that drug in the US originate mainly from Latin countries and in return, they get money and sophisticated artillery. These countries include Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia and other Caribbean nations.

Pursuing partnership

Drug trafficking is an intercontinental phenomena. For United States to fight this problem, then it must cultivate international partnership with other countries so that a drug war becomes more effective. These partnerships will be effective in conducting joint anti- drugs operations.

Involvement of government organs

Various departments of the US government are suspected of participating in drug trafficking. “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA), an intelligence-gathering body is alleged to have participated in drug trafficking. This body has the sole objective of gathering intelligence to assist in the apprehension of criminal and protection of the state.


This will highlight the major facets of the paper.

Final Paper


Drug trafficking is a major concern to every government that takes over leadership in the US. Drugs not only pose danger to the addicts but also the security of the citizenry. Ruthless cartels run trade in illicit drugs. In order to instil fear amid ordinary people, drug cartels murder persons who may challenge their authority. Drug cartels run drug trade from the fields of production to the streets. Evidently, Drugs cause a relaxing feeling once an individual consumes them. However, they have side effects that lead to addiction. Most drugs in the US originate from Mexico and Latin divisions of America.

The drugs earn the traffickers billions in revenues. However, drugs cartels use this money to finance their operations. The US is a lucrative market for drugs because of high income. Drug trafficking poses many challenges to authorities despite the harsh penalties handed to convicts of such crimes. Moreover, the government has instituted sanctions on regimes that support this vice in an attempt to cripple their financial abilities (Warshaw & Daly, 1996).

In deed, drug trafficking threatens the security of any nation and influences negatively on the economy since addicted individuals are not productive. In addition, it results in channelling of finances into unnecessary expenditure.

Drugs have an overall negative impact on any society and serves as an indication of moral degradation. Fighting drug trafficking has proved to be menacing and attempt by various governments have resulted in failure. This is largely attributable to the fact that the drug trade involves various cartels. In as much as the paper exemplifies diverse aspects, it is imperative to denote that fighting drugs from the origin, partnership, and initiating policy changes are crucial strategies that will eliminate the vice.

Fighting drugs from their origin

Eliminating drugs trafficking is impossible because it follows a complex network of cartels. It is important to realise that drug in the US originate mainly from Latin countries and in return, they get money and sophisticated artillery. These countries include Brazil, Mexico, Columbia, Peru, Bolivia and other Caribbean nations. These countries are third and second-class economy with a majority of the citizenry in abject poverty.

This means that these populations are vulnerable and will engage in whichever trade to earn a livelihood. Additionally, the governments in these countries are corrupt and therefore, act as facilitator of the trade. Although some countries have committed themselves to fighting drug trafficking due to American diplomatic pressure, they have failed due to an assortment of factors. Cartels that deal in drugs especially in Mexico and Columbia have massive resources and have consequently created stronghold areas within which the grow drugs. The cartels have used their gangs to safe guard these areas.

Such areas have ensured that there is a constant flow of drugs into American streets. The failure of the law to prevail in Latin countries has contributed to escalation in drug trafficking. For the law to prevail in these countries, the respective government will have to institute legislative changes that discourage drug trade. In addition, massive financial aid will be a necessity to arm police in these countries. US authorities cannot fight drug trafficking in foreign countries based on sovereignty but have provided logistical support (Madras, 2010). Logistical support makes it easy for these countries to capture and arraign traffickers in law courts.

Drug cartels are wealthy and can induce government officials in all ranks. This allows them to operate undeterred. The disorganization in Latin American has allowed cartels to flourish thus increasing drug trafficking in the US. To deter in these cartels will require concerted efforts. Poor governance in Latin countries has provided cartels with pristine conditions to operate. It is thus difficult to eliminate drug trafficking in this country (Perl, 2006).

Pursuing partnership

Drug trafficking is an international phenomena. For United States to fight this problem, then it must cultivate international partnership with other countries so that a drug war becomes more effective. These partnerships will be effective in conducting joint anti- drugs operations. Joint operations will interrupt drug channels thus reducing drug trafficking. The United States must pursue these partnerships because it is the most lucrative market for drug traffickers.

