Modifications to Implement in Police Systems

Police enforcement in civilized countries evolved from a private to a public (or governmental) role. For example, the police in the United States operates the way it does now primarily because it was adopted from the British, commencing with the frankpledge and watchman structures (Gelpi 2). Regardless of how many police systems have developed through time, there will always be challenges to handle and modifications to implement.

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For one to change the policing system, it is necessary to establish the root cause of the problem. Many people have been hurt or died due to racial profiling in recent years, including George Floyd. Lethal force is another type of command that has caused people to lose faith and confidence in police enforcement (Gelpi 3). Policing is a job for and public; consequently, having an efficient law enforcement system is challenging if people do not trust the security agencies.

First and foremost, trust and honesty may be necessary in this case. Police agencies worldwide should get more active in the communities they want to serve. This implies that they must be aware of everything that occurs inside that culture and its way of life to properly enforce the rule of law (Gelpi 4). The public will realize that police are on their side, not against them, through community service as well as welfare initiatives. This might be accomplished by safeguarding the neighborhood and addressing society’s crime problem (Gelpi 4). Consequently, trust will be established over time, and police will become more efficient and precise.

Transparency is another essential component that might help to resolve the matter. Improved information collecting and reporting techniques must disclose encounters with enforcement agencies and serve as an accountability tool (Gelpi 5). There is no official database that counts the number of people killed by police, whether through force or stop-and-frisk procedures. Many local government departments also do not save this crucial information. As a result, to earn the public’s trust, the relevant authorities should collect and disseminate this data every year. Keeping peace and order is a demanding responsibility that requires critical thought and accountability (Gelpi 5). Many police officers nowadays are young and in their early twenties, and as a matter of fact, they are still schooling. To create a successful police force, accountable adult men who are educated and capable of making critical judgments are required.

Furthermore, the majority of law officers’ training is centered on the tactical as well as technical components of policing. Thus, there is insufficient preparation for anti-racism, unconscious bias, psychological problems, maturity level approaches, problem-solving, arbitration, and cultural awareness (Gelpi 6). As a result, it is unsurprising that many law enforcement officers are conditioned to view Black individuals as criminals and act accordingly. One can address the present police bureau’s issue by adequately training the personnel and establishing educational and age standards for the position. Such laws as stop-and-frisk and the broken window hypothesis raise rather than lower the crime levels in a neighborhood. The police force conducts most stops and frisks incorrectly, and African American and Hispanic persons are disproportionately targeted. As a result, individuals become antagonistic to the police and are more likely to conduct crimes against them. Since race can significantly decrease crime rates, police officers need to be more precise in their judgment and not be prejudiced.

Ultimately, the learning system should be overhauled, and all personnel should get unconscious bias training. Nonetheless, the police force has been responsible for countless constructive advancements in society throughout the years. There is no ideal policing structure because the public will always oppose the rule of law. Still, some adjustments can be made implicitly to have a much more accountable and productive law enforcement system.

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Work Cited

Gelpi, Aileen. “Improve Community Relations, Prevent Critical Incidents with Equitable Policing Practices”. Campus Security Report, vol. 16, no. 3, 2019, pp. 1-6.

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DemoEssays. (2023, January 4). Modifications to Implement in Police Systems.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "Modifications to Implement in Police Systems." January 4, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Modifications to Implement in Police Systems." January 4, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Modifications to Implement in Police Systems." January 4, 2023.