The morality and legality of prostitution have been a source of contention for decades. It is now illegal in most countries, including the United States. Even though it is against the law, prostitution is a significant issue today. According to the International Work Organization, around 40 million people worldwide engage in sex work (Albert, 2021).
Prostitution has several negative consequences for society, including the facilitation of the transfer of sexually transmitted illnesses, the exploitation of vulnerable people, and the spread of organized crime. Prostitution decriminalization and regulation have been proposed as viable solutions to these issues. This essay makes the case for legalizing prostitution since it would increase sex workers’ safety, stop the spread of STDs, and bring in money for governments.
Arguably Issue Criteria
When given significant consideration, one quickly realizes prostitution is loaded with controversy and suspicion on many fronts. Some individuals believe that the prostitution business should be legalized so that those who work in it may have a more secure working environment (Albert, 2021). They also point out that governments may gain from tax money and that doing so may assist in preventing the spread of STDs. On the other hand, some individuals believe that prostitution should be illegal because of how it takes advantage of people.
Legalizing prostitution is long overdue because its illegality forces it to operate in an unregulated and unsafe environment, putting all parties involved in danger. Legalizing prostitution would improve working conditions and more regulation, benefiting sex workers and their dependents (Joulaei et al., 2021). This move could also remove the stigma around sex work, allowing for more open discussions about the industry and potentially granting sex workers more autonomy and advocacy for their rights. Therefore, I support the idea that it is time for the government to sanction prostitution and provide a safer and more secure environment for all involved.
Concerns about the unexpected repercussions of legalization are reasonable and understandable. However, I believe these implications will be sufficiently restricted to be manageable since the prostitution industry can be monitored closely by the government (Joulaei et al., 2021). It is essential to remember that other products proven to negatively influence one’s health, such as alcohol and cigarettes, are already subject to licensing and supervision. Decriminalizing prostitution would be a step in the right direction for the adult entertainment business since it would provide safeguards for the health of workers in the industry and give them the ability to make their own choices.
Stating the Thesis
My thesis statement, “Prostitution should be legalized because it would improve safety for sex workers, reduce the spread of sexually transmitted infections, and generate tax revenue for governments,” was arrived at after conducting extensive research on the topic. A significant body of research indicates that both those who work in the sex industry and society would benefit enormously from the legalization of prostitution. I believe that the right to engage in sexual activity of one’s own free will is one of the most fundamental aspects of being a human being.
My thesis statement may be very simplistic, but for anybody to take it seriously, it has to be supported by evidence. The arguments I offer in favor of my thesis statement will be presented throughout this paper. I will refer to reputable sources, such as academic research and real-life examples, to demonstrate why decriminalizing prostitution is a sound policy approach. If any challenges or rebuttals are presented, I will also respond to them. My ultimate objective is to provide a logical and compelling argument for why prostitution should be legalized.
Analyzing and Researching the Issue and Developing an Argument
For one to develop a compelling argument in favor of decriminalizing prostitution, one must first do extensive research and analysis on the contentious subject matter. To provide support for my contention that prostitution ought to be legalized, I have investigated several credible sources, including academic papers, studies conducted by the government, and news articles. To validate and establish the reliability of my sources, I conducted a comprehensive investigation of their worldviews, qualifications, financial backing, and overall objectives. I have relied only on sources that are independent of any commercial or governmental funding to protect myself from the appearance of any possible bias.
When it comes to learning all there is to know about prostitution, one of the most helpful places to go is the World Health Organization (WHO, 2012). According to the World Health Organization, making prostitution illegal increases the likelihood of violence, exploitation, and the spread of HIV among those who work in the sex industry (Coreno, 2021). By advocating for the regulation and licensing of prostitution, the organization seeks to protect better the human and civil rights of those who work in the sex industry.
The Global Alliance against Traffic in Women (GAATW, n.d.) is another helpful resource that may be used to acquire further information on this matter (Coreno, 2021). An international network of organizations working to end human trafficking and protect the rights of migrant workers is known as the Global Alliance to Abolish Trafficking in People (Coreno, 2021). The organization advocates for the legalization of prostitution as a means of putting an end to the exploitation of sex workers and ending human trafficking.
Some individuals believe that if prostitution were allowed, more people would want to make use of the service, which would lead to an increase in human trafficking. There is a shortage of evidence to support this argument. The incidence of human trafficking has declined in countries like New Zealand and Germany, where prostitution is legal, as a direct result of increased laws and oversight (Moran & Farley, 2019).
