The Internal Structure of the State and a Counter-Terrorism Policy


The country that will be described later in this essay is called Aristotia in honor of Aristotle, who was the first to describe three main government styles. Aristotle is located in the South American region and has access to the Atlantic Ocean. The new government, in the form of a coalition of traditional conservatives and moderate liberals, overthrew the authoritarian socialist dictator. However, the years of the civil war destroyed the fundamental state pillars, such as the army, political system, and the economy. Supporters of dictatorial rule continue to launch terrorist attacks against the population and current government officials. This work will discuss the internal structure of the state, taking into account the conditions, mentioned above, and also propose a counter-terrorism policy.

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Domestic Concerns

The most appropriate government style would be a constitutional republic. Researchers note that “A republican government is one in which the people … are the ultimate source of authority, electing representatives to make laws that serve their interests” (“Republican government,” 2020, para. 8). This form of government, along with the Constitution, protects the rights and takes into account all social groups. Republic also does not allow the state to be “decapitated” in the event of another terrorist attack on key government officials because universal and free voting provides structural flexibility of the country. By ballot, a president is elected, who, being a representative of the executive branch, enforces laws. The legislative part of the government, represented by the parliament, where the two obligatory participants are traditional conservatives and moderate liberals, develops legal acts. The judicial aspect of the state consists of lower courts and the Supreme Court, who are “special judges who interpret laws according to the Constitution” (“Three branches of government,” n.d., para. 4). Such a system has historically proven stability and gives an equal opportunity for every citizen to express their political opinion.

Aristotian public good programs are divided into state and private. The government takes upon itself the financing of state network of public hospitals, schools, as well as different social insurances and pension payments to employees of state institutions. Private enterprises undertake the same obligations, but only for their workers. Companies receive economic preferences for maintaining and restoring infrastructure and additional financing for the construction of state institutions. The tax haven structure will provide cash flow into the state budget. According to Kagan (2019), “a tax haven is generally an offshore country that offers foreign individuals and businesses little or no tax liability” (para. 1). Hostilities during the civil war have led to the decline of domestic businesses, but new liberal laws, the government that needs financial resources, and stabilization of the internal situation may attract large corporations. Also, a different taxation system, provided for foreign companies, focused on lower tax payments is another reason for offshoring in Aristotia. Dictatorial regimes often seek to homogenize society, and the result of their reign is remnants of past cultural diversity. Therefore, language can become a new idea for national unity.

Foreign Concerns

The new state should build relations not only with the residential community but also with the international. The entry into the Latin American and Caribbean Economic System will be an economic step in this direction. This organization serves as the collective representative and council for the financial stability and development of all regional countries (Taylor, 2019). Local countries-participants are best aware of the political, social, economic, and territorial features of South America. It will be possible to join this structure as a newly formed participant in the regional financial system. The most acceptable solution for ensuring the security of the country and its inhabitants will be NATO membership. The North Atlantic Treaty Organization is primarily a military union of several Western countries to safeguard the safety and legitimacy of democratic governments (Garey, 2020). One way of joining it is to prove the legal and liberal nature of the state. Also, a tempting proposal will be the provision of territories for the construction of military bases, which will also ensure the restoration of infrastructure.

Suppression of supporters of the former dictatorial regime will be carried out with the help of a minimum mandatory call for the creation of the police and state counter-terrorist groups. Domestic soldiers, law enforcement officers, and agents know better the local area and informal public rules and also inspire confidence among civilians. An external threat can be fought with the help of a voluntary contract army. The participation of NATO forces will also be useful, as the history of their military operations shows, and they also have the international right to invade other countries (Garey, 2020). SELA countries can impose sanctions on their aggressive neighbor to weaken their economic sector and force its government to stop supporting the former regime.


This work discussed the internal structure of the newly formed country of Aristotia and some of its aspects of international politics. Subject to the conditions set, a constitutional republic is the most suitable form of government. The legislative issue is presented as the parliament, the president is the executive branch, and the judicial system is divided into lower and Supreme courts. The tax haven economy provides state funding for public good programs and bonuses for private’s sector participation in social insuring. The language was chosen as the national unifying factor. Participation in CELA ensures stable economic external involvement, and NATO will help in resolving conflicts with neighboring countries and ensuring military sovereignty.

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Garey, J. (2020). The evolution and persistence of NATO.In The US role in NATO’s survival after the Cold War (pp. 191-208). Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave Macmillan.

Kagan, J. (2019). Tax haven. Web.

Republican government. (2020). Web.

Taylor, P. (2019). Nonstate actors in international politics: From transregional to substate organizations. New York, NY: Routledge.

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Three branches of government.(n.d.). Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, January 3). The Internal Structure of the State and a Counter-Terrorism Policy.

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"The Internal Structure of the State and a Counter-Terrorism Policy." DemoEssays, 3 Jan. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'The Internal Structure of the State and a Counter-Terrorism Policy'. 3 January.


DemoEssays. 2023. "The Internal Structure of the State and a Counter-Terrorism Policy." January 3, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "The Internal Structure of the State and a Counter-Terrorism Policy." January 3, 2023.


DemoEssays. "The Internal Structure of the State and a Counter-Terrorism Policy." January 3, 2023.