International Relations Essay Examples for Free

US Strategy to Counter Russia and Strengthen the Rules-Based International Order

Executive Summary The Rules-Based International Order (RBIO) has been weakened by Russia’s hostile behavior toward its neighbors and the ongoing conflict in Ukraine. The U.S. wants to solve this problem for several strategic reasons, such as protecting the RBIO, keeping Russia from attacking its neighbors, and promoting peace in the...

Words: 7759 Pages: 27

China’s Strategy for Taiwan: Safeguarding Sovereignty and Stability

The Issue Being Addressed The strategy for PR China to uphold the status quo regarding the sovereignty of Taiwan is to safeguard a robust military presence in the Taiwan Strait as a deterrent to any potential threats from Taiwan. By maintaining a robust military presence, China can ensure a prompt...

Words: 4436 Pages: 16

Israel-Palestine Conflict: Causes, Solutions, and Global Impact

Introduction The Israel-Palestine conflict commenced when Jewish immigrants arrived in Palestine in the late nineteenth century, and their goal was founding a Jewish state. As tensions between Jewish immigration and Arab Palestinians grew, there was bloodshed and rival nationalistic groups. This conflict was further facilitated by Israeli independence in the...

Words: 1893 Pages: 7

Iran’s Influence on GCC (Gulf Cooperation Council) Security: A Comprehensive Analysis

Introduction The Gulf Cooperation Council, or GCC, which includes UAE, consists of leading members of the Middle East and Persian Gulf region. Iran’s growing regional influence and the potential threat to the region have been a longstanding concern of these countries (Bianco, 2020). Many negative factors have shaped these attitudes...

Words: 1528 Pages: 5

Economic Refugees’ Impact on US Economy

Introduction In contemporary discourse, immigrants coming to the United States are often referred to and viewed as “economic refugees.” The reason is that these individuals, primarily from developing countries, migrate to the U.S. in pursuit of better economic opportunities (Carty, 2020). The purpose of this paper is to explore who...

Words: 556 Pages: 2

Global Security Challenges: Balance of Power in the Modern World

In today’s world, there are several problems related to war, terrorism, and the balance of power that could become even more serious in the years to come. One of the main challenges in this area is the growing number of conflicts worldwide, resulting in many casualties and destruction. At the...

Words: 403 Pages: 1

Ringisho: The Consensus Approach to Decision-Making

Introduction Ringisho, or the approach to decision-making, is more fitting to Japan’s culture of introversion, which is characterized by high context and high uncertainty avoidance, as well as a long-term time orientation. It also helps moderate Japan’s power distance, which is otherwise quite high in a status-conscious society (Pantelides, 2019)....

Words: 846 Pages: 3

The Most Accurate Political (Development) Model

Political theories and development models are essential to understanding and analyzing international relations. This discussion will examine different political models/development models and determine which ones are more accurate or realistic and which ones are not. I believe the most accurate model is Dependency Theory, as it takes into account the...

Words: 379 Pages: 1

Iran-United States Relations and Nuclear Threat

Introduction The United States and Iran’s relations have been strained for the past several decades. Iran has complicated relationships with the West primarily due to ideological reasons. Heidar Moslehi, the Iranian chief of the intelligence agency, once said that even though there is no physical war with the U.S., they...

Words: 848 Pages: 3

The Book “Our Global Neighborhood” by the Commission on Global Governance

The international community has achieved significant advancements in various fields, including engineering, agriculture and food production, healthcare, industrialization, digitalization, and communication technology. However, Our Global Neighborhood by the Commission on Global Governance suggests that the human race is far from achieving its peaceful co-existence and stability goals. According to its...

Words: 1760 Pages: 6

International Relations Theories and States’ Behaviors

States are significant actors in world affairs because of their continuous engagement in others’ initiatives and foreign relations tactics intended to facilitate better outcomes within their borders and spearhead development. However, the global political arena features unprecedented factors that influence how states relate to each other and their behaviors. International...

