National Response Framework (NRF) refers to strategies on how the nations respond to all the emergencies that arise within and beyond the state boundary. It summarizes the goals and objectives set to respond to a certain occurrence of any incident that might be a disaster. The principles enable all stages of domestic responses to be formulated for an amalgamated national response to disasters. They are set to be employed at any point of need in any expanse. The framework describes different authorities and the best ways to manage the outbreak of any emergency ranging from local to national or natural disaster. It explains more on how the response exertion integrates with those of other mission zones. The whole community being the first victims, this framework outlines how their efforts should be channeled during their response. This essay will analyze the role of NRF in enhancing cooperation between the state and the federal government while handling civil unrest at the local, county, and state levels and the powers of the president.
Civil Unrest and Federal Government Response in the United States
Civil unrest is a dissatisfaction that developed among the citizens. It occurs due to laws that may be enacted by a political government or actions that do not favor their rights. The laws are accompanied by either violent or peaceful demonstrations depending on the effects. Citizens fearing actions taken by the leaders and weighing the current consequences experience or future effects drive them to demand explanations. The fear and panic may be of a shorter period or may have taken a long time. This civil unrest may cause pandemonium, damage, and even death among the citizens involved. Occurrence beyond control negatively impacts the economy of the country and undermines the picture of the state. George Floyd’s death, who was brutally killed, for example, in police custody, led to the sequence of civil unrest in America (Chancellor et al., 2021). Racism was much felt by non-Americans which tainted the picture of Americans. The way murder was handled demoralized non-Americans affecting activities such as tourist attractions from Africa to western nations.

Civil unrest within a state should be handled at the local, county, and state levels. The locals, county, or state should have plans in place for response to any outbreak of disaster. This involved emergencies such as civil unrest within the State. When this becomes dangerous, the State should be capable of mitigating the effects. Law enforcement agencies should have well-set safety measures to cope with the unrest. This includes possessing gears to protect themselves and also setting methods for dispersing the riots. The response team should have high security and the substructure of the area to be attacked (Spykman, 2017). The county governments should be aware of news within a jurisdiction and social media broadcasting bulletin about any occurrence of civil unrest. This will help to investigate the course and set resolutions as early as possible before occurrence. Riots due to industry set up, for example, by the government that can subject the locals to diseases, should be resolved within the state since the consequences will affect the citizens.

The federal government should not be responsible for civil unrest unless the incidents affect civilians beyond the State boundary. Federal response operations may use national response framework management structures if the events exceed or are projected to exceed the State aptitudes. The resulting yield upon the control by the immediate environment provides the necessary solution to be determined by the President. It may use complementary strategies to encompass all responsible sectors and agency resources to organize the federal response to cope with the civil unrest and ensure coordination among all response associates. Federal departments played significant roles in response activities to this incident that exceeded the state resource. The national security council (NSC) is under federal coordinating structures (Spykman, 2017). It is a principal policy body for consideration of national security matters that entails Presidential determination to undertake their duties. This system is employed in riots that have exceeded the State boundaries. They cannot be controlled within and hence requires federal assistance.

National Response Framework is conducive to cooperation between State and federal governments in civil unrest. The federal government provides a range of abilities and resources that may be required during the unrest incident (Hansen, 2018). The resources are channeled to the required grounds to help in the progression of mitigation of the damages that might be a result of this discontent. Its main aim is to guard lives and safeguard property and the environment from being damaged by the rioting group. It plays a significant role in the State by providing support upon declaration by the President of a national emergency and hence rash to prevent the occurrence beyond State control (Moore, 2017). Different Federal departments lead coordination by the federal government in providing support during the incident. They are supported by other agencies that provide the relevant proficiencies to bear in responding to the unrest. The National Security Council for example assists the President in the integration of all aspects of national security council policy as it affects the United States. It is coordinated in response to the civil unrest upon the presidential alert.
Power of United State President as Commander-in-Chief of Armed Forces
War Power Resolution Act is a federal law that offers the United States President supremacy to obligate the U.S. to an armed war without the U.S. conscience. It states that the President can send the United States armed forces on to mission overseas only by the pronouncement of war by Congress (Spykman, 2017). This also may be excised by the President in case of a national emergency created by an attack upon the United States, its territories, or its property. This Resolution requires the president to inform Congress within 48 hours of obligating armed forces to military action and prohibit armed forces from lasting for more than 60 days. This involved a 30-day withdrawal period without the announcement of war by the United States (Spykman, 2017). President being the Commander in chief of the army and navy to the U.S. military gives him the power to repel attacks against the State. The President has the right to sign such an assertion and Congress may supersede any presidential prohibition. When President’s actions provide comfort to rivals against the United States, Congress has the authority to arraign the President for treason.
In conclusion, world development is subjecting the National Response Framework to increase its capabilities to deliver its duties. Technology has enabled the State to adapt to evolving challenges. Implementation of the framework to build national readiness to respond requires education awareness which will be built the future capabilities to respond to disasters such as civil unrest. The framework amendment will help to update any document necessary to carry out its proficiencies in current and future emergencies. Different actions have been improved to respond to current and future challenges. Experiences from the past set the framework to address future challenges that might arise.
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