One other reason to oppose legalizing prostitution is the fear that it will lead to an increase in abusive behavior against women. On the other hand, this argument overlooks that under the current criminalized system, exploitative working conditions already exist for those working in the sex industry. If sex work were legal, it would give those who do it greater legal rights and more bargaining power, allowing them to secure better working conditions.
There are compelling reasons to support removing prostitution from the criminal justice system. Decriminalizing prostitution reduces the amount of violence against sex workers, improves their access to healthcare, and lowers the incidence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) (Moran & Farley, 2019). Legalization would be beneficial not just because it would reduce the amount of work for the criminal justice system but also because it would bring in more revenue. The process that was used to legalize marijuana in New Zealand serves as an example of what is possible.
Since the practice of prostitution was made legal in New Zealand in 2003, sex workers in that country have advocated for improved working conditions and more access to medical care. It has also been shown that fewer persons in the country are infected with STDs and are employed in the adult entertainment sector. If prostitution were legal, persons already disadvantaged, such as transgender people and migrant sex workers, would be afforded additional protections under the law (Moran & Farley, 2019). Because of the present criminal justice system, members of these communities are more likely to experience hostility and physical harm.
On the other hand, some individuals are concerned that if legalized, it might increase human trafficking. To find solutions to these problems, it is vital to require mandatory health screenings for sex workers and correct registration and oversight of brothels (Forestiere, 2019). Legalizing prostitution, according to Forestiere (2019), could lead to an improvement in the health and safety conditions of individuals working in the sex industry, reduce the prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), and also generate tax revenue for the government. The arguments opposing legalization do not have any statistics to back them up, and they completely overlook the harm that the current criminal justice system does. If regulation and monitoring are beefed up, it may be possible to resolve concerns and create a safer and more equitable system for those who work in the sex industry.
Considering the Audience and Determining Viewpoint
When developing an argument, it is essential to remember the people who will be hearing it. The argument may be stated more convincingly if the language and context are adapted to establish a stronger connection with the audience. When speaking in front of a group of lawmakers, use more technical language and make specific references to certain legal statutes. Using everyday language and real-life examples may be more effective when talking with a group.
The debate’s viewpoint was arrived at by balancing the user’s subjective preferences with the in-depth analysis of the evidence. Although the ideas and perspectives of a person might help shape an argument, substantial evidence should always be presented to rebut any statements based on guesswork or hypothesis. In this specific scenario, the evidence supporting the decriminalization of prostitution was powerful and persuasive (Walmsley, 2019). Only two potential benefits of legalizing it are discussed here: improving working conditions and increasing tax revenue. The following conclusion was drawn after giving the topic and any competing points of view significant consideration.
Prostitution’s legalization has been found to boost economic growth, protect sex workers from the spread of HIV/AIDS, and decrease the prevalence of STDs. The debate over this topic is reasonable, but the data strongly favors legalizing prostitution to help individuals working in the sex business. Due to the prevalence of biases and competing viewpoints, researchers must be mindful of where their data comes from.
Policymakers are urged to take action to legalize prostitution and enact rules to protect sex workers’ rights and welfare. Further study may be performed to understand better the possible advantages and downsides of legalizing and to influence ongoing policy deliberations. We must tackle this problem with an open mind and a determination to defend the civil liberties of everyone working in the sex trade.
Albert, L. S. (2021). Lifting the veil: The unintended consequences of the legalization of prostitution. Human Rights Quarterly, 43(4), 659-682. Web.
Coreno, E. (2021). Finding the Line between Choice and Coercion: An Analysis of Massachusetts’s Attempt to Define Sex Trafficking. NEULR, 13, 125. Web.
Forestiere, A. (2019). To Protect Women, Legalize Prostitution. Harvard Civil Rights-Civil Liberties Law Review. Web.
Global Alliance Against Traffic in Women. (n.d.). Prostitution. Web.
Joulaei, H., Zarei, N., Khorsandian, M., & Keshavarzian, A. (2021). Legalization, Decriminalization or Criminalization; Could We Introduce a Global Prescription for Prostitution (Sex Work)? International Journal of High-Risk Behaviors and Addiction, 10(3). Web.
Moran, R., & Farley, M. (2019). Consent, coercion, and culpability: is prostitution stigmatized work or an exploitive and violent practice rooted in sex, race, and class inequality? Archives of sexual behavior, 48(7), 1947-1953. Web.
Walmsley, B. (2019). Audience engagement in the performing arts: A critical analysis. Springer Nature. Web.
World Health Organization (WHO). (2012). Violence against sex workers and HIV prevention. Web.