Words: 611 Pages: 2

Globalization, Economic Integration, and Humanitarian Development

Before the 19th century, humans traveled long distances and sought numerous solutions to communicate, obtain raw materials, and exchange goods. However, technological advancements have paved the way for global integration due to more efficient communication, enhanced industrial capacity, and faster transport of goods and services. Regardless, some individuals propose that...

Words: 1760 Pages: 6

Feminism and Constructivism: International Relations Theories

Introduction The emergence and development of constructivism are associated with the classical notion of man and society as phenomena characterized by a high degree of freedom and, therefore, not reducible in principle to any objective, external circumstances and laws that determine them. There are several definitions of modern constructivism, ranging...

Words: 5290 Pages: 19

Realism and Liberalism Theories of International Relations

International relations can be defined as the study of the interaction of states with others states together with non-governmental organizations in certain areas, including security, economics, and politics. It attempts to predict the future and explain the past behavior of states. Professionals in international relations work in governments and non-profits...

Words: 5018 Pages: 18

Feminism vs. Realism in International Relations

Introduction There has been a noticeable change in the state of the world’s politics ever since the conclusion of the Cold War. Unfortunately, the conceptual approaches that ought to assist us in comprehending this new environment have not evolved much since then, which is unfortunate since these frameworks were supposed...

Words: 3043 Pages: 11

Assessing the Legacy of the Arab Spring: An Analysis of Political Upheaval

Introduction The Arab Spring, a series of widespread protests and political upheavals that swept through the Middle East and North Africa region between 2010 and 2014, initially sparked hope among Western intellectuals for the fall of authoritarian powers to popular movements. However, these events have been characterized by economic and...

Words: 383 Pages: 1

The Authoritarian International: Essentials of International Relations

The political concept of the Authoritarian International is connected to the notion of the unipolar system. In a unipolar system, one group or one state commands the influence in international politics (Mingst, 2001). In the Authoritarian International, this influential state is China, which seeks to spread its dictatorship values across...

Words: 372 Pages: 1

Preventing Enemy Threats to the US and Its Allies

The central foreign policy that the US is currently facing is preventing both itself and its allies from enemy threats. One of the main ongoing threats is the invasion of Russia into Ukraine’s land. This invasion became apparent in 2014 when Russia started moving to annex Crimea, which had been...

Words: 654 Pages: 2

The Global Order Impacted by Geopolitical Tensions

Power is an integral part of the human experience; it is the ability to influence and control the actions and decisions of people and can manifest itself in several forms. On an individual level, people can use their attributes, skills, deceit, and values to gain influence over others. However, administering...

Words: 1378 Pages: 5

The Middle East: Lack of Regional Order

Introduction The Middle East is one of the regions that are strategically positioned to attract more investors and competitors. From a historical perspective, the region has witnessed repeated encroachments from other great powers, all interested in their resources. Additionally, it is also regarded as the spiritual epicenter for several monotheistic...

Words: 2721 Pages: 10

Significance of the Truman Doctrine to the Cold War

Introduction There were elevated tensions and antagonism during the Cold War between the superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union (USSR). Therefore, the Truman Doctrine was a containment strategy employed by the United States against the Soviet Union for almost the entire duration of the Cold War (Winterhalt,...

Words: 405 Pages: 1

The Principles of the International Relations Theory

Introduction Within the process of the international system’s evolution, each predeceasing period contributed its ideas, concepts, and approaches into consecutive ones, ultimately shaping the contemporary world order. Multiple scholarly sources are aimed at researching the manifestations of international relations development throughout the history of societies, being based on the theoretical...

Words: 1932 Pages: 7

Policymakers and Intelligence Conflicts

Despite a common goal and mutual need, policymakers often conflict with intelligence. These are the two main ideas present in the given observation: the need and the absence of sympathy (Jervis, 2017). The former can be considered self-explanatory – policymakers rule the state apparatus that hosts intelligence, whereas intelligence provides...

Words: 349 Pages: 1

Aspects of Houthi–Saudi Arabian Conflict

Introduction The Houthi–Saudi Arabian conflict may be defined as a confrontation between Saudi Arabia, supported by allied countries, and the Houthi movement that seized power in Yemen. Although this conflict had a well-defined timeframe and participants, its causes and impacts are more complex and multidimensional. The purpose of this paper...

