Statesmanship Model in Public Administration


To properly fulfill objectives, set and reach goals, as well as ensure that a complex system operates effectively, the use of specific policies and frameworks in managing organizations is a necessity. For the purposes of this case study, the use and application of the statesmanship model will be considered. Statesmanship, in essence, incorporates moral principles into the work sphere, using them to shape leadership, the implementation of various initiatives, as well as the relationship between the employees and their employees. This approach can be beneficial when addressing an issue in either the public or corporate setting, allowing a leader to use specific sets of principles to guide their approaches. This work, in particular, will seek to examine a public administration-related issue in a specific field, apply the statesmanship model to it, and discuss the importance of several other concepts for change. Some of the concepts taken from the Bible and Christian faith will also be taken and incorporated into forming approaches for public policy.

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The Case Study

The case that will be the central point for the current discussion is “Collaborative Governance: Integrating Management, Politics, and Law.” The administrative review discussing it has identified that the concept of collaborative leadership is being significantly underutilized in the public sector, and the definitions used to enforce it are insufficient at serving their role (Amsler, 2016). While policies and laws followed by the public administration recognize the importance and value of cooperation, the actual ways for other bodies to interact with it are limited. The circumstances created by the current policies also make it harder for organizations to become involved (Amsler, 2016). FOIA and the Sunshine Act have enforced procedural transparency. Both establish principles of work and require any entities that work with the administration to be able to operate on an open basis. The requirement creates a barrier for organizations that require confidentiality and trust (Bartenberger & Grubmmller, 2014). It is also important to better define the meaning of “cooperation,” “collaboration,” and “partnership” in relation to the public administration work, as it would allow for better engagement with other involved bodies and further integrations of collaborative governance into the process. The art of statecraft can be considered in introducing change and development to the administrative sector of the government. Statecraft can be defined as the process of governing, as well as the fulfillment of the interests of the elite. In regards to the administrative sector and its operation, this means taking into account and fulfilling the goals of this section of the government. As administrative duties are performed in order to ensure that the public is able to live organized, rich, fulfilling lives, their engagement in the process aligns with the interests of the elite and is, therefore, a part of practicing statecraft.

Policy Analysis

Policy analysis can be an effective tool for accessing the existing problems of collaborative governance, as utilized in the public sphere. Evaluation criteria used in this case would be the effectiveness in the implementation of the cooperative approach, its effect on governance, and the capacity to which it lets other parties participate in collaborative governance. The main problem that can be found in the paper about the topic is the lack of proper accommodations for external parties to engage in cooperation. Existing policies restrict the ability of organizations to partner with the state rather than expand it. The alternative approach would be to adjust current legislation to allow outside entities better opportunities for engagement and influence.

Program Evaluation

Program evaluation is another important part of introducing change, as it gives a full perspective of change and its processes. It accesses a program for change, its primary goals and actions, aiding in providing further improvement to an initiative or adjusting it to better suit an organization’s needs. There are a variety of frameworks to access various parts of a particular plan, but the general approach is to access the set goals, plans, actions and possible outcomes of a program.

Goals – Making the Collaborative Governance approach more capable of engaging with multiple parties, promoting positive communication, feedback and collaboration.

Plans – Introducing changes in policy to better accommodate other participants, adjust the organizational principles and approaches to better fulfil work goals

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Actions – Adopt the statesmanship model to better account for the need to collaborate, incorporate moral values and principles into operation. Covenant approach to cooperation.

Outcomes – Better cooperation with related organizations, more thoughtful and well-developed policies and actions, more efficient work practices. A morally-guided approach to the workplace.

Conflict Resolution and Consensus Building

Both the process of conflict resolution and consensus-building are also crucial to leading an organization, especially when it has to actively interact with its partners or collaborators. In the case of the collaborative governance approach, this consideration is even more prevalent, as interactions with other concerned parties occupy a major part of the process. As it stands, research has found that the process of resolving work conflicts has been far more effective in collaboratively-operated environments (Lacity & Willcocks, 2017). The process of establishing a common consensus is built on constant negotiation and compromise, which must be accomplished to make sure all engaged parties are able to lead a fruitful and positive relationship with each other. The use of the covenant approach in relationship management further assists in contextualizing professional interactions as a means of mutual benefit and respect.

Application of the Statesmanship Model

The statesmanship model can be applied in the public legal context as a way of ensuring that better collaborative governance can be achieved. While initially only being used as a way to lead nations, nowadays, the approach is also being applied to specific parts of governments and individual organizations (Overeem & Bakker, 2016). To utilize moral values and beliefs in the process of integrating collaboration into practicing public administration, one must first understand that collaboration itself is a moral virtue. People working with each other to achieve a common goal is an activity beneficial for the public wellbeing and the wellness of individuals. Promoting collaboration by ensuring it with laws and policies, therefore, is a good way to practice moralistic leadership.

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Biblical Values and the Covenantal Approach

While discussing the value and moral virtues, the biblical concepts can also be utilized, as the scripture is a vital source of spiritual inspiration. With the use and integration of collaborative governance, the concept of the covenant becomes especially relevant (Caldwell & Hasan, 2016). The Bible frames the relationship between man and God as a morally framed agreement with mutual obligations and benefits, a framework that can also be effectively utilized in organizational contexts (Fischer, 2010). Considering the relationship between the government, the state, and public organizations as a type of covenant, one can understand the importance cooperation can play in proper legal frameworks. The values of equal participation, engagement, cooperation must be upheld and supported with previse statures to support them, as the only way to truly integrate a Bible-focused approach to managing legal operations.


In closing, this paper has discussed some of the morality-based concepts of organization, as well as applied them in relation to a specific case in question. The process has allowed for a deeper exploration of the statesmanship model, its benefits as a way of engaging in leadership, as well as the possible opportunities it presents. In the case study discussing the use of collaborative governance, the authors have noted that the cooperation between various agencies and the state administration is underutilized. The Bible can be also further be consulted to justify and guide the process of directing change. The covenant works as a framing device for the interactions between the government and the public, focusing on building mutually beneficial cooperation, trust, respect, and dignity.


Amsler, L. B. (2016). Collaborative Governance: Integrating Management, Politics, and Law. Public Administration Review, 76(5), 700–711. Web.

Bartenberger, M., & Grubmmller, V. (2014). The Enabling Effects of Open Government Data on Collaborative Governance in Smart City Contexts. SSRN Electronic Journal. Web.

Caldwell, C., & Hasan, Z. (2016). Covenantal leadership and the psychological contract: moral insights for the modern leader. Journal of Management Development, 35(10), 1302–1312. Web.

Fischer, K. (2010). A Biblical-Covenantal Perspective on Organizational Behavior & Leadership.

Lacity, M., & Willcocks, L. (2017). Conflict resolution in business services outsourcing relationships. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems, 26(2), 80–100. Web.

Overeem, P., & Bakker, F. E. (2016). Statesmanship Beyond the Modern State. Perspectives on Political Science, 48(1), 46–55. Web.

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DemoEssays. "Statesmanship Model in Public Administration." February 9, 2024.