Donna Howard represents District 48 in the Texas House of Representatives. In 2006, she was elected to the position. On January 10, 2023, her present term will end (“Donna Howard,” par.1–5). Howard is standing for re-election to represent District 48 in the Texas House of Representatives. On November 8, 2022, she will be on the general election ballot to keep her current position (“Donna Howard,” par. 1–5). Thus, it is essential to analyze her electorate and provide consistent statistical data regarding her political activity to compose the politician’s profile.
On March 1, 2022, Howard advanced from the Democratic primary. She has represented District 48 for 16 years, precisely eight terms, and no other offices held (“Texas House of Representatives District 48,” par. 3–7). This district has an average of 167,637 residents, and its issue preference is directed towards the Democratic Party (“District 48,” par. 3–7). The following demographical analysis shows that the district’s population is mixed. Thus, it positively affects the politician’s activities, based on her affiliation with the above-mentioned political group (“District 48,” par. 3–7). Moreover, her latest election in 2020 resulted in 70.1% against her opponent Bill Strieber, who scored 29.9% accordingly (Texas Tribute Staff, par. 13). Consequently, this result shows that the district competitiveness for Howard is low compared to other politics (Texas Tribute Staff, par. 15). Last but not least is the economic situation in this zone, which, according to estimated statistics, is above average in Austin (“District 48,” par. 2). In conclusion, based on the facts mentioned above, it is logical to conclude that Howard is supported by the majority of the demographically mixed population of her district, which represents her as an efficient politician.

One of the District 48 issues is the border change concerning neighboring zones. According to the Senate’s statement, it will come into force on January 10, 2023 (“District 48,” par. 6). “This map reflects our commitment to ensuring that every Texas is well-represented in their state Legislature and that their opinions are heard,” Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick said of the Senate map (“District 48,” par. 6). According to state Rep. Rafael Anchia, the Senate plan does not appropriately represent the state’s racial makeup (“District 48,” par. 6). The House map, according to state Rep. Todd Hunter, “achieves fair representation for the citizens of Texas” (“District 48,” par. 6). From this, one can conclude that the reaction to this decision is mixed, and it has a negative tendency towards Howard’s political activity and her electorate.
On the other hand, she regularly discusses such problems with her citizens via social media and different online platforms. For example, her recent appearance in a podcast called “Point of Order: The long goodbye”, conducted by Evan Smith on May 28, 2021, is worth analyzing (Smith, 2021). In this podcast, she discusses the issues of “sniping and snark on the road to sine die,” and also addresses other social problems, including social misrepresentation of the Senate among the society and how the Texas Legislature is trying to resolve it in a positive way (Smith, 2021). Moreover, on her Twitter page, Howard addresses different economic issues like salaries for teachers. “The average pay for teachers has not increased between 2010 and 2019; it instead decreased from $55,433 to $54,192. You’re welcome, task force,” she wrote (Howard). Consequently, it is logical to assume that the politician is socially active and tries to address different social problems and the everyday lives of the citizens she represents.
As a result, background information, demographical statistics, presented issues, and how Howard addresses social problems of her citizens represent her politician profile as an influential member of the Democratic Party, which efficiently follows her electorate. It is impossible to predict the results of her future elections, though the current factors suggest that they may be positive in providing a stable political campaign to attract the electorate. Moreover, her further social activities and presence in the media, as it was described previously, can be a powerful source of influence in the future.
Works Cited
“Donna Howard.” Ballotpedia.
Howard, Donna. “The average pay for teachers has not increased between 2010 and 2019; it instead decreased from $55,433 to $54,192. You’re welcome, task force.” Twitter.
Smith, Evan. “Texas Tribune Podcast: Interview with Donna Howard and Kel Seliger.” The Texas Tribune, 2021.
“Texas House of Representatives District 48.” Ballotpedia.
Texas Tribune Staff. “Donna Howard, Texas Representative” The Texas Tribune, 2021.