Words: 1478 Pages: 5

International Relations Theories

Introduction The world has seen numerous theories attempting to explain how the global political arena works. All these theories have advantages but are also flawed. Nonetheless, they are a set of lenses that when viewed separately, offers the world a fragment of the entire picture. To this end, people cannot...

Words: 4991 Pages: 36

The United States-Middle East Relations After WWII

The change in American foreign policy thought and behavior towards Israel and the Middle East region as a whole was due to several factors. On the one hand, the participation of the United States in the affairs of the Middle East region after the end of World War II was...

Words: 553 Pages: 2

Aspects of UAE Strategic Partnerships

Introduction The formation of foreign policy relations against the backdrop of the current military conflict between Russia and Ukraine and strained relations with the US and the EU requires competent and balanced decisions from the UAE government. Having no obvious confrontation with other countries, the UAE, nevertheless, finds itself involved...

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MESA and UAE Foreign Policy: Analysis

Issue United Arab Emirates (UAE) requires strong international relations that will enhance its performance and the target audience is MESA policymakers. Background UAE and Israel have been conflicted for decades since the UAE got its independence in 1971. The countries have been nominal enemies, making them not engage in any...

Words: 2836 Pages: 10

India’s Domestic and International Foreign Policy

Introduction India has stood as an independent democratic state since the formation of the first government in 1947. According to its Constitution, the populous nation prides itself as a “sovereign, socialist, secular, democratic republic” (Congressional Research Service 2022). In recent times, the country has been able to develop close strategic...

Words: 1961 Pages: 6

US-Pakistan Mistrust Issues and the Effects of Post-Afghanistan War

The emergence of terrorism as a significant threat to world peace and the subsequent war on terrorism to annihilate its proprietors has resulted in adverse consequences for nations involved in the struggle. For instance, countries such as Afghanistan, among others, are occasionally accused of harboring cells where militants recruit and...

Words: 1665 Pages: 6

Presidential Leadership and the US Foreign Policy in the Middle East

Introduction The Middle East has drawn the attention of US foreign policies for centuries. However, there are several conflicting arguments as to why the implications of USFP are far-fetched and significantly felt in the Middle Eastern nations compared to other parts of the globe. According to scholars and historians, political...

Words: 1919 Pages: 7

Early and Contemporary American Interests in the Middle East

Introduction The US has a long history of foreign policy in the Middle East. Yet, its cultural ties and trade relations with countries in the region remain relatively weak compared to its relations with Europe and Asia. Since the end of the cold war, the US and Russia showed great...

Words: 564 Pages: 2

Threat Perceptions by Member States of the Gulf Cooperation Council

Introduction Threat perceptions in international relations can be described as a major determinant in both policy development and regional cooperation initiatives. Multiple case studies are available across the world to show how the perception of threats determines how countries relate to each other. For example, a case of Central Europe...

Words: 5546 Pages: 20

The China Trade War’s Effect on Industries

The US waged trade war against China was started due to several allegations against the Chinese government and traders. These allegations stated that China has been stealing intellectual property and that its economic policies favor their domestic companies unjustly. The resulting policies on the end of the US government doubled...

Words: 263 Pages: 1

The American Primacy in Determining Identity on a Global Scale

Several factors determine the American primacy in defining identity in globalization. This country has the most significant cultural and technological influence on the global world due to its high level of development in various spheres of activity. At the same time, the superiority of the U.S. in the definition of...

Words: 492 Pages: 2

Neoliberalism Theory in International Relations

Neoliberalism or neoliberal institutionalism is a theory in international relations that develops the ideas of the political liberal-idealist paradigm that appeared after the Second World War. The revival of the positions of the liberal-idealist paradigm, undermined during the Cold War, occurred after the collapse of the bipolar system of international...

