Inquiry and Research
Devi, S. (2021). Aid blocked as Tigray Faces Catastrophic Hunger. MashupMD. Web.
The source explores the Tigray region of Ethiopia, where armed rebels and Eritrean soldiers are blocking the supply of humanitarian aid to locals affected by Ethiopia’s Tigray war. The text cements my concern on the humanitarian aid blockage by armed groups. The source indicates that Eritrean and local soldiers have deliberately blocked aid from reaching areas outside government control. The text confirms one’s expectation of the possibility of famine in the central, north-western regions of Ethiopia and the Eastern Tigray region if the fighting intensifies.
Harmer, A., Stoddard A., & Sarazen, A. (2018). Humanitarian Access in Armed Conflict: A Need for New Principles? Strengthening Resilience and Response to Crises. Web.
This source reports on some of the existing legal and political factors that dictate access to humanitarian aid. The information intersects with the issue of interest as it gives detailed evidence of the failure of humanitarian assistance to reach affected communities due to different challenges (Harmer et al., 2018). The source strengthens your knowledge on the weakness of the international humanitarian law (IHL) and other core humanitarian principles in ensuring the provision of aid to communities trapped in non-international conflicts.
Kurtzer, J. D. (2019). Denial, Delay, Diversion: Tackling Access Challenges in an Evolving Humanitarian Landscape. Center for Strategic and International Studies. Web.
The source is about the growing global practice in the blockage of aid from humanitarian organizations like the Red Cross and the World Health Organization from reaching vulnerable populations. The text intersects with the selected issue by explaining the persistent deliberate violation of humanitarian principles and laws by governments or non-state armed groups. The report adds more knowledge as it further explains how the blockage or delay of aid also affects the cost, legality, reputational and security risks of the humanitarian agencies.
Location and Explanation of an Image

I like reading international news from various global news sites while having a keen interest in the growing conflicts in Africa. Reports on the Ethiopia-Tigray war indicates a rapidly escalating condition where armed rebels and Eritrean soldiers are allegedly blocking the supply of aid in Tigray. A web search of the Ethiopia-Tigray conflict leads to population of different photos. I chose this photo because the image shows the extent of the war and the social and political factors in the Ethiopian conflict.
On a personal level, the image depicts the war crimes perpetrated by the current Ethiopian regime, local militia, and the role of foreign powers in the ongoing conflict. A different viewer might have a different opinion on the depictions of the image based on the involvement of the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church leader in the demonstration. This viewer might understand the Ethiopian conflict as ethnic cleansing against the Christians of the Orthodox church.
The features of the image include a giant poster highlighting weaponization of food with the hashtag “TigrayGenocide”. The image intersects with the issue of blockage of charitable commodities in conflict areas. The symbols of cultural understanding in the photo include the Ethiopian Orthodox Cross, a symbol of Christianity representing eternal life. A poster bearing a skull and crossbones symbol, depicts warning of danger of life; enlightens the general public the effects of the Ethiopia-Tigray conflict. The image addresses political factors in play in the war, with posters pointing to the involvement of Eritrea in the conflict in Ethiopia. Cultural factors are factored through the depiction of Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church leader in the demonstration. Social factors in the photos include texts about weaponization of hunger and texts on human rights abuse in Tigray. This image can be circulated the world using social media platforms.
Proposal for Solving Challenges Affecting Humanitarian Aid Supply in Conflict Areas
The image in the previous section indicates the ongoing conflict in Ethiopia where armed rebels and Eritrean soldiers block the supply of aid to victims of Ethiopia’s Tigray war. Globally, humanitarian actions have been under constant threat of attack. According to a study conducted in 2019, around 70.8 million people have been forcibly displaced due to armed conflict (Kurtzer, 2019). In South Sudan, Syria, Ethiopia, and Myanmar, states and other non-governmental groups constantly use starvation, confinement as well as blockage of aid as a political and or military tactic.
