Cooperate Compliance Profession and Qualification


Corporate compliance is similar to preventive medicine because, with planning, commitment, and organization, they can identify problems and allow room for correction before the government fines the organization. Compliance means agreeing to follow the rules and regulations set by an organization about something. Cooperate compliance is a legal profession, and they work under the supervision of government officials. The government has made it compulsory that to enroll in Medicare, the compliance program is a condition that must be met. The government ensures that they can ensure the well-being of the patients even in their absence. Those small that begin as health centers should have this compliance program to ensure that they offer quality services to the people.

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There has never been any outside evaluation of the compliance and ethics program in the organization. With the new compliance function, there is no risk expected in the future. With the coronavirus in place, some employees were found not in their masks, and so the organization is under the survey of the police, and the police case is still pending. The officer said that there is no one meddling the moral issues in their organization. According to the manager, there are no consistent offers under survey at the moment. The compliance manager said that they are preparing a collaboration for consistency to help the employees improve their consistency, and so far, there has been no criticism. At the moment, the biggest worry of the organization is the Covid 19 regulations by the government because they do not have all the technology required. The compliance manager said that there was no one in the organization trying to interfere with his capacity to carry out the components of a compelling consistency program; they were all on good terms.

The government often sends some of its officials to assess their institution. There are people in various departments linked to the government, and they are responsible for updating the institution on any new regulations. All members in the organization are comfortable with all the annunciation about updates, and they are always given chances to give their views about the updates. This helps ensure that all possible ideas are put into consideration to avoid making anyone feel left out. According to the compliance officer, it is safe to say when there is pending danger soon because it helps the organization prepare for the outcome or even try and lessen the impact of the risk.

Compliance Officers and their Qualification

To ensure that the organization complies with its outside regulatory and legal requirements, as well as the bylaws and internal policies, a compliance officer is employed. Compliance officers work with the management staff to manage all the risks and keep the organization out of trouble with the government. Compliance managers set rules without communication and make sure that they are safe and available. Designing the internal regulations for the institution to lessen the risk of the company breaking laws and regulations is done by the manager. For the officer to be able to make all the regulations, they know the organization well and where possible openings of breaking the law may occur.

The officer under interview has completed the Compliance and Ethics Professional Program (CCEP), and he is very skilled with the work. He was brought up in a humble background because his father was unemployed. His father was retrenched shortly after he was employed because the organization he worked under had a court case, and so all the money required to pay for the different lawyers was not enough to also pay the employers, and so they had to unemploy some of them. The main reason why the organization was in court is that it had gone astray some government policies; they had a compliance officer but was not qualified. Because of the way he was brought up, with the family struggling with money, he swore that he would help organizations not to be in trouble with the government anymore. He did not want another family to struggle as they did, and that is why he decided to be a compliance officer to help organizations stay out of trouble.

Compliance Function and Key Components

A compliance function states the aims of the organization and the efforts in place to ensure that they have taken the necessary procedures that enable them to achieve the objectives. The necessary steps should also ensure that they follow the rules and regulations set by the government and the managers in the organization. With the growing number of rules, there is a need for greater operational honesty, so the compliance function has acquired a vital role in the organization. A compliance program includes the importance of the compliance function, key components in the compliance function, risk of non-compliance, and ethics about compliance (Ulrich & BoĂźler, 2019). The main importance of the compliance function is to ensure that it works within the legalities of the nation. Internal rules revolve around the wages, salary, and work output of the employees. Employers will work well if they feel that they are well paid for their hard work. These rules assure them that their wages and salaries are put into consideration.

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There are five major components in a well-defined compliance unit. The compliance risk is one of the components. The external rules, which are mostly government-related, and the internal rules that ensure the proper running of the organization are the other components. Both the employees and clients are given the rules and ascertain that they will follow them before they are given any services or employed. Ethics governing the compliance of these rules compliance is part of the compliance function. The level of interaction between the compliance function and the regulated section is spelled out in the compliance function to avoid further risks.

Weaknesses in the Organizations Compliance Program

The stakeholders in this company do not open up when the company is at risk. They believe that covering it up is the best solution, but they forget that working as a team will help them reduce the risk or avoid the risk completely. During decision-making, some regulations are not taken into consideration, and that is wrong. All decisions should revolve around these rules because they carry the guidelines for the institution at large. Incentives and urges should be considered when making decisions for the company because they drive the behavior of both employers and customers. Managers in that organization trust employers that they cannot go wrong. They should know that they are also human and verification is important because they can also go wrong. While working, stakeholders should ensure that employers have a conducive environment with no noise and any physical distractions so that they can be able to concentrate on their work. Employers should not be allowed to pick the rules that suit them, but they should follow all of them because they will ensure compliance.

