Due Process Model – Ensuring Justice and Liberty

The role of police and law enforcement in the prevention and reduction of crime in society is of paramount importance. Primarily, police officers serve as a conspicuous deterrent to potential offenders by instilling a sense of fear and uncertainty in the minds of criminals. Secondly, they undertake the task of investigating and resolving criminal cases, thereby bringing perpetrators to justice and eliminating them from the community. Thirdly, law enforcement agencies adopt intelligence-led policing and targeted enforcement operations to identify and disrupt criminal activities (Koch, 2019). By collaborating closely with local communities, police, and law enforcement can also address the fundamental social and economic issues that may contribute to criminal behavior, thereby preventing the occurrence of crime.

It is my contention that the criminal justice system ought to shift its focus toward the due process model. The reason for this is that the due process model places significant importance on protecting the liberty of individuals against capricious actions by the state, which is fundamental to maintaining a democratic society where citizens are at liberty to pursue their interests, articulate their opinions, and exist without apprehension of unwarranted state intrusion (King, 2023). While the crime control model is significant in guaranteeing public safety, it can be exploited by the state to trample on the fundamental rights of individuals. Furthermore, it is imperative for the criminal justice system to give priority to the advancement of justice, rather than solely focusing on penalizing perpetrators. The due process model ensures that the rights of the accused are respected and that all individuals are treated equitably, irrespective of their social status or background. Therefore, the due process model has the potential to ensure that justice is dispensed fairly and that every member of society is accorded equal treatment (Campbell et al., 2019). In conclusion, the due process model should be accorded preference in criminal justice owing to its emphasis on protecting individual rights and promoting justice for all.


Campbell, L., Ashworth, A., & Redmayne, M. (2019). The criminal process. Oxford University Press, USA.

King, M. (2023). The framework of criminal justice. Taylor & Francis.

Koch, B. C. (2019). The politics of crime prevention. Routledge.

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DemoEssays. (2024, July 11). Due Process Model - Ensuring Justice and Liberty. https://demoessays.com/due-process-model-ensuring-justice-and-liberty/

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"Due Process Model - Ensuring Justice and Liberty." DemoEssays, 11 July 2024, demoessays.com/due-process-model-ensuring-justice-and-liberty/.


DemoEssays. (2024) 'Due Process Model - Ensuring Justice and Liberty'. 11 July.


DemoEssays. 2024. "Due Process Model - Ensuring Justice and Liberty." July 11, 2024. https://demoessays.com/due-process-model-ensuring-justice-and-liberty/.

1. DemoEssays. "Due Process Model - Ensuring Justice and Liberty." July 11, 2024. https://demoessays.com/due-process-model-ensuring-justice-and-liberty/.


DemoEssays. "Due Process Model - Ensuring Justice and Liberty." July 11, 2024. https://demoessays.com/due-process-model-ensuring-justice-and-liberty/.