Therefore, most drug traffickers target this market. This means that the US must commit extra resources, funds and work force. Use of partnerships is a viable strategy because it will bring many countries to the realization that fighting drugs is a global challenge. Establishing drug trafficking as a global challenge will result in massive commitment of resources to this fight. Concerted global effort will significantly reduce drug trafficking in this country.

Drug trafficking offers livelihoods to numerous susceptible people. The US government can work on modalities that will ensure that these vulnerable groups are not involved in this illicit trade. Evidently, the US government needs to reduce drug trade outside thus decreasing the entry of these illicit products inside its territory. Being the most lucrative market makes the US exceedingly vulnerable to drug trafficking. Conversely, it gives the US the ability to counter all illicit tendencies and congeal assets of drug lords, essentially minimizing drug trafficking by breaking such network (National drug control policy, 2011). This reveals that elimination of drug trade is impossible since any society will have poor people and ill wiled people who participate in this unlawful trade.

Reducing demand for drugs

Drugs use affects all societies. Nonetheless, authorities are incapable of fighting drug trafficking in entirety. Community based initiatives can play a crucial role in countering drug traffickers. This is because members of any community have knowledge of the people who perpetrate such illegal activities. These groups can volunteer essential information on drug trafficking. Such initiatives create responsibility among community members that everyone in the campaigning against drug trafficking. However, this strategy at times is counterproductive because it exposes member of any community that volunteer information to harm by cartels that run drug trade in that society.

However, community members that volunteer information become prime targets for drug cartels since they want to overawe the common people. Therefore, this method exposes volunteers of information to risk because gangs may opt to retaliate. In addition, the government should finance society based rehabilitation centres. This further exemplifies that it is challenging to eliminate drug trafficking. If these rehabilitation centres are common nationally, majority of the addicts can overcome substance abuse. This would reduce the demand for illicit substances in communities thus reducing trafficking of drugs. This is a revelation of how community based strategy would aid the fight against drug trafficking.

This strategy brings on board many people nationally and can therefore have a huge impact on the drug trade. Air transport and flexible borders facilitate drug trafficking in the US. Therefore, if the government should exercise more control in these areas by utilizing inflexible regulations. Drugs are airlifted from South America to remote airstrips in the US where they find their way into the streets. Conversely, other drug smugglers penetrate into the US via the southern border.

The above is a revelation of US exposure to drug trafficking. In order to stop this, the government has deployed the National Guard. However, drug smuggling has continued undeterred. Drugs dealers seem to outwit government forces and are able to traffic drugs. This happens despite the massive amounts of resources committed to fights drugs. To fight drug dealing more effectively, the government ought to re-think its policies in fighting this menace.

Authorities should realise that low-income citizens are defenceless to drug trafficking. The government should channel its funds towards these vulnerable people mostly found in ghettos and town projects. If the government is able to provide such communities with better incomes, it will have won part of the war against drug trafficking. Poor people are the most vulnerable to not only drug trafficking but also abuse of these substances. This is attributable to the fact that drug relief stress when consumed. Increase in income will reduce the number of traffickers significantly. Essentially, the government needs to understand what spurs demand for drugs locally.

Understanding, the above will be key to winning the fight against this trade. To cripple demand for illicit substances, authorities need to examine the age at which people begin drug use. Research reveals that teenagers are the most vulnerable group for recruitment into drug use. Authorities should facilitate drug prevention and rehabilitation programmes centred on youthful people. Reduction of drug consumption among the youth who make up the largest proportion will significantly lessen demand subsequently causing a decrease in quantity traded (UN General Assembly, 1998). Conversely, the government has concentrated on fighting drug trafficking from outside the American territory while local demand for illicit substance is spurring this vice globally.

Involvement of government organs

An assortment of departments suspected of participating in the venture. “Central Intelligence Agency” (CIA), an intelligence-gathering body is alleged to have participated in drug trafficking. This body has the sole objective of gathering intelligence to assist in the apprehension of criminal and protection of the state. The participation of such authorities in drug trafficking will render any efforts to fight futile.

Such intelligence bodies ought to provide intelligence to law enforcement organizations. Conversely, they are using state machinery to perpetrate crime. Clear legislation of the mandate of bodies like CIA will prevent them from acting unlawfully. Despite the current anti-trafficking laws, drug trade has continued undeterred. This is an indication that criminal are willing to risk incarceration because of the money that drug dealing earns.

