Military Leadership Essay Examples for Free - Page 4

Deterrence and Mutually Assured Destruction

Concept The concept of mutually assured destruction is one of the things that the Cold War has left the world. Following this military doctrine, the use of weapons of mass destruction by one of the warring parties inevitably leads to the destruction of both sides. This doctrine appeared as a...

Words: 401 Pages: 1

The Concept of Mission Command

In the present day, mission command may be regarded as a highly significant military concept, and its full-scale implementation in the army of the United States will be immeasurably beneficial. In general, mission command is a specific type of military command that combines centralized intent and commanders’ control with necessary...

Words: 1690 Pages: 6

Leadership in the U.S. Army

When people unite to achieve a common goal, they need to stay focused, agree with each other, and create and follow a certain plan. However, it may be challenging to stay organized, and that is why leaders are necessary. In its essence, leadership is the unique art of motivating a...

Words: 293 Pages: 1

South China’s Contingency Intelligence Augmentation Plan

Introduction The Sino-American relationship is incredibly complex in the modern-day, consisting of a strong military and intelligence apparatus with differing national interests, but also extremely intertwined economies as the two large powerhouses of the world. However, there are many points of friction from economic, political, and military perspectives. As Chinese...

Words: 4456 Pages: 16

Roles of Non-Commissioned Officers in the US Army

Modern U.S. Army greatly benefits from non-commissioned officers (NCOs) who have varied sets of knowledge unrelated to military activities. For example, NCOs in Panama sometimes need to learn about new skills, tools, and duties outside of regular NCO missions (Jones, 2016). Cates and Quitugua (2018) state that “significant changes were...

Words: 277 Pages: 1

Multi-Domain Operations of Army

Introduction The modern world is changing and requires the development of new methods, new approaches to all areas. One of these areas is the military, as the unstable political situation needs timely and correct measures. It is impossible to try to maintain peace in a dynamic reality while clinging to...

Words: 623 Pages: 2

Broadening Assignments Employment in the United States Army

The United States Army is one of the eight branches of the United States Armed Forces, which specializes in land warfare. The Army does not only specialize in combat operations but also protects civil authorities with the Army National Guard. Therefore, two branches of the United States Army can be...

Words: 448 Pages: 2

The US Navy: Organizational Behavior

Introduction Organizational behavior is defined as the study of the interdependence between human behavior and organizational settings. As every reliable organization has its own unique culture, corporate values, guidelines, and visions substantially affect the behavioral patterns of employees. The purpose of this paper is to examine the influence of various...

Words: 2213 Pages: 8

HASC Hearings Overview and Analysis

It may be assumed that Chairman Turner’s expressed concern was politics in action due to a number of reasons. The National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) for Fiscal Year (FY) 2012 hearing is usually referred to as the military budget, but in fact, it was somewhat more complicated – not only...

Words: 276 Pages: 2

Senior Operations NCO Role in Framing the Operational Environment

In joint doctrine, the operational environment is the sum of factors, conditions, and circumstances that can influence a given military operation. To frame it means to define and analyze all relevant variables, actors, and the relationships between them. Without this step, a commander cannot determine what goals an operation must...

Words: 482 Pages: 2

Women at War: Barriers and Difficulties

The issue of women’s serving in combat has always been a controversial one because it is closely connected with gender stereotypes and employment discrimination. Throughout the history of the United States, many women took part in wars but their roles were restricted to the ones of nurses or soldiers without...

Words: 1242 Pages: 4

Building Effective Command in Army Leadership

Introduction Leadership has always been an essential part of human civilization and even of the animal kingdom. Leaders are inspiring, powerful, and confident in their actions. A leader is anyone responsible for organizing and helping a group of people achieve their goals. Therefore, in no other part of a government...

Words: 836 Pages: 3

Train as You Fight and Train to Standard

In the modern world filled with complex dilemmas and rigid requirements, training to build the necessary skills is one of the most important tasks that one will need to follow. Training as a part of acquiring new abilities and ensuring that they remain in one’s inventory of competencies in the...

Words: 590 Pages: 2

Unit Analysis and Proficiency in Mission Command

Past lessons from war environments need to become powerful guidelines for implementing better and superior tactics. The article “The Leadership Imperative: A Case Study in Mission Command” offers meaningful insights that can support future fighting formations. This discussion relies on this reading to analyze the unit’s proficiency in mission command...

Words: 550 Pages: 2

Why Does the Number of Sexual Assault Continue To Increase Throughout the Army

Introduction Sexual assault is not a rare case in the military and supervisors should address this issue as soon as possible. Victims are suffering from everyday violence as they are afraid to tell anybody about it. Despite all the special training programs that exist to decrease the number of sexual...

Words: 376 Pages: 1

A Tighter Gun Control Policy Is Good for All Americans

Introduction Governments need to create a favorable economies and environments that can make it easier for their citizens to pursue their personal and professional goals. They achieve such an objective by providing security, job opportunities, high-quality healthcare, and education. The American government has continued to promote established policies and laws...

Words: 1926 Pages: 7

Mandatory Military Service in the United States

Conscription is the compulsory or obligatory enrollment into the armed forces by personnel to render service (The Columbia Encyclopedia, Sixth Edition). More commonly called ‘the draft’ or mandatory military service, conscription has already been utilized in the United States and is presently being observed in several countries. The United States...

Words: 1629 Pages: 6

Homeland Security Intelligence Gaps in the US

How to Improve the Intelligence System The American government spends more than $60 billion every year for intelligence purposes. Very few countries in the world match up to this intelligence spending. Indeed, only China, France, and the United Kingdom (UK) come close (or surpass) this intelligence spending. Since the United...

Words: 2478 Pages: 10

China: Military Transformation and Regional Impact

Introduction China’s military, also known as the People’s Liberation Army (PLA), has registered a significant growth in its power and might in the recent years. The enhancement of the country’s military has coincided sharply with the economic growth that has been witnessed in China in the last decade. This emphasizes...

Words: 2209 Pages: 9

Women Inclusion in the United States Army

Abstract The inclusion of women in ground combat branches in the US Army has been a very transforming step forward for decades to come. It has been claimed that to fully realize this remarkable goal patriarchal views must be exchanged for equivalency, that in the past the practices in the...

Words: 3769 Pages: 14