Kal Cartoon Analysis
Political cartoons are defined drawings made to convey reports on politics and recent events in a nation. The satires recreate a crucial part in the political communication of the community by providing a platform for the privilege of speech. The legislative comic sketched by Kelvin Kallaugher, a political cartoonist for the Baltimore Sun, describes a distressed government that denies its citizens excellent services. The fourth Kal cartoon gives the residents the right to rehabilitate new rule by electing new leaders. Kallaugher has used symbolism and irony to attract the audience’s attention as he expresses his motive. The comic aims to make the readers understand the importance of good governance and its benefits in society.
Kallaugher is thoughtful because he demonstrates his idea on the new civic system to the public by using the cartoon. When a rat briefs others that “Good news! The city has a new driver,” it symbolizes the existence of a new regime. The new administration is required to diminish the government corruption, unemployment and poverty (Kallaugher). In addition, the damaged vehicle symbolizes the government’s inability to offer service as predicted by the people. The containers behind the track show the challenges that the previous government has left without accomplishing. Kallaugher has used texts such as, “Vroom! Vroom!” to emphasize the government efforts to deliver services without success.
The driver seems to be straining to overcome the situation independently without help from other people, which demonstrates irony to the audience. The states need to seek advice and strategies from external environments to navigate the rising problems in the country. People should learn the importance of good administration, which could maneuver the desired goals from Kal’s cartoon. In correspondent to (Christoph and Vaz 657- 675), it postulates that nations that employ strict rules of governance thrive faster by using the available resources efficiently to help the vulnerable in society. The cartoonist expresses his emotions by presenting the stuck vehicle (government) carrying a heavy load (challenges) that the subjects experience.
Kal cartoon consists of white and black colors, which have different meanings. The white color signifies the beginning of a new period of administration that would bring change to the nation. The people anticipate low living standards in favor of the powerless individuals in the community. The new administration needs to provide the basics needs for its citizens at a lower
cost to improve economic growth. The black describes the gloom of the failing government, which interprets to low policy execution. The color shows how government graft and crimes scenarios undermine the delivery of services to the people. Kallaugher intends to advise the government on the importance of technology in monitoring the nation’s laws during the disbursement of support. Kallaugher has used visual language in the comic to communicate his message on political framework through the arrangement of elements.
Kal comics play an essential function in political platforms by giving the community the ability to express themselves. The animations outlined by Kallaugher make readers understand the importance of good management and its convenience to the people. The cartoon has used various techniques such as symbolism and irony to express its context to the readers. The cartoon has white and black colors that imply a reform from the previous regime to a new one.
Works Cited
Christoph, Jindra, and Vaz, Ana. “Good Governance and Multidimensional Poverty: A Comparative Analysis of 71 Countries.” Governance, vol. 32, no.4, 2019, pp.657-675
Kallaugher, Kelvin. “Kal Cartoons.” The Baltimore Sun, Web.