Drug dealing continues to flourish in spite of creation of an agency whose sole objective is to stamp out this vice. “The Drug Enforcement Authority” (DEA) is an agency that counters drug trafficking with marginal success despite massive resources allocation. This reveals that the drug trade is profoundly entrenched in the American society. The congress should adjust its laws that relate to the drug trade so that it can effectively deter drug trade. In-depth consultations between the various agencies that counter drugs should culminate in alterations to the law that will make the laws more effective.

Due to technological advancement, money transfer is more sophisticated. Therefore, the law will always require adjustment to deal with these changes in technology (Altschuler & Brounstein, 1991). However, drug traders have become cunning in transferring funds and only deal with liquid money. Transacting in cash assists to mask drug dealer’s operations because there is no paper evidence. Essentially drug dealers are able to remain anonymous despite transacting huge amounts of money. This further reveals the insurmountable challenges that authorities face in fighting drugs. Eliminating drugs trafficking is virtually impossible however; authorities can fight to ensure that this trade reduces significantly.

Policy changes

Drug trafficking is an international challenge and the US being the strongest economy should ally all other nations to fight this crime. Such an undertaking would require a total overhaul of the US drug policy. The US is the largest consumer of drugs originating from Latin America. In exchange, the drug dealers receive money and assault weapons. The weaponry has fueled conflict in these areas precipitating drug trafficking.

It is therefore paramount for the US government to control weapon sales. The US should establishing programs that will reduce planting of drugs in Latin America. Reduction in acreage of drug plantation will lessen the amount of illegal substance trafficking in US. In addition, these efforts must target other areas such Afghanistan where heroin dominates farmlands. It is essential for the government to support other regimes that are fighting the drug trade in their respective countries.

The US authorities should coordinate global efforts against drug trafficking so that there is considerable progress. In addition, state needs to commit more funds toward programs that will reduce demand for drugs. However, this strategy has faced considerable opposition because of its financial outlay. Execution of this strategy will require massive funding thus most countries are unwilling to commit themselves. Therefore, United States has to contribute large proportions of such sums from taxation collected (WOLA, 2010).


In conclusion, elimination of drug trafficking in the US is difficult because it is a lucrative market. This means that all drug cartels target this country concurrently. As a result, they outwit authorities. In order to fight this menace, the government needs well-coordinated efforts. Use of drugs in US has greatly fueled this trade and the government must channel resources toward reducing drug use. Research reveals that the US government has concentrated its effort towards fighting drug trafficking outside. Initially, the government targeted drug plantations. However, traffickers have shifted and this has resulted in an augment in drug production in other regions. This approach seems to posit quick-fix results. However, drug dealers are able to make up for the destroyed plantations.

Research further reveals that the tactic to counter drugs effectively entails targeting the drug using population in this country. This is through edification programs and therapy centers. These two would appreciably lessen drug use and the need. Reduction in demand is the only effective way since it would make US an unattractive market eventually reducing drug trafficking. Despite multiple measures to eliminate drug trafficking they have all failed thus the government should have a realistic objective of reducing drug trade significantly.


Altschuler, D. M. & Brounstein, P. J. (1991). Patterns of drug use, drug trafficking, and other delinquency among inner-city adolescent males in Washington, D.C. Criminology, 29: 589–622.

Madras, B. K. (2010). Office of National Drug Control Policy. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1187: 370–402.

National drug control policy. (2011).National Drug Control Strategy 2010.Pennsylvania, PA: DIANE Publishing.

Perl, R. (2006). International Drug Trade and U.S. Foreign Policy. Web.

UN General Assembly (1998). Reducing Demand for Drug. Web.

Warshaw, B. & Daly, P. (1996). Drug Trafficking in the United States. National criminal justice reference service, 63(3):18-19, 21-23.

WOLA. (2010). The United States’ Failure to Reduce Illegal Drug Supplies Demands a Dramatically Different Strategy in the Americas, Testifies WOLA at House Hearing. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, January 4). Reducing Drug Trafficking in the United States.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "Reducing Drug Trafficking in the United States." January 4, 2023.

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DemoEssays. "Reducing Drug Trafficking in the United States." January 4, 2023.