Public Administration Meaning and Aspects

Public administration is the activity of public authorities and their officials on implementing the developed plan to benefit society and strengthen the state. It exists to cognize public needs and interests, evaluate and structure them, set goals, develop solutions and take actions to practically satisfying them. Effective public administration, especially in heightened international competition, requires professional and competent performance by the personnel of the tasks and functions assigned to state bodies. To ensure the proper effectiveness of the formation of the staff, the selection for the state civil service must be carried out entirely and be based on technologies that have shown their practice efficiency.

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In Job Analysis, specific steps differ from the usual procedure for selecting candidates due to the specifics of the public positions, although applicants adhere to the basic strategies of the recruitment process. Identifying the hiring need and planning are the initial milestones when it is necessary to determine the vacancy and set requirements according to the needs, in this case, the state structure (Top Echelon, 2021). At the screening stage, the researcher can conduct a mini-interview by phone to eliminate confusion in selecting (Akila et al, 2019). After identifying viable candidates and recruiting of A-level ones, the decisive stage of face-to-face interviewing follows. The applicant needs to prepare, ask the necessary questions, and decide on hiring an employee. To ensure that the conclusions are valid, the job seeker can call “the candidate’s reference to find out additional information” and make the final hiring decision. (Ospina et al, 2018, p. 597) After the formal stage with signing the necessary papers, it is vital to make sure whether the employee is welcomed in the new place to feel the part of it.

The risk of taking on an inappropriate candidate threatens with an ineffective solution to the tasks set and various kinds of problems, including information leakage, loss of time, profit, and others. So this process must be approached thoroughly, job seekers should adhere to specific strategies, follow the steps when hiring employees to increase the chance of not getting the inappropriate candidate (Pynes, 1997). Reflecting on experiences with Human Resources, students should have formed basic models and ideas about work, hiring, human resources since young people may earn extra money during their studies and face the discussed topics directly.


Akila, B., Vasantha, S., & Thirumagal, P. G. (2019). Effectiveness of e-recruitment for man power selection process. Journal of Critical Reviews, 7(5), 305-310.

Ospina, S. M., Esteve, M., & Lee, S. (2018). Assessing qualitative studies in public administration research. Public Administration Review, 78(4), 593-605.

Pynes, J.P. (1997). Human Resources Management for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. (Essential Texts for Nonprofit and Public Leadership and Management). Kindle Edition.

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Top Echelon. (2021). The Ten Most Critical Recruitment Process Steps. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, September 23). Public Administration Meaning and Aspects.

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DemoEssays. "Public Administration Meaning and Aspects." September 23, 2023.