Balancing Act: Performance, Equality, and Retention in Public Administration

Performance Management


This study aims to analyze the effectiveness of performance management in the field of public administration. Performance has many different meanings. It may be argued that performance can be connected to various non-contextual acts. Associations can range from straightforward, everyday activities like opening a car door to a complex recreation of a Broadway show. Performance differs from simple “behavior” in these categories by assuming some level of intention. Connotations in science differ by discipline (Pedersen et al., 2018). According to individual, societal, organizational, and system performance, psychology, the social sciences, and managerial sciences, for instance, utilize several definitions. Performance might mean many different things, and we have to define this variety. Therefore, we may deduce a common definitional element. Performance in the work of public administration requires coherence and a clear approach to strategic planning, implementation and management.

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The initial view of performance is on the actions being taken by the performing agent. Then, all activities are executed as part of the performance. Regardless of whether they were effective, a police patrol, a vaccination drive, a medical procedure, presenting a class, and presiding over a court case are instances of performances. Performance refers to government actors’ deliberate actions. This idea is comprehensive yet also relatively neutral.

A value judgment is present in the other aspects of the idea of performance. Performance can be classified as having a high or poor quality. First, performance is viewed as competence or capability when it pertains to the caliber of the acts rather not so much to the accomplishments (Pedersen et al., 2018). Performance is linked to the competency of the performing institution under the presumption that a highly competent performer would often provide more and higher quality output from an activity.


Performance equals outcomes when it is more about the caliber of the accomplishments than it is about the caliber of the acts. This paradigm does not center on the organization’s capabilities. This perspective is best exemplified by the belief that only outcomes count. The case is made that the public sector’s outputs and outcomes can be results. It does not matter how the findings were obtained as long as they can be verified. Last but not least, performance may be characterized as sustainable outcomes when conceived considering the quality of activities and accomplishments (Pedersen et al., 2018). Performance is used to describe a productive organization, which can perform and can translate that ability into outputs and outcomes. In this piece, “performance” refers to the most recent idea. According to this viewpoint, performance indicators might encompass every step of the value chain, from inputs to outputs to outcomes.


Performance data is essential for standard management procedures and public sector change. The performance capacity, financial management, human resource management, capital management, and information technology management are the four management subsystems identified by the base assessment model as contributing to managerial capacity. He recognizes two cross-cutting levers—leadership and information—in the real world for assessing performance. First, leadership is a motivating factor because it enables people to make well-informed decisions, offer guidance and leadership, and create missions. Along with organizing the organizational elements, they also express to people around them and the team members the institution’s mission and values. Second, there is a relationship between information and goal orientation. Systems of control are connected through information. Evaluating the functioning and results of the governing body also connects the management system to the outside world. Based on the above facts, we can conclude that performance at work requires coherence and a clear approach to strategic planning, implementation and management.


In this case, considering it from the point of view of holy scripture, we can say that the Bible comes to the defense of the leader and manager. “Masters, do the same to them, and stop your threatening, knowing that he who is both their Master and yours is in heaven, and that there is no partiality with him” (Ephesians 6:9 (ESV), n.d.). In this case, the scripture says that managers should stand in solidarity with management and employees to improve performance. My opinion is that public administration in recent decades needs to be improved within the framework of performance management methods.

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This study aims to analyze the issue of discrimination in the field of public administration. Public and private companies operate in marketplaces where public services are frequently offered. Public services must be accessible regardless of ownership status, color, gender, ethnicity, or age. However, market incentives may cause service providers to prioritize non-minority clientele, as suggested by theories of statistical discrimination and cream skimming. This is because providers find them less expensive and easier to maintain (Jilke et al., 2018). Equal access to public administration and its activities may be threatened and result in discrimination. There is a distinction between public and private, but the differentiation method is subtler than anticipated. Public institution administrations are raising the administrative complexity and training expenses for minority candidates rather than outright refusing to reply.

The public sector has a more substantial reputation for diversity than other employers. For instance, data indicate that they frequently recruit more women and offer them higher wages than the private sector. Two formal considerations support the notion that there is less discrimination in the public sector (Jilke et al., 2018). For instance, laws demand opens and transparent hiring procedures and unofficial elements like values and traditions. To be superior to the private sector is insufficient. Action is required as long as there is any discrimination in the public sector. Discrimination in the delivery of public services should come first, followed by discrimination in the public sector.


It is crucial to stress that these characteristics are mainstream beliefs held by most people rather than marginalized persons with radical opinions. Most of this field’s study is likewise carried out in high-income nations. In these political systems, meritocratic norms and anti-discrimination laws are frequently better established. The repercussions of prejudice may worsen in fragile environments influenced by conflict and violence (FCV) because internal disputes may be motivated by racial, ethnic, or religious factors (Jilke et al., 2018). This increases the topic’s applicability to development professionals. V-Dem indicators work well in this situation. After all, they gauge social, political, racial, and economic isolation, among other factors. Therefore, the V-Dems offer a decent place to start when determining which public sectors are most vulnerable to discriminatory practices.

Minorities of all races and ethnicities face prejudice while dealing with the civil service. Minorities, for instance, have more difficulty getting information on how to register to vote. Additionally, research on inquiries for advice on how to get unemployment benefits discovered that the caliber of the material offered for racial minorities was much poorer (Jilke et al., 2018). Finally, research has demonstrated that clients from ethnic minorities will experience severer punishment for breaking policies than those from ethnic majorities.

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Government representatives often have the option to impose punishments under social programs. This happens when consumers disregard the rules and regulations necessary for social benefits. Studies, however, also demonstrate that racial prejudice and difference can occasionally be present at the discretion of public officials when making decisions that impact consumers (Jilke et al., 2018). Based on the Racial Classification Model (RCM) as a theoretical model, it is possible to examine how the ethnicity of clients influences government employees’ judgments about client sanctions.


