Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change


Numerous instances of excessive force by law enforcement have sparked widespread protests and calls for change. Particularly in recent years, the problem of police brutality has grown significantly in the United States. The topic was selected from a wide range of alternatives since it is essential to comprehend many viewpoints on the problem to develop viable and efficient solutions. Two essential points of view will be critically analyzed in this essay: one favors changing the current system, while the other favors a more dramatic change.

Statements of Focus

According to the reformist viewpoint, the current system can be strengthened through a number of focused initiatives, including training and policy modifications, increased accountability, and community policing. With a focus on collaboration, this strategy fosters mutual respect and trust between law enforcement and the communities they serve (Ihaza, 2020). Additionally, it acknowledges that most law enforcement personnel are committed experts who can adjust to new procedures designed to lessen instances of police brutality. This opinion will be supported by evidence that will include both the benefits and challenges of implementing these improvements.

The radical position, on the other hand, asserts that the current system is gravely wrong. More dramatic measures are needed to reduce police brutality, such as switching funds from law enforcement to social services or even abolishing the institution of policing entirely. This viewpoint’s proponents contend that structural problems with the law enforcement culture contribute to the continuation of police brutality. As a result, more than incremental adjustments would be required to bring about lasting change. These proposals’ justifications will be looked at, and their potential efficacy will be assessed.

Awareness of these various viewpoints will help one develop a sophisticated awareness of the problem, which is essential for those who want to work in public policy and social justice. This kind of critical analysis necessitates examining and weighing conflicting points of view, which fosters the growth of empathy and active listening abilities. The objectives are significant because of a passion for improving society and supporting systemic change.


To ensure the credibility and reliability of the research, information will primarily be sought from peer-reviewed journals, scholarly articles, and verified sources. While web sources will be used as a starting point, the focus will be on in-depth analysis from reputable publications. A critical analysis of the article “Police Brutality and State-Sanctioned Violence in 21st Century America” will be conducted, and it will be used as a foundation for the arguments.


Since police brutality is a highly politicized topic, one of the significant challenges anticipated when researching this subject is the possibility of biased sources. To get around this limitation, an effort will be made to hunt for data and opinions from various ideological orientations, providing the subject with a complete understanding. This problem will be overcome by carefully assessing the sources’ reliability and ensuring they represent various viewpoints, and this problem will be overcome. Any potential biases can be mitigated by remaining objective and focusing on data-supported arguments.


This study reveals how complicated and multifaceted police brutality is as a problem that has to be thoroughly examined from all angles. The reformist viewpoint focuses on targeted reforms to enhance accountability, training, and community policing, whereas the radical perspective proposes more drastic remedies like defunding or abolishing the police. Both approaches have benefits and drawbacks, and many factors might affect their effectiveness. As a result of this research, I have gained a deeper appreciation for the complexity and significance of police brutality, the critical need for structural change, and social justice in the twenty-first century. We need to raise people’s levels of awareness, empathy, and active listening if we want to decrease instances of police brutality and boost public trust in the justice system. The paper highlights the issue and suggests potential fixes. The paper exposes the problem and offers possible spots. It can inform discussions about the topic, educate people, and advocate for meaningful change. We can strive toward a future where law enforcement treats communities with decency and respect by continuing to educate ourselves and others.


Ihaza, I. (2020). Police Brutality and State-Sanctioned Violence in 21st Century America. Journal of Race, Gender, and Ethnicity, 9(1), 96-125. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2024, September 16). Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change. https://demoessays.com/police-brutality-reform-vs-radical-change/

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"Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change." DemoEssays, 16 Sept. 2024, demoessays.com/police-brutality-reform-vs-radical-change/.


DemoEssays. (2024) 'Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change'. 16 September.


DemoEssays. 2024. "Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change." September 16, 2024. https://demoessays.com/police-brutality-reform-vs-radical-change/.

1. DemoEssays. "Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change." September 16, 2024. https://demoessays.com/police-brutality-reform-vs-radical-change/.


DemoEssays. "Police Brutality: Reform vs. Radical Change." September 16, 2024. https://demoessays.com/police-brutality-reform-vs-radical-change/.