Public Policy Essay Examples for Free - Page 2

The New York Police Department

Summary The New York City Police Department is one of the oldest and largest municipal police departments in the United States of America. As its name suggests, the agency is responsible for serving the community of New York, a city with a population of over 8.5 million people. Among this...

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Improving Access to Nutrition Act of 2021

Introduction Access to nutrition is among the most critical issues affecting a large population of citizens of the theUnited States. Thus, there was a need for policymakers to devise a proposal to address the problem in the unforeseeable future. Currently, the bill dealing with issues relating to nutrition is the...

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White Identity Politics and New Civil Rights Movement

Demby’s “The Birth of a New Civil Rights Movement” (2014) Summary Racial inequality and biased population-police relationships remain the two burning questions in the United States. The deaths of black citizens Ramarley Graham, John Crawford, Tamir Rice, Michael Brown, and Eric Garner and no punishment for white police officers create...

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The Homelessness Problem in New York

Purpose The executive summary seeks to illustrate the various challenges facing New York in solving its homelessness problem. Many individuals continue to permeate the city’s streets, reducing the place’s allure to tourists and local businesses while illustrating a deeper societal problem in the area. Current government interventions to curb the...

Words: 594 Pages: 2

Aspects of Policies of Gun Control

Editorial #1 is the most persuasive since it is the only article that backs its content with research findings on why gun control has no effect on crime rates in the country. Additionally, the article shows that by reducing legal sources to buy guns, the cost of guns relative to...

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Aspects of Marijuana Legalization

Scholars and researchers are continually showing interest in the marijuana legalization topic in the United States. Although Washington and Colorado legalized marijuana in 2012, some states are hesitant to decriminalize this drug since few studies prove its medicinal advantages (Wu et al. 393). Many organizations and individuals support the idea...

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The Equal Rights Amendment of the USA Constitution

The Equal Rights Amendment of the USA constitution is considered a political and cultural inkblot with uncertain changes on the status of women. Its purpose is to invalidate any state and federal laws discriminating against women. According to the provision, sex should not be used to determine a person’s legal...

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Importance of Social Insurance Programs

Social insurance programs are paid programs aimed at maintaining the financial stand of an individual when there is an occurrence of a peril that is insured. The primary funding for social programs such as Medicaid and Medicare include federal grants, privately-funded premiums, and public and private corporate stakeholders (Han, Luo...

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Democratic Traditions in Early American Colonies

During the early phases of their growth, the American colonies began to build democratic traditions. The colonial experience influenced the future United States’ political and social beliefs embedded in the Constitution. For example, self-government, local meetings, and majority norms in politics were all important. These concepts were adopted by the...

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How Decision Makers in Coquitlam Can End Gun Violence

Introduction Port Coquitlam is an electoral district represented by capable decision-makers or leaders who help solve social issues in the riding. Some leaders include the Mayor, Richard Stewart, the MLA, Fin Donnelly, and the MP, Ron McKinnon. Richard was elected to the City Council in 2005 and three years later...

Words: 1160 Pages: 4

Administrative Policy and Substance Abuse in the US

Introduction Substance abuse is a serious problem, and governments worldwide adopt various policies to fight it. The situation is especially dire in the US, where the drug death rates hit a record level of 100,000 per year (Keating & Bernstein, 2021, para. 1). The Covid-19 pandemic is widely acknowledged as...

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Drug Policy in the US and Its Peculiarities

Introduction The presentation is held by Pete Nielson, the CEO of the California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP), and Michael Prichard, who has served as the Chairman of the same organization. Nielson has been in the field of addiction counseling for many years, keeping his pulse on drug...

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History and Effects of Gun Policy in the US

Monitoring Observed Policy Outcomes by William Dunn Monitoring and observing policy is a fundamental strategic concept because it enables planning and policymaking. The importance is to connect the outcomes of the policy and its interventions. There is an aspect of accountability and legitimacy used to fund policies publicly. Whenever there...

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The Biden Administration’s Vaccine Mandate

The coronavirus pandemic has become a challenge for government officials, who bear a significant part of the responsibility to overcome the crisis. In the first year of his presidency, Joe Biden tried to stick to the campaign promises and pursued a very unobtrusive policy to encourage mass vaccination. At some...

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Discouraging Divorce With Governmental Policies

Divorce rates have increased significantly in the past few decades. The United States society is ranked third with the highest number of divorces. Some of the factors contributing to divorce include the age of marriage, favorable divorce laws, education level, social-economic factors, and an individual’s attitude towards divorce. The government...

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Policy Identification and Analysis: Addressing Homelessness in New York

Problem Statement Homelessness is a severe problem across the United States of America, and New York City is not an exception. According to the United States Interagency Council on Homelessness (n.d.), 91,271 people experienced homelessness in 2020, which denoted that many central streets, parks, and other public spaces were occupied...

Words: 1023 Pages: 4

Mass Casualty Incident Specific Annex

Preventing and managing disasters, as well as mitigating their outcomes represents one of the core requirements for ensuring the well-being of citizens. Therefore, a framework for preventing and addressing the scenarios that can potentially involve a large number of casualties is vital. By focusing on cross-disciplinary and cross-departmental collaboration, one...

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Coordination Annex: A Quick Response of Local Government

The main function of this plan is to ensure the prompt response of the command and control bodies, forces, and means of civil protection of the population and territories from emergencies, to prevent the death of people, and to organize the priority life support of the affected population. In the...

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Underrepresentation of Women in Congress

The low representation of women in the government, specifically in Congress, continues to be a pressing problem in US politics. The current 117th session of Congress has a record number of women serving as its members. Thus, 27% of seats, 144 of 539 in the House of Representatives and the...