Specific tendencies may be detected using Danish employment agencies as an empirical context, especially if we start with data from a national administrative database. One might detect discriminatory motivations when investigating sanctions activity at job agencies (Jilke et al., 2018). In general, and more commonly, agencies with a large proportion of customers who are non-Western immigrants or their descendants apply more punishments overall. You may also use survey data collected during experiments to support this assertion.

Internal validity and the requirement for analysis at the individual employee level, for which experimental survey data are available, are issues. They are based on the observation that staff members of employment agencies are more inclined to suggest punishments for customers from racial or ethnic minorities than for clients from dominant groups (Jilke et al., 2018). The three qualities of a social worker—ethnicity, gender, and job experience—are also correlated with one another. They decide the client’s ethnicity and if the social worker will punish the client. Work experience seems to lessen the impact of a client’s ethnicity on social workers’ choices on penalties, even if there are currently no moderating effects for either gender or ethnicity. In general, it may be argued that evidence supports the possibility that clients who identify as ethnic minorities will face penalties for policy infractions more frequently than clients who identify as ethnic majorities.


Finally, looking at the whole subject from a biblical perspective, one can recall one of the most meaningful phrases in the New Testament. “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is no male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus,” as the scripture says (Galatians 3:28 (ESV), n.d.). The Bible says that discrimination is pointless and destructive in its nature. My opinion is that the problem of discrimination, both racial and, to a certain extent, gender, is still alive in public administration, and this phenomenon must be actively combated.

Employee Retention and Separation


This study aims to analyze the problem of retention and Separation in the field of public administration. Employee separation, turnover, and flexible hours are all correlated. Interest in flexible working hours has grown over the past few decades, especially in the public sector, where a longitudinal investigation of the effect of remote work on lowering voluntary employee turnover has been conducted. Analyses were done on agency-level data from central personnel files and congressional Human Resources reports (Choi, 2019). The findings indicate that distant employee agencies saw lower rates of voluntary turnover. Agencies that encourage remote work from employees report decreased rates of voluntary turnover. The proportions of different occupational categories, full-time employment, and women, as well as average earnings and duration of service, significantly influenced the organization’s voluntary employee turnover rate.


Organizations might pay significant expenditures due to employee retention, including lost productivity and costs for hiring, training, and firing. By giving workers more control and flexibility over their work schedules, remote employment can help lower employee turnover. The basic assumption is that there will be a reciprocal link between organizational support and employee contributions to the organization, as indicated by Social Exchange Theory (Choi, 2019). Employee turnover is decreased when a company allows workers to work remotely since it fosters a positive attitude among them.


According to the US OPM report to Congress, significant advancements have been made in reorganizing federal workplaces to accommodate the rising number of qualified employees participating in the program (Choi, 2019). Additionally, agencies reported achieving performance objectives for remote work, such as talent retention, carrying on during emergencies, and cost savings on personnel and overhead. The lag between intentions, actions, and economic situations impacts an individual’s psychological decision-making before a change. This shows that natural staff turnover is not always caused by the desire to depart. By minimizing the possible discrepancy between employees’ projected psychological reactions and their actual conduct, the new technique is anticipated to boost the analyses’ dependability. In this situation, the remote work strategy might be a helpful management tactic to lower the organization’s staff expenditures.

In this case, considering it from the point of view of Holy Scripture, we can say that the Bible is relatively straightforward. “For even when we were with you, we would give you this command: If anyone is not willing to work, let him not eat,” is what the scripture says (2 Thessalonians 3:10 (ESV), n.d.). This makes it clear that motivation should correlate with performance and that productivity is rewarded.


In conclusion, there are many reasons to believe that public sector outputs and outcomes can be hallmarks of overall performance. Based on the racial classification model as a theoretical model, it is possible to study how clients’ ethnicity influences government officials’ judgments about sanctions against clients. It is also essential that interest in flexible working has grown over the past few decades, especially in the public sector. This factor has a substantial impact on staff turnover. From my point of view, the solution to the problem of employee retention and separation lies in a more modern and flexible approach to the work schedule and organization of communications. Ultimately, this study demonstrates that there is an increase in administrative efficiency with more flexible and employee-friendly schedules.


2 Thessalonians 3:10 (ESV). (n.d.). Bible Gateway. Web.

Choi, S. (2019). Flexible work arrangements and employee retention: A longitudinal analysis of the federal workforces. Public Personnel Management, 49(3), 470–495. Web.

Ephesians 6:9 (ESV). (n.d.). Bible Gateway. Web.

Galatians 3:28 (ESV). (n.d.). Bible Gateway. Web.

Jilke, S., van Dooren, W., & Rys, S. (2018). Discrimination and administrative burden in public service markets: Does a Public–Private difference exist? Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(3), 423–439. Web.

Pedersen, M. J., Stritch, J. M., & Thuesen, F. (2018). Punishment on the frontlines of public service delivery: Client ethnicity and caseworker sanctioning decisions in a Scandinavian welfare state. Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory, 28(3), 339–354. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, November 27). Balancing Act: Performance, Equality, and Retention in Public Administration.

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"Balancing Act: Performance, Equality, and Retention in Public Administration." DemoEssays, 27 Nov. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'Balancing Act: Performance, Equality, and Retention in Public Administration'. 27 November.


DemoEssays. 2023. "Balancing Act: Performance, Equality, and Retention in Public Administration." November 27, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Balancing Act: Performance, Equality, and Retention in Public Administration." November 27, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Balancing Act: Performance, Equality, and Retention in Public Administration." November 27, 2023.