Words: 603 Pages: 2

The Theory of Realism in International Relations

The theory of international relations implies the existence of several schools that consider the nature of the interaction and functioning of states in different ways. Therefore, one of the most permanent is realism, which in turn is divided into classical, neorealism, and neoclassical realism. Each of these branches implies the...

Words: 1065 Pages: 4

Green vs. Critical International Relations Theory

Introduction Depending on their viewpoint on international relations, different researchers have varied perspectives on international relations. Some people view international relations as deliberate foreign relationships between nations, with the main concerns being those related to war, conflict, peace, the environment, and collaboration. It can also involve all types of cross-border...

Words: 4193 Pages: 15

Legality of Operation Geronimo

Introduction Geronimo is the code name for the operation to kill Osama bin Laden. President Bill Clinton declared Osama bin Laden as public enemy number one (Woodward, 2018). Since that time, the CIA began to conduct a full-scale search for a man who until then was considered just a significant...

Words: 867 Pages: 3

The UAE’s Options in Case of the Iran Nuclear Deal

Introduction Strengthening the nuclear potential of individual countries has always been the subject of not only economic but also political discussions. World governments’ close attention to the problem of increasing the power of numerous states has more than once been a pretext for geopolitical conflicts. Recognizing the threat posed by...

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UAE’s Role in Space Science and Technology Development

Introduction UAE has been experiencing major technological changes due to the focus on this particular field. Technological development is not only beneficial in terms of scientific evolution and revenue but also a key component of the formation of international alliances and partnerships with countries with similar objectives. Moreover, investments in...

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Qatar’s Role in the Afghan Peace Process

Introduction Approximately twenty years after the US expelled the Taliban regime from leadership in Afghanistan, the first direct peace dialogue between the Afghan government and the Taliban commenced in Doha, Qatari Capital City, in September 2020. The NATO, Afghan government, and Taliban forces have engaged in deadly battles that have...

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Al-Jazeera Channel and Qatari Soft Power

Introduction The development of the Middle East is highly recognisable in different spheres across the globe. Many people want to visit the region, learn its tradition, and follow its news. Al Jazeera is a well-known independent English-language news channel headquartered in Doha, Qatar. The local government has funded it since...

Words: 1412 Pages: 5

China-US Relations: The Role of Qatar

For many years, China and the US have remained the two centers of political and economic power worldwide. However, if previously, the countries were strong allies with a free trade agreement, today’s political and economic environment has led to rivalry and competition to monopolize the political stage. According to Itakura,...

Words: 854 Pages: 3

International Relations Theories and the Paris Agreement

International perspectives are an effective and valuable way to see the problems that occur taking place in the world. To better understand the reasons and the essence of these issues, the fundamental theories of international relations, such as realism, liberalism, and constructivism, have been developed. These approaches help examine the...

Words: 629 Pages: 2

Will Taiwan and Mainland China Ever Be Able to Co-Exist as One Nation?

Introduction The solution to the Taiwan question and the realization of the complete unification of China is linked to the fundamental interests of the Chinese nation. For the past 50 years, the Chinese government has waged a relentless struggle to realize these goals. Starting from 1979, it, showing full sincerity...

Words: 2282 Pages: 6

The Russia-Ukraine War Regarding the US Involvement

The recent military operation executed by Russia against Ukraine has significantly impacted the whole world’s economy. The military actions and the Russian invasion of Ukraine are described by addressing the Donbas-Ukraine conflict. The actual war required an immediate response from the world-leading countries. America was not an exception, allocating the...

Words: 2015 Pages: 7

Kosovo: Future Membership in NATO

Introduction Kosovo has had a longstanding dream of becoming a NATO member state. The country’s leaders have been calling for an immediate NATO membership for Kosovo since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24 (EWB, 2022). In early March, the government formed an inter-institutional operating committee on Kosovo’s NATO integration. Kosovo’s...

Words: 1941 Pages: 7

North Korea and the US: Political Relations

Introduction In the aftermath of the Korean War in 1953, the US has maintained difficult and antagonistic relations with North Korea The dictatorial tyrant Kim Jung-un is in charge of North Korea, a rogue state that is extremely remote and destitute North Korea for decades has been pursuing the goal...

