The American Presidency: The Strength and Weaknesses

The United States is a republican country headed by a president who is elected by the citizens. It is guided by the American constitutional system consisting of three branches, which are the judiciary, legislature, and executive. The government was formed based on the aristocracy, monarchy, and democratic form of power. The senate stands for aristocracy while the president represents the monarchy. Generally, the president is the executive leader and the commander in chief of the armed forces. This paper discusses the strength and weaknesses of the American presidency.

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The strength of the president is stipulated in Article II of the United States Constitution, which states that all executive powers are granted to the president. Thus, he or she can make regulations, rules, and orders without the approval of Congress, which has a binding force on federal agencies. The imperial presidency is a major weakness in the US because the ruler has significant power. The role of the head of state entails being a diplomat, executive, and military leader, therefore, these positions impact the weight of the decisions they make. Therefore, if bad policies are proposed without consultation, the country becomes affected.

The presidency in the United States influences the American political system by bestowing great responsibilities and authority to the leader, overall. This type of rule has a negative impact on governance coordination because it reflects monarchy. Since the authority vested on the executive leader by the current Constitution is vague, a ruler may misuse the powers to satisfy their interest to the detriment of citizens’ will. For instance, former President Trump wanted to build a congress wall using national emergency powers although the public majority was against this idea. The United States presidency has both strengths and weaknesses that affect leadership and the state of the country. Currently, the political system has been shaped by imperialism and excessive powers given to the leader.

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DemoEssays. (2024, February 6). The American Presidency: The Strength and Weaknesses.

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"The American Presidency: The Strength and Weaknesses." DemoEssays, 6 Feb. 2024,


DemoEssays. (2024) 'The American Presidency: The Strength and Weaknesses'. 6 February.


DemoEssays. 2024. "The American Presidency: The Strength and Weaknesses." February 6, 2024.

1. DemoEssays. "The American Presidency: The Strength and Weaknesses." February 6, 2024.


DemoEssays. "The American Presidency: The Strength and Weaknesses." February 6, 2024.