Control of Cannabis Usage in Policy

As a police worker, it is important to control the usage of Cannabis even if it is legalized in the state. However, in some cases, the drug might be used on medical occasion to cope with the depression caused by numerous police responsibilities like chasing, skirmish, or arrests. According to Mechoulam (2019), Cannabis in small doses causes euphoria and relaxation, but the consumption of increased doses may make people anxious and make them sweat and hungry. Even though the consumption of this drug is allowed on the territory of the state, the police department should have specific regulations to control workers and ensure that they do not take Cannabis during working time. The consequences might be negative as the police industry requires full attention to insignificant events to prevent the appearance of the crime abuse.

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The level of productivity goes down, and workers become dangerous to their surroundings. Similar behavior is unacceptable in the police industry; managers should monitor workers and test them once at a specific time. Those caught the policy abuse for the first time should be warned and set under strict control. However, if the situation continues, the police officer should be fired and restricted from working in a similar position.

Nevertheless, some police chiefs allow workers to consume medical Cannabis to increase their performance. Smith (2017) states that the drug is usually used to cope with post-traumatic stress disorder, and its benefit is significant. The provision of the medical drug is not controversial to the regulation that does not allow police workers to consume Cannabis as the compound differs. While medical Cannabis includes an insignificant percentage of the actual drug mixed with the treatment herbs, the real Cannabis is a natural product that does not include additional components.

Young specialists in the police sphere should understand that this industry can cause stress as workers meet the law obedience and crime almost every day. This aspect is the main reason for the early retirements and psychological issues that the healthcare workers should control to be able to treat them in the early stages. Smith (2017) showed that when medical Cannabis was introduced in the police and military area practice, the number of PTSD cases decreased significantly. The score has reduced from 7.0 to 2.9, and employees mentioned that their work causes fewer mental problems and issues in their personal life (Smith, 2017). Every person has emotions, and when workers of the law forces meet deaths and depression constantly, the use of the medical drug can help relax and stimulate feelings that have been damaged. Moreover, the consumption of Cannabis kills the cancer cells that potentially occur because of the constant stress.

Even though the use of Cannabis is legalized in the state where the organization is located, the police workers are not allowed to consume the drug during their working time if it is not an, exception of the medical Cannabis in small doses. The regulation is related to both sworn and non-sworn personnel as every party in the industry completes serious work that affects civilians and their lives. For instance, while officers patrol streets and protect the law to ensure that nobody commits a crime, criminal analysts are more civilians who conduct investigations to help lawyers make the correct judgment. Consequently, the managers in this industry need to ensure that workers do not differ and follow the set rules.


Mechoulam, R. (2019). The pharmacohistory of Cannabis Sativa. Chapman and Hall.

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Smith, P. A., Chan, S., and Blake, A. (2017). Medical cannabis use in military and police veterans diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). J Pain Manage, 10(4). 397-405. Web.

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DemoEssays. "Control of Cannabis Usage in Policy." June 25, 2023.