Words: 1642 Pages: 6

United States-North Korea Policy: Past and Present

Introduction The policy approach toward North Korea is notoriously difficult. So far, no US leader has been able to achieve meaningful progress. That is likely due to the fundamentally different policy goals between the two countries, and neither is willing to accept the other’s demands. North Korea and the US...

Words: 1403 Pages: 7

Political Science: Globalization in Asia

Introduction Globalization is the process of the world becoming a more integrated and interdependent community. This transition has been caused by advances in international trade and technological progress. It refers to a complex network of social activities that, on a worldwide scale, serve to strengthen and deepen economic, cultural, political,...

Words: 839 Pages: 3

The US-North Korean International Relations

Introduction North Korea (DPRK) is a rogue state, led by Kim Jung-un a totalitarian dictator in a highly isolated and impoverished country. The Communist state has been an adversary of the United States for decades, since aftermath of the Korean War in 1953, the US has maintained difficult and antagonistic...

Words: 3112 Pages: 10

Russia vs. Ukraine Conundrum

Introduction Thirty years of the independent existence of Russia and Ukraine has shown that the problem of the development of relations between them is of great importance and goes beyond the bilateral framework. It affects the nature of integration processes and the military-political situation in Europe. With massive human, economic,...

Words: 2099 Pages: 7

Aspects of Realism in International Relations

Introduction Realism in international relations allows analyzing the threat connected with the existence of armed non-state actors and failed states in the Middle East. Therefore, the countries that belong to the Gulf Cooperation Council (United Arab Emirates, Oman, Bahrain, Kuwait, Qatar, and Saudi Arabia) should ensure that there are no...

Words: 1768 Pages: 6

“On the Verge of WWIII”: Russia-US Power Problem

Introduction The current happenings in Ukraine have many people concerned about the possible emergence of a third world war. The country is under attack by Russia, its neighbor, and its former controller under the USSR treaty. Investigations into the matter reveal several underlying issues vital in understanding the happenings. Russia...

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The US Involvement in the Russian Invasion of Ukraine

Introduction In discussing the stance of the US in global affairs, this essay addresses some of the advantages of the US’s position in international issues. First, in reaction to Russia’s attack not only on Ukraine but also on internationalism, development, and political structure, President Biden’s address outlines a plain, positive...

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The United Arab Emirates’ Policy Toward South Korea

Introduction The United Arab Emirates has established a successful cooperation policy between the UAE and South Korea, which aims to foster cultural, business, and military cooperation. Although this partnership has been fruitful for both States, there are ways to improve the policy and cooperation for both states’ laws. This policy...

Words: 908 Pages: 8

USA Foreign Policy With the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Introduction Few countries are as different as the United States and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Even fewer have as much history of successful relations with each other within the context of fundamental differences. Yet, decades of successful trade and relations signify how two nations can put their economic and...

Words: 3053 Pages: 11

Artificial Intelligence, International Competition, and the Balance of Power

Introduction The application of artificial intelligence (AI) technology to military purposes has raised many concerns. In particular, many observers predict a new arms race between states, which might result in profound ethical, legal, and security implications (Maas 2). In his article Artificial Intelligence, International Competition, and the Balance of Power,...

Words: 1743 Pages: 6

The UAE’s Foreign Policy on Aid and Humanitarian Assistance

Introduction Background of the Study From its inception as a state, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) has provided humanitarian assistance to several countries around the world. Afghanistan, Syria, Egypt, Madagascar, Sudan, and Mali are a few nations that have benefitted from its generosity (Washington DC Embassy of the United Arab...

Words: 4950 Pages: 18

North Korea’s Containment of Nuclear Capabilities

Introduction One of the worst threats to the modern international world is building countries’ nuclear capabilities. Under conditions of heightened geopolitical tension, news about the development of new types of nuclear weapons, exercises, and threats by political leaders prove most dangerous since there are insufficient guarantees that a nuclear threat...

