Court System and Federal Judiciary

In the United States, the importance of courts and the federal judiciary is explained by the necessity to protect human liberties, keep order, and predict unlawful intrusion. The American population expects to have a number of professionals who create and maintain the law according to a particular system. There are three central federal court systems, namely trial (or district) courts, appellate (or circuit) courts, and the Supreme Court (the highest court in the country). To operate effectively, the U.S. courts, as a part of the judicial branch, are related to the executive branch (President and Cabinet) and the legislative branch (Congress and Senate) (“Court role and structure,” n.d.). The theme of the U.S. court system in the federal judiciary is crucial for law students as it is a good opportunity to learn the basics and strengthen legal knowledge using online sources.

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Reasons for Researching the U.S. Court System

Federal courts and judges influence the quality of life by ensuring equality, defending human rights, and promoting safety. People usually address the court to solve their problems from an unbiased point of view and preserve their individual or community rights. Sometimes, an ordinary person does not have enough knowledge about the types of courts and the kind of help that may be offered. The U.S. Constitution was adopted in 1789, and now it serves as the main factor to authorize the law and the court system (Administrative Office of the United States Courts, 2020). Each court has certain functions, and an understanding of the tasks determine the quality of work. For example, trial courts manage civil and criminal cases and resolve disputes by applying legal principles (“Court role and structure,” n.d.). The appellate courts aim at investigating trial courts and analyzing if the law has been correctly applied. The U.S. Supreme Court decides on appeals and promotes justice as the highest legal body of the country. Each court is significant, and it is necessary to research the system, along with the types of courts and their functions.

Site Choice for Learning About American Politics

Today, there are many sources for law students to use and improve their awareness about the courts and the federal judiciary. However, the existing variety may be dangerous for individuals because it is not always easy to distinguish credible information from amateur attempts to cover the topic. Therefore, attention should be paid to verifiable data offered by official bodies, and the site is one of them. This source is a good tool for studying American politics and the current legal system. In addition to discussing the essentials of federal courts, cases, and judicial administration, the developers of this site focus on available services, court records, and policies that determine American social life. On this site, it is easy to find descriptive and statistical information about the work of the U.S. courts and recent news as per different regions. There is no need to log in or pass some tests to prove the right to read the content. Any person who wants to know more about American politics can use this source.


In general, the topic of the federal court system in the United States is characterized by the analysis of three types of courts, including trial, appellate, and supreme. Students may use their course books, journal articles, and other academic sources to study the chosen theme. The worth of governmental sites like cannot be ignored because it is an excellent opportunity to learn the news, find a case, and refresh knowledge about the federal judiciary, the existing branches, and court types.


Administrative Office of the United States Courts. (2020). The federal court system in the United States: An introduction for judges and judicial administrators in other countries. Web.

Court role and structure. (n.d.). United States Courts. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, February 9). Court System and Federal Judiciary.

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"Court System and Federal Judiciary." DemoEssays, 9 Feb. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'Court System and Federal Judiciary'. 9 February.


DemoEssays. 2022. "Court System and Federal Judiciary." February 9, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "Court System and Federal Judiciary." February 9, 2022.


DemoEssays. "Court System and Federal Judiciary." February 9, 2022.