Strengths in the Organizations Compliance Program

Despite the weaknesses in the compliance program, some strengths motivate the stakeholders to continue working hard. Leadership in this organization is strong and organized, and the coordination between them is healthy. The manager and other stakeholders are committed to setting a good example to other employers in the compliance program. They are always ready to help with the solution when there is a problem concerning the organization’s welfare. They are actively involved in all the running of the institution, they attend all the board meetings, and they always investigate deeper when they have a questionable issue at hand. When the leaders are briefed with news, they do not just make an immediate decision, but they must review and make further investigation about the information offered. They demand to be provided briefings concerning compliance, and they act upon any compliance issue as soon as it is presented to them. There are good strategies for risk assessment because a compliance program is not enough.

Major risks can be experienced if rules are violated, and so a risk assessment is created, and its main aim is to lessen the impact of the risk in case it occurs. This assessment design gives a picture of all the whole compliance obligations, and the areas of high risk are identified to make strategies on how to deal with them first to avoid or reduce the impact of risk. Risk areas include the services given to the clients and the transactions involved. The level of training in this compliance program is strong because every new employee is trained before they start a new job. Standards are also set to ensure that compliance is achieved, and they include the code of conduct of the employees, standards, and policies are well defined, and procedures to confirm the implantation of the rules are also open.

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Compliance Challenges

The biggest compliance they have faced is the mental well-being of employers because one cannot tell what they are going through at home or what makes them behave in a certain manner. At home, there might be a couple of issues, bills, family problems, and financial issues that might be running in someone’s head, and that is why sometimes it becomes a challenge to treat all the employers equally because they have various problems. This makes it hard for some employers to follow the rules, and some of them might forget but not intentionally. Working with disconnected systems is another challenge. When departments in an organization are not connected means that information cannot reach from one area to another, it also becomes a challenge with the compliance issue. Passing regulations becomes a hard task. Including different diversities in the same organization is also a problem, especially with the employees. Some may have a holiday because they belong to a certain group while others are still working, but they will get the same salary at the end of it all.

Bringing all the employers together or trying to include them in the internal regulations with the various cultures becomes a challenge. Trying to stay within the law becomes a challenge because each day, a new regulation is formed, and the organization has to keep up. For example, sexual harassment has many laws surrounding it, and each day another regulation is added. The organization stakeholders and the compliance officers have to be alert to keep up with the new rules. Technology is another rule that organizations have to follow the rules concerning technology. For example, some organizations do not allow employers to work with their own devices, such as laptops and phones. Sometimes the government requires them to have security cameras to ensure the safety of the employers and employees.

Compliance Successes Faced

Various compliance successes have been achieved so far, and they can work together as a team, and communication is uniform across all departments. There is also a team to handle the media, so that information about the organization is not leaked. The organization can question the government if they feel that the government is too much. We can also ask for some time when implementing a government law in an organization if the time given is not enough. Some specialists link the organization with various government stakeholders so we can get any new rule on time so that implementation can be achieved on time. Teamwork has helped employers reduce work stress because we need all of them t be aware of the internal and governmental rules and be able to remember to keep them. So far, there is no problem with an employer not being able to comply with the law or the government having a problem with our employers.

Technology has enabled the watching of how employers carry out their jobs and how they treat customers. The security cameras have also made employers alert in their job and to follow both the government and institution laws. Before some patients were unattended because nurses knew no one was watching them, it became a major concern that patients started complaining about how they were neglected, and that prompted the installation of the security cameras. Maintaining social distance, working with the masks on and other covid rules are no longer a challenge because the organization is now learning how to live with the virus and the government is no longer closely monitoring the organization. There are also penalties for those who do not comply with both internal and external rules. It is either their salary is reduced, or they do not get the privileges that other employers receive. Our employers are well informed about compliance rules and the penalties involved by both the government and the compliance officer. On each desk and noticeboard, both laws are pinned so that the employers and customers might not claim that they do not know because learning them is the first thing someone does before going through the gate.

OIGs Compliance Guide for Healthcare Organizations

The Office of Inspector General provides various guidelines on what should be contained in the compliance program. The guidelines are designed to give the best practices for enhancing compliance practices. The first document contains the code of conduct of the organization, and it should create a commitment to compliance with all federal and state standards. The institution’s objectives and missions and ethical requirements for all employees are also written in this document. The second document contains the procedures in which the medical services are given. Billing for any instruments or services that are not provided in the institution is spelled out in the second document. Retention Records which involve all the records and services given to the patients, are written in the third document. Any debts that the company has and all the reviews about the debts are contained in the fourth document. A summary of the cost of the total services offered is given in this document. Rules about all the private payers or any patients who need special services are offered final documents.


Ulrich, P., & Boßler, A. (2019). Compliance-Ausbildung und Compliance-Weiterbildung – Teil III. Risk, Fraud & Compliance, (2).

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DemoEssays. (2022, October 28). Cooperate Compliance Profession and Qualification.

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DemoEssays. 2022. "Cooperate Compliance Profession and Qualification." October 28, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Cooperate Compliance Profession and Qualification." October 28, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Cooperate Compliance Profession and Qualification." October 28, 2022.