Words: 1098 Pages: 4

Ukraine’s Political Risk Profile for Corporations

Introduction The political environment of a country is critical to the success of any MNC within it. The environment enables the efficient entry and operations of the MNC into the country. Political risk for a country can arise through civil war, violence, strikes, and coup d’états among others. This has...

Words: 586 Pages: 2

Adoption of an Integrated Review Approach Can Strengthen Security

In this paper, the main aspects of the already done dissertation will be discussed. First, the introduction of the title and the main points will be offered. Then, the evaluation of major project definitions, including the cope, context, hypothesis, and goals, will allow creating a general understanding of the dissertation...

Words: 1990 Pages: 8

Senegal and US National Security Interests

The selected country of Senegal and its official language of French serve critical US national security interests in Western Africa. Senegal is the westernmost country on the African continent and has been a long-term strategic partner of the US and its allies. The close ties have been formed over decades...

Words: 1584 Pages: 6

Constructivist Political Philosophy of International Relations

As it is known, the constructivist political philosophy of international relations assesses the importance of historical context in achieving the conditions of global peace. More specifically, constructivism is based not on using material resources and values of the world to explore the nature of international relations but on an in-depth...

Words: 1170 Pages: 4

The United States’ Foreign Policy Then and Now

Foreign policy has always been an integral component of a nation’s political framework. However, in the current globalized landscape, this aspect has acquired additional importance. Foreign policy becomes especially crucial in the case of the world’s major powers, such as the United States. In this context, it may be difficult...

Words: 660 Pages: 2

Iran and the United States: Conflict Analysis

The U.S.-Iran Crisis Relations between the United States and Iran resemble confrontation, tempered by the need for balance. Since the Iranian revolution, sanctions on human rights and nuclear files have been imposed. Nevertheless, the parties’ door for negotiation and engagement remained open, which is a great indicator of democracy and...

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China-Africa Relationships in Relation to Leadership

The current status of China-Africa relationships is rather promising and beneficial for both countries. While the COVID-19 outbreak has challenged traveling and living issues, China continues supporting African states, providing the necessary medical equipment, and developing new trade ways (Ryder). Frequent high-level visits of Chinese politicians are observed to enhance...

Words: 354 Pages: 1

The Effectiveness of Soft Power in Politics

From an international politics perspective, countries require the support of others to succeed in certain political matters. Power is a vital requirement, especially when a country wants to succeed in dealing with certain political threats or crises such as international wars and terrorism. Such a country can achieve the power...

Words: 636 Pages: 2

International Governmental Organizations and the North Korea Nuclear Situation

Introduction North Korea has earned itself the ‘rogue state’ moniker due to its nuclear weapons program. As a result, North Korea has received sanctions from the UN and other organizations. The United Nations(UN) was formed in the aftermath of WWII to promote security and international peace, foster friendliness among nations,...

Words: 618 Pages: 2

Iran-US Conflict and Its Geopolitical Impact

Abstract The conflict between Iran and the United States is one of the most significant events happening in the Middle East today. It has already resulted in serious consequences, affecting Iran’s internal affairs as well as nearby countries. The confrontation has various economic and geopolitical reasons and its outcome will...

Words: 14056 Pages: 50

Impact of UK Brexit on Political World

Introduction European integration is a process that has been going on since 1951, constantly adding new members and regulating power at the national level of government. In the second wave of accession to the European Union, the UK was initially no more than an agreement of six countries to create...

Words: 3251 Pages: 11

Discussion of X-Ray of Today’s World

Introduction International relations deal mostly with the study of relations of different states with one another and their cultures. These relationships can impact a vast field from international law, politics, and economics to diplomacy, security, and governance. Through international relations, people are entitled to make an impact, know more of...

Words: 875 Pages: 3

Analysis of Ukraine-Russia Geopolitics

Political Actors The political actors in the Ukraine-Russia geopolitics are Ukraine and Russia. The dispute is between the two sides as Russia tries to fight for political power by occupying Ukraine. On the other hand, Ukraine is resisting the dominance of Russia and tries to liberate itself by fighting for...

