Mission and Goals of UNESCO
The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) aims to promote international cooperation among countries in various fields of culture and science. One of the most well-known initiatives is the World Heritage Program, which should protect humanity’s historical and cultural memory. The primary mission of UNESCO is to protect the diversity of our planet in all its aspects so that the beauty we have now will be shared with future generations.
Why UNESCO Is Important
The organization’s work is valuable, as the sites on the UNESCO list are a wealth of global heritage. Sites like UNESCO are tools for conserving significant natural and landscape features. Recognizing the value of objects on the list is a tool for managing the preservation of the treasures of our world.
Criteria for Determining a World Heritage Site
Strict criteria must be considered when determining an object as a cultural heritage. The first demonstrates cultural significance for humanity, and the second is preserving authenticity over time (UNESCO World Heritage Centre, n.d.). Thus, the objects on the list represent a unique part of human history that no one should destroy.
World Heritage Sites Around the Globe
In the list, one can see a variety of places, including both cultural wonders and natural landscapes and historical monuments. These places are popular among tourists but also symbolize the greatness of nature and human achievements.
Examples of World Heritage Sites
One example is Yellowstone National Park, which became a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978 (UNESCO World Heritage Centre, n.d.). The park is in the United States and includes hot springs, geysers, and a diverse ecosystem. This object represents humanity’s attempts to maximally preserve natural beauty, which is the primary goal of UNESCO.
In conclusion, the UNESCO World Heritage Program has a noble goal: to preserve our planet’s beauty and integrity. The program is known to the majority of the population of the Earth, and due to strict selection criteria of places, it can instill in the person a sense of responsibility for the area in which we live. This program is necessary to preserve the most beautiful places on the planet for future generations.
UNESCO World Heritage Centre. (n.d.). Yellowstone National Park. Web.