These tactics put millions of people at risk of disease and starvation, leading to questioning of the capability of the international humanitarian law (IHL) in ensuring that aid reaches the target groups. As violations of the IHL continue, it, therefore, becomes imperative to search for solutions for problems affecting the supply of humanitarian aid to conflict areas. This proposal seeks to offer possible solutions to manoeuvre existing political forces and ensure an efficient supply of humanitarian aid.
Restructuring the policies and laws by governments, non-governmental agencies, and other international bodies will be crucial for dealing with the blockage of aid. The use of multinational aid agencies to deliver support has proven inefficient in dealing with the political and military tactics of delaying or blocking assistance to victims of conflict. Therefore, there is an evident need to consider other tactics like grassroots institutions and groups to deliver aid to vulnerable communities.
The use of local community facilities and infrastructure improves the public and other stakeholders’ trust on the process thereby increasing local leaders’ support. In Africa and the Middle East, where conflict is consistent and aid blockage is paramount, these populations are highly inclined towards certain religions. A careful approach to local religious groups or institutions would offer a formidable solution to the role of these groups in collaborating with aid agencies to deliver aid.
The plan involves contacting local religious groups or institutions to aid vulnerable populations. For example, in Ethiopia, aid agencies can contact local Christian and Muslim organizations to flag off donations specifically to these groups. The agencies can utilize these groups’ networks, knowledge, and popularity to deliver aid to vulnerable populations safely. Working with the religious institutions calls for careful analysis of the integrity of the groups, with the institution’s leaders accountable to the equitable distribution of aid. Faith-based organizations have proven to rely on vast networks of volunteers, are inexpensive, trustworthy, and devoted to the course.
Due to less bureaucracy, these organizations offer effective responses, contrary to multinational organizations and secular Non-Governmental Organizations where bureaucracy is paramount. The conflict in Ethiopia is a political issue; thereby, only a political solution could bring longstanding peace in the region. Working closely with religious groups also allows for faith-based mediation as religious leaders can promote a successful mediation process between the conflicting parties.
The IHL can be understood as a tool for ensuring legitimacy and morality during a negotiation to seek access. The IHL stands to be a sound doctrine; however, the principle is not guaranteed entry. Majorly the problem lies in the political will of the conflicting parties. Careful introduction of a political factor would effectively complement the IHL to ensure access is guaranteed. In a period of sustained conflict, nations weaken, and their people begin to rely upon and identify with traditional community structures and religious identities. This happens as people begin to seek security and meaning (World Humanitarian Summit, 2016).
During these times, local religious institutions and faith leaders fill the gap of the fallen state institutions. During a crisis, faith becomes both a political and spiritual identity. Faith-based organizations in times of crisis have proven essential in mobilizing active support and creating the political will between conflicting parties. Humanitarian NGOs exist to help uphold human rights and safeguard victims of conflict. Through the use of religious-based organizations, they can advance the mission to ensure the quality of human life.
The use of religious institutions needs scrutiny to understand if faith-based organizations are likely to engage in a religious missionary instead of a humanitarian mission. After the 9/11, majority of Islamic faith-based organizations were accused of funding terror. Therefore, it becomes imperative to seek to answer how aid agencies can ensure that faith-based organizations’ goals, approaches, and mechanisms remain true. Following the 9/11 incident, most faith-based organizations were closed, with tight scrutiny enforced on the remaining organizations. The remaining organizations have been forced to abide by humanitarian professional standards and values (Khafagy, 2020).
A formidable solution would be to ensure that faith-based organizations adhere to auditing standards, domestic regulations, and diligent consideration of local social and political sensitivities. The use of faith-based organizations in Ethiopia could be a possible solution to ending the blockage of aid while opening a venue for faith-based mediation. Religious leaders have proven essential in facilitating mediation between conflicting parties.
Dubois, A. (2021). Manif pour tigray-8. Flickr. Web.
Khafagy, R. A. (2020). Faith-based organizations: Humanitarian mission or religious missionary. Journal of International Humanitarian Action, 5(1). Web.
World Humanitarian Summit. (2016). Religious resourcing for humanitarian efforts. Web.