Citizens’ Impact: Voting Rights Response

Personal experience shows that voting rights are essential to democracy, and people often associate freedom in the country with the opportunity to choose the politicians or approve the legislation. From one point of view, voting rights mean that the person is a citizen with all possibilities to influence life in the state. From another perspective, the historical background shows that the deprivation of voting rights makes the social group vulnerable and invisible to politicians. Therefore, the previously acquired information on the topic indicates that voting rights are essential for a democratic society.

The first question to conduct further research is: what are the examples of the citizens’ influence on the country’s political and social life? The second question is: how is the historical narrative connected with the deprivation of voting rights, segregation, and inequality? The keywords that would help explore your topic are the following: voting rights, history of voting rights, deprivation of voting rights, examples, and impact of voting rights on political decisions.

There are numerous examples of the citizens’ impact on the legislators’ political decisions. The primary issue is that all residents with the right to vote choose the person representing their state on the federal level (Carpenter, 2021). This representative promotes the interests of the particular region or group of people who chose them, which is vital when the laws are discussed and ratified (Carpenter, 2021). The research on the historical narrative shows that equal voting rights for all categories of society were the point of the long-term conflict in the United States. For instance, women and African Americans were deprived of voting rights for centuries, and this situation changed comparatively recently (Carpenter, 2021). Both categories of people were considered less intellectual and responsible than white males (Carpenter, 2021). These facts state that voting rights guarantee equality for all members of society.


Carpenter, D. (2021). Democracy by petition: Popular politics in transformation, 1790-1870. Harvard University Press.

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DemoEssays. (2024, June 13). Citizens' Impact: Voting Rights Response.

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DemoEssays. (2024) 'Citizens' Impact: Voting Rights Response'. 13 June.


DemoEssays. 2024. "Citizens' Impact: Voting Rights Response." June 13, 2024.

1. DemoEssays. "Citizens' Impact: Voting Rights Response." June 13, 2024.


DemoEssays. "Citizens' Impact: Voting Rights Response." June 13, 2024.