Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy

The kind of research design that was used for the research was quasi-experimental research design. It was used to look at three strike laws on crime in California and how effective or ineffective they are in combating crime in the country. The data mainly used was a reference to the three policies which the author evaluated to find out how they were utilized. The main purpose of the research was to forge a means forward that would ensure that the rate of crime is minimized. The other data that was used for the study included published studies by marvel and moody and kovandzic. The sampling method used was the comparison of reports presented. The laws that were implemented to reduce the rate of crime together with the published data were compiled by the author to find out on their affectivity. The other sampling techniques used were reported records on crime, since the three laws were passed and how they have impacted on the study question.

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The dependant variables that were used for the data include homicide rates, motor vehicle theft, larceny, rape, robbery, assault and burglary in relation to a population of 100, 000. The data on crime was borrowed from the FBI’s Uniform Crime Report. The findings of the research revealed both an increase and decrease of crime during the twenty years period that was used. There was no specific trend of reduction or increase in crime. This implies that there were certain factors that influenced the rate of crime. From the data, it was clear that a decrease in the rate of crime also led to a decrease of strikes in the city. It was also identified that what was behind the three strike laws was incapacitation. The research could not give us a reliable finding because of the various assumptions that were made. The data was collected basing on the states of America and sampled by aggregate. This hence means that there were different results for each state but the assumption was made basing on the aggregate and hence not giving a clear report. Even though the data shows that there was a decrease in crime after the passage of the three crime laws. There could be other factors that led to the decrease which have not been identified and hence the data can not be considered to be valid.

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DemoEssays. (2022, February 17). Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy.

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"Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy." DemoEssays, 17 Feb. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy'. 17 February.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy." February 17, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy." February 17, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Striking Out as Crime Reduction Policy." February 17, 2022.