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Geopolitical Tensions: The Clash Between Western Powers and Russia

Introduction Today, humanity witnesses significant historical events that might impact the future of numerous states and the global balance of power. The opposition between the western world and Russia became similar to the tensions of the Cold War period. The differences in ideologies and perspectives on geopolitics resulted in the...

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Berlin vs. Hong Kong: HR Strategies & Expansion Considerations

Introduction Among the opportunities to grow and ways to use an organization’s competitive edge is to conduct an international expansion. To succeed during expansion, it is necessary to pay attention to cultural aspects, such as language and people’s views, ethical factors, political and economic stability, employee preferences, and labor availability...

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Geo-Political vs. Military Confrontation in the Future

Economic statecraft or geo-economics refers to the process by which nations carry out business and use it as an instrument to reinforce their sovereignty. In other words, geo-economics defines states’ use of trade, investments, and infrastructural developments to influence strategic partnerships and gain advantage. The geopolitical competition will define the...

Words: 250 Pages: 1

The Israel and Palestine Conflict Needs Change of Approach

Introduction The Israeli-Palestinian conflict is one of the world’s long conflicts that started in the mid-20th century amidst various efforts to resolve the matter. The main issue that escalates the fight is the ideological differences between the Jews and Arabs grounded toward achieving the sovereignty of each party in the...

Words: 2305 Pages: 8

American Foreign Policy in Times of War and Crisis

Introduction In deciding on foreign diplomacy, reaching a consensus on the state interest is crucial. Institutional memory greatly influences foreign diplomacy in addition to the idea of national advantage (Palmer, 2022). George once declared that the US should have as little administrative relationship as manageable with other nations. Despite this,...

Words: 1387 Pages: 5

International Relations in the Middle East

Introduction The new millennium was marked by dramatic changes for the countries of the Middle East. In different parts of the region, there is instability both within individual states and in relations between them. The system of international relations in the Middle East is in a state of transit, transitivity...

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The Domestic Context of Turkey

Summary Turkey is considered one of the most influential countries in its region, which is determined by many parameters. Primarily, it is necessary to emphasize the substantial area, population, and the country’s geographical location. With its territory in Asia and Europe, Turkey is developing under the influence of both continents....

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Religion and International Relations Over the Centuries

Introduction The reparations of international conflicts, bloody aftermaths, and the fear of war have played a major role in shaping human history and establishing the peace that prevails in various regions today. However, some nations are still entangled in warfare due to conflicting interests and a struggle for power and...

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China’s and India’s Renewable Energy Geopolitics

Introduction Significant changes occur in the global power system, affecting practically all countries and having far-reaching geopolitical implications. Namely, renewables are an effective technological option for combating climate change worldwide. Since the Kyoto Protocol began functioning, and as concerns about preventing climate change have heated up, so has the demand...

Words: 1956 Pages: 7

International Relations: Liberalism and Realism

Introduction The speech of the United Nations Secretary-General regarding the multipolarity of international relations can be perceived differently. Realism, in this case, is somewhat poorly suited to interpreting the general secretary’s notion. These words are best explained by the hegemonic stability theory (neoliberalism), which is the most optimal for creating...

Words: 383 Pages: 1

Australia’s Foreign Policy Toward China

Introduction The vast spectrum of community services provided by organizations across Australia is referred to as a civil society. According to Fitzgerald (2022), challenges in Australia-China relations were principally driven by Australian civil society advocacy for liberty and rights, culminating in Chinese espionage exposure. As a result of the China...

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Russia-US Relations in the Context of the Russia-Ukraine War

The Russian-Ukrainian conflict began in 2014 with the annexation of Crimea and military actions in Donbas. For eight years, this conflict had a local character, but on February 24, 2022, the Russian Federation began full-scale hostilities on the territory of Ukraine. The first war in Europe in almost 80 years...

Words: 1226 Pages: 4

USFP in China and the Middle East During Nixon’s Tenure

Introduction President Nixon and Kissinger are prominent figures in the design and advancement of US foreign policy due to the implications of their actions on American relations with other nations, particularly the Middle East and China. Although Nixon and Kissinger were focused on reducing American entanglement in foreign affairs, they...

