Question Generator Online

Struggling to come up with a research question? Try our question generator tool instead! It will solve your problem in sheer seconds.

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      βš™ Question Generator Tool: How Does It Work?

      Our question generator tool is a handy instrument to help you write your research papers. Using it, you’ll no longer have to sit and think for hours about your next research question. Our tool has two faculties – it can either create a ready-made question for you, or you can build it step-by-step. Here’s how it works:

      Building a ready-made research question. First, you need to set the keywords and research area. Then, run the search to get question examples. As a result, choose any idea and keep refreshing your search as often as you like until you find the one you need.
      Building an individual research question. First, you must specify a research group and set thematic influence factors. You can also specify an optional research group to expand the proposed findings. Formulate the expected results of the planned study and set a time frame. In addition, you can check out the examples.

      πŸ“‹ Research Question Developer: Criteria

      Our free question generator tool will effortlessly assist you in either building or finding your ideal research question. However, you’ll need to verify its validity yourself. To do this, compare your finished question with these criteria:

      βœ… The question is not oversimplified. The answer to your question should never be a simple β€œyes” or β€œno.” The secret is to make sure that the answer requires a thorough response. In other words, include details, validations, and hypotheses in the question’s formulation.
      βœ… The question is objective. Do not overload your question with personal biases. Try to convey the purpose of your research without adding your opinion. Keep it neutral and objective.
      βœ… The question is researchable. Before you do your study, review your information sources. Your task is to support the research with reliable studies. It should include at least a few references to prominent articles. Also, have scientifically consistent reasoning. Other researchers should be able to answer your research question.
      βœ… The question is manageable. Before you start researching, check that the question is not too broad or too narrow. It should fit the general scope of your project and your time resources. That will help you avoid information overload or lack of data. Try to keep the wording of the research question manageable and straightforward.
      βœ… The question is relevant. Select an interesting question that you would be excited to study. However, check that your research objective is relevant and can intrigue people besides you. It would be ideal if your selected question was relevant to ongoing scientific debates or contemporary issues.

      πŸ‘£ What Are the Steps in Developing a Research Question?

      If you want to practice writing research questions yourself, we can also help you. We can divide this process into four essential steps. Here, we describe them in detail.

      1. Define the research idea according to the topic.

      Foremost, the topic should match your preferences. It’s crucial that the idea of the question you asked is intriguing and that it makes you want to study new information from scientific texts. The idea of the work is the main engine that will motivate you to study and implement the development process of research. Keep your audience in mind, and make your research valuable.

      2. Define the context and narrow the topic.

      To begin, choose a broad theme and review previously studied topics. Look at papers related to the area and determine which directions require additional study. Draw attention to the most recent research you have found. You can compare the results of different works and take their contradictions as the basis for future research. Such manipulation will help you narrow your research field and lead to the creation of your own questions.

      3. Assess the question and its subject.

      Discuss your research question topic with groupmates or professors. That will help test the clarity, focus, and approachability of the question. Also, confirm the topic’s relevance, discuss the underlying assumptions, and exchange thoughts with others. This approach can enrich your research, customize the question to the audience, and transform it.

      4. Analyze the feasibility of the study.

      Think critically about the reachability of the problems posed by your question. You need to understand the sufficiency of basic resources to address your research issues. Make sure your question is not too subjective or biased. Try to formulate approximate paper results.

      πŸ“š Research Question Examples

      As you probably already know, it’s much easier to learn something when you see an example of how it should be done. That is why we have listed some research question options for you. Here, you will see examples of less and more successful questions, along with explanations of what makes them worthwhile.

      πŸ‘Ž Poor Research Question πŸ‘ Better Research Question πŸ’¬ Explanation
      What effect do computer games have on your mind? How does the regular play of online strategy games affect teenagers’ problem-solving skills? Our first question is too broad and lacks specificity, whereas our second question defines the scope of the study. It already implies a specific age group and the use of qualitative and quantitative data to solve the problem.
      Why is Luxembourg one of the richest countries in the world? How has the development of the banking system influenced the improvement of Luxembourg’s economy? The first question will immediately refocus our audience with the vague question, β€œWhy?” We won’t be able to narrow the research focus. The second question offers us the purpose of the study and two aspects that should influence the findings.
      What should factories and plants do to prevent an environmental disaster? What are the most effective methods of reducing carbon dioxide emissions from coal-fired power plants that will impact pollution levels? The first question is irrelevant because such broad questions are almost impossible to answer in an academic study. The second question specifies a branch of research and provides results for solving issues.
      Has the number of unemployed in Munich increased over the past 15 years? How have legal, economic, social, and political aspects influenced unemployment in Munich over the past 15 years? That first question is inappropriate because of its simplicity and flatness. The statement itself and the answer don’t require any in-depth research. The second question asks us about the factors that influenced the result over time. That question provides an opportunity for a detailed study.

      Thank you for devoting your time to our article. We are sure that you’ll find our research question developer useful. Don’t forget to share this link with your friends and check out the FAQ section below.

      ❓ Question Generator Tool – FAQ

      ❓ What is a question generator?

      The Question Generator is a tool that instantly generates questions for any research paper, even if you’re writing a dissertation. The first step is to provide keywords for the study. You can specify a research field and select the one most appropriate from the options suggested. Also, you can generate an individual question or choose a ready-made one.

      ❓ How do you develop a research question?

      To develop a research question, you should ensure that your idea fits the topic. Next, you need to narrow down the topic. A broad topic makes the feasibility of the study challenging. After that, assess the topic’s importance and how intriguing the idea is for you and the intended audience. Finally, analyze the implementation validity of your research.

      ❓ What are the 7 types of research questions?

      There are qualitative research questions, predictive questions, and exploratory questions. Also, there are descriptive, interpretive, comparative, and relationship-based questions. Thus, you can decide on a question depending on the goal of your work. Your stated problem directly affects the type you need.


      πŸ”— References

      1. Conducting a Literature Review: Research Question – Central Michigan University Libraries
      2. How to Write a Research Paper: Developing a Research Focus – University of Mary
      3. Organizing Academic Research Papers: The Research Problem/Question – Sacred Heart University Library
      4. A guide to development of a research question – Marianne Jacquin, Action Research Community
      5. English Research Basics – Modesto Junior College