Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia


Today, humanity witnesses significant historical events that might impact the future of numerous states and the global balance of power. The opposition between the western world and Russia became similar to the tensions of the Cold War period. The differences in ideologies and perspectives on geopolitics resulted in the confrontation between the states. Thus, the military conflicts between Georgia and Russia and Ukraine and Russia can be viewed as part of the clash between the Western world and the opposing camp.

The book Near Abroad by Gerard Toal delves into the peculiarities of these processes and the reasons why Russia invades its neighbors. However, it also shows why these events are critical for the USA and its partners. For the West, its strong geopolitical position and the so-called freedom agenda are at stake and face the risk of becoming irrelevant.

Main Discussion

Discussing Russia’s recent invasions, and the Western world’s responses, it is vital to realize the geopolitical perspective peculiar to these processes. The end of the Cold War and the USSR’s collapse was considered a victory by the USA and its partners (Toal, 2017). Ideologically, the opposition was introduced as the clash between freedom and totalitarianism, freedom and enslavement (Toal, 2017). It means that the Western camp became a winner and acquired the right to proclaim itself as the primary protector of democracy globally. Geopolitically it can be viewed in the significant support provided to states that decided to accept the system of values and ideas promoted by the West. It became crucial for the formed USSR’s republics that turned to a new way of development.

For this reason, Russia’s attempts to stop the Westernization of its former lands because of the feeling of insecurity became a direct threat to the Western world and its geopolitics. For instance, Georgia was one of the major symbols of the U.S. Freedom Agenda (Toal, 2017). President Bush, as one of the most influential leaders of the Western world, proclaimed the mission to end tyranny across the world by cultivating democratic institutions and protecting liberty (Toal, 2017). Significant resources were provided to Georgia to support its President, who joined the Western discourse. It was essential for America and its allies to ensure that newly emerged democracies remained sovereign and undivided (Toal, 2017). From this perspective, Russia’s confrontation with Georgia became a direct threat to the West’s global dominance as the main democratic power and resources they used to cultivate it globally.

Moreover, the new round of confrontation with Russia introduced questions about the Western world’s ability to carry out its obligations. It means that for the USA and its partners, their reputation and the image of the global powers became at stake. Georgia was proclaimed the U.S. loyal friend and an example of evolving democracy. For this reason, the West acquired the moral obligation not to abandon the nation and support it by using available resources (Toal, 2017).

A similar situation was observed when Russia proclaimed Crimea as its territory after the insurrection in Ukraine (Toal, 2017). The Western world supported this act by providing finances to support insurgents, which was considered a threat by Russia. In such a way, the situation with Georgia repeated in Ukraine, as the western countries’ reputation as the dominant force in the world and their resources became at stake.

Traditionally, the West explains its geopolitics by appealing to the ideas of democracy and freedom. The people’s ability to make their own decisions is presented as the main focus of foreign policy (Toal, 2017). However, it is possible to speak about the double standards used by the West. The U.S. invasion in Iraq, which was not approved by the UN and was not justified by any reasons, mass bombings of Yugoslavia, and support to Israel, which illegally occupies territories of other states, show that the western world also uses force and disregards the international law to protect its interests (Toal, 2017). In such a way, returning to the situation with Russia, it is possible to admit that ideas of freedom and democracy are of secondary importance.

The Western world invests in states that become its supporters against other potential enemies and Russia. The defeat of new partners might introduce numerous questions about the USA and its allies’ ability to protect the existing world order and rules convenient for them. For this reason, these countries have their position as the leading global power at stake and want to protect it.


Altogether, the 21st century is characterized by significant changes in the geopolitical landscape. Having recovered from the collapse of the USSR, Russia, as its main successor, wants to end the dominance of the Western world and protect its interest. Using the concept of Near Abroad, it entered into military conflicts with its neighbors, which altered their political courses and joined the western camps. This strategy is threatening the positions of the USA and its allies. Using significant resources and its geopolitical powers, the Western world supports states such as Georgia or Ukraine as its position as the world’s leading force is at stake and can be threatened by the alteration in the balance of power.


Toal, G. (2017). Near Abroad: Putin, the West, and the contest over Ukraine and the Caucasus. Oxford University Press.

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DemoEssays. (2024, October 14). Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia.

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"Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia." DemoEssays, 14 Oct. 2024,


DemoEssays. (2024) 'Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia'. 14 October.


DemoEssays. 2024. "Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia." October 14, 2024.

1. DemoEssays. "Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia." October 14, 2024.


DemoEssays. "Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia." October 14, 2024.