Words: 898 Pages: 3

Kenya–United States Relations and Foreign Policy

Executive Summary This foreign policy research analysis focuses on Kenya, one of the most prominent countries in Sub-Saharan Africa. The country has a land size of 569,251 square kilometers or roughly twice the size of Arizona State. According to the most recent estimates, some 55.8 million people inhabit Kenya (The...

Words: 850 Pages: 3

Social Studies: The Israel-Palestine Conflict

The article’s main message is how the Israelites long for peace and have done all it takes to end the conflict. The substantive evidence provided in the article to show the Israeli’s point of view is the experience of the author as a youth who worked as a peace ambassador...

Words: 862 Pages: 3

United States’ Foreign Policy Analysis

Introduction The United States’ foreign policy has advanced and taken many shapes since the nation gained its independence from the British Empire. Initially, the founding fathers believed that the US should not be involved in international affairs, thus encouraging isolation. However, preceding political views and movements established the US as...

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The Growing Rivalry Between the USA and the PRC

Introduction The relationships between the People’s Republic of China (PRC) and the United States of America (USA) deserve much attention because of these countries’ power and global domination. The rivalry between states as the primary actors of global politics is predetermined by their authority amount on the global stage (Murphy,...

Words: 878 Pages: 3

Mexican-American Interaction: The Mexican Perspective

The United States and Mexico have enjoyed rich diplomatic, economic, and cultural relations for over two centuries. However, the two countries fought sometimes over territories, migration, trade, and even drug wars. The Mexican-American War of 1846-1848 was the first armed clash that the United States fought in a foreign land....

Words: 634 Pages: 2

The US Democracy Promotion in the Middle East

Introduction The National Security and Defense Policy of the United States primarily revolves around the cooperation between the allied countries globally and the efforts to promote democracy in regions with other political regimes. This issue is particularly relevant in the Middle East, where countries such as Syria, Iraq, and South...

Words: 857 Pages: 3

Scholz’s Role in Germany’s Position in the Modern World

Since the reunification and until the modern days, Germany has encountered considerable tribulations. The country has gone through political, economical, social, and cultural changes influenced by the consequences of the World Wars (Orlow, 2018). Notably, Germany can be characterized by a tendency to “advance rapidly in some areas” but fall...

Words: 926 Pages: 3

Researching of U.S. Policy toward North Korea

Annotated Bibliography Ahn, Taehyung. 2018. “Patience or Lethargy?: U.S. Policy toward North Korea under the Obama Administration.” North Korean Review, 8, no. 1: 67–83. Web. The source discusses the difference between diplomatic and political approaches in the US foreign policy approach to North Korea, particularly focusing on Obama’s administration stance...

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Ukraine’s Crisis from Realist and Liberalist Perspectives

Introduction Conflicts between countries happen for various reasons but affect numerous people. On February 24, 2022, Vladimir Putin invaded Ukraine, beginning Europe’s most extensive military mobilization since 1945 (Bilefsky et al., 2022). Putin’s war forces the deaths and sufferings of countless people and endangers the stabilization of the post-Soviet region...

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The Security Dilemma in World Politics

Introduction In international relations of the world’s geopolitics, the security dilemma happens when the security of one state or country seems to compromise the security of another. In this case, the enhancement of security in one area seems to threaten the peace in the other area. For example, when one...

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The Barbary Wars and US Principles

Introduction The Barbary Wars came at a time when the US had just fought civil wars and did not have sufficient resources to fund a war outside their national borders. Still, they hold a unique position in US history because they were both revolutionary and inevitable. The Barbary Wars, describing...

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China-Vietnam: Political Relationships

Asia News Monitor. “Vietnam/China: Vietnam Is Following China in its Economic Development”. Thai News Service Group, Web. The article compared the differences in economic development between Vietnam and China. The article defines that Vietnam follows the development of China with a decade lag (Asia News Monitor). The article illustrates the...

Words: 534 Pages: 1