Latin American Regimes and the US

I was aware of the historical events associated with the satellite republics of the United States during the imperial-colonial period. However, for me, the knowledge that I received in this video was quite disturbing. The School of the Americas in Columbus trained students directly to mistreat civilians to suppress resistance. Graduates of this school became actual Latin American dictators in the future, and it seems absolutely shocking that American expansion was able to take such twisted forms. Professional training in the suppression of human will and the violent oppression of the people seems absolutely inhuman and cynical, but understandable from the point of view of aggressive colonial ambitions.

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The dictator and president of Bolivia from 1971 to 1978 and from 1997 to 2001 Hugo Banser Suarez, was trained just in Georgia at the School of the Americas. This happened in the late 1960s when opposition from the left and right military forces flared up in Bolivia. Suarez made a double coup: first he helped General Miranda overthrow the incumbent president, and then he eliminated Miranda himself by declaring himself a dictator. He kept power by declaring a military state until 1980. By receiving foreign investment, he also managed to maintain control over the state. Banser’s biography, however, is full of twists and turns; for example, he was twice tried to be killed in the process of civil uprisings, which were brutally suppressed. In 1978, he was overthrown in an election in which he was convicted of fraud.

A serious reason for the conflict between Bolivia and the United States is the issue of criminal world drug trafficking. President Evo Morales led the movement of coca growers and farmers to feed on it, arguing for the legitimacy of non-drug exploitation of the plant. The dominant ideology in Bolivia is leftist socialism, which advocates the fight against US imperialism. US concerns about alarming levels of drug trafficking are attributed to US imperial ambitions to control Olivia.

As of 2019, about 100,000 Bolivian emigrants live in the United States. Large groups of Bolivians settle in Washington, California, and Maryland. You can leave the country by contacting the International Migration Group in case of reasons such as an emergency or labor migration. Information on ways to assist migrants is available on the resource:


Warehouse USA (2022). Digital, the future of electic guitars? Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, April 15). Latin American Regimes and the US.

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DemoEssays. 2023. "Latin American Regimes and the US." April 15, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Latin American Regimes and the US." April 15, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Latin American Regimes and the US." April 15, 2023.