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The Legalization of Marijuana Debates

Introduction In the US, the idea of legalizing marijuana has been a matter of discussion over the past years. The federal law categorizes the plant as one of the illegal substances that its possession can lead to charges in court. The states’ policies have different regulations as some of them...

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Foreign and Domestic Policies of the US Government

Countries conduct various kinds of policies to maintain the functioning of all aspects of society. Hence, depending on the needs of the country and its population, goals, and desired results, it is possible to glue domestic and foreign policy. Domestic policy is characterized by a connection with the human institutions...

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War on Drugs and Its Effect on the United States

Introduction The United States government enacted measures over the past four decades to fight drug abuse. They included the use of the military to eliminate the trade of illegal drugs in the country, inhibiting the production of narcotics and discouraging its use through education. As such, the government strives to...

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The Substance of Public Policy

The Role of Public Policy in Society It is necessary to begin with the fact that public policy represents specific strategies that the state uses in order to put laws into effect. Speaking about the role of this policy in society, it should also be noted that all these laws...

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Legalization of Marijuana and Related Polls

Introduction Marijuana legalization has been a major debated topic in America since the 1960s. The older generations are not as supportive of marijuana legalization as the younger ones. Different generations are heavily impacted by their perception of the substance, which directly affects their judgment and usage of the drug. Different...

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Socio-Economic Issues & Public Policy in South Africa

Introduction It is more than two decades after the end of Apartheid in South Africa, and the country is different. South Africa has a well-institutionalized democracy with a widely significant set of gains in curbing social inequality and extreme poverty among the citizens. However, inequality, poverty, and unemployment are still...

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The US Presidential Administration’s Response to the COVID-19 Pandemic

In 2020, the coronavirus pandemic broke out around the world, posing the most significant challenge to health systems and causing widespread suspension of work, school, and business closures. President Biden has launched a project aimed at improving health systems, surveillance, and ongoing medical interventions. This article will analyze the Presidential...

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Federalism and Policy of Public Budgeting

Federalism in the United States is a form of governance when power is divided between individual states and the central government. Although the federal government was established in 1787 in Philadelphia, the debate of what type of ruling should exist in the U.S. is still ongoing (Rozell & Wilcox, 2019)....

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The Second Amendment and Recent Gun Control Debates

We are swamped with newscasts portraying gunfights and gun killings nearly every day. There have been several debates regarding the Second Amendment’s implication. The major concern is the phrase, “a well-regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State….” Does anything seem overly odd to you in this...

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Federalism and Public Budgeting

Sovereignty is constitutionally divided between the central governing authority and constituent political units. History The Articles of Confederation required replacement Shays’ Rebellion of 1786-1787 The results of the Civil War strengthened the position of the federal government President Franklin D. Roosevelt introduced New Deal policies The Role of Federalism Compromise...

Words: 182 Pages: 4

Statesmanship Model in Public Administration

Introduction To properly fulfill objectives, set and reach goals, as well as ensure that a complex system operates effectively, the use of specific policies and frameworks in managing organizations is a necessity. For the purposes of this case study, the use and application of the statesmanship model will be considered....

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Kingdon’s Policy Theory: Strengths and Weaknesses

Public Administration: Kingdon’s theory Various models have described policy and its development, some linear and others are more complex. Lasswell developed the linear model of policy development. It contained four main elements, with one preceding the other. According to Lasswell, policy development begins with a prediction concerning the issues, followed...

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Reducing the Prevalence of Smoking

The ban on smoking in public places has clear advantages. As shown by official government reports and independent medical studies, in those regions where the authorities introduced such a ban, there was a decrease in the number of smokers (West, 2017). In general, bans created, such as the one in...

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African Region Poverty Debates and Policy Brief

Trends and Relevant Debate around Poverty The word poverty line is measured by people’s cost of living each day, estimated at $1.9. People living below the set average per day are said to be poor. The United Nations (UN) (2019) has targeted various goals to improve people living conditions globally....

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Negative Aspects of Affordable Care Act Extension

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) is a bill ratified in 2010 to regulate the terms and conditions of healthcare services with a focus on health insurance. It is believed that the ACA has optimized the American healthcare system substantially and has increased the access of many citizens to qualified...

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Affordable Care Act and Illegal Immigration

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) was President Barack Obama’s comprehensive health care reform in March 2010. Known colloquially as the Obamacare law, it contains a slew of healthcare policies to expand healthcare coverage to millions of uninsured Americans. The law expanded Medicaid eligibility, established medical exchanges, authorized Americans to...

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Affordable Care & Health Care and Education Reconciliation Acts

The Affordable Care Act (ACA) and the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act (HCERA) are the two critical documents that changed the healthcare system in the United States at the beginning of the 2000s. In the initial post, the author focused on the common policy-making aspects of both Acts, neglecting...

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The Elementary and Secondary Education Act’s Impact

Abstract The impact of the political context on education is of particular interest to researchers aiming to study the implications of governmental policies on academic performance and the quality of education. Undoubtedly, the successful development of young people and the nation as a whole largely depends on access to education...

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Medicare Modernization Act and Its Impact

The introduction of the Medicare Prescription Drug, Improvement, and Modernization Act of 2003, also known as the Medicare Modernization Act (MMA) 2003, is a remarkable contribution to the American healthcare system and service quality. In the initial discussion, attention was paid to the main characteristics of the MMA policy-making process,...

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Problems of the 1930s and Post-COVID 2020

Introduction At present, America is facing one of the most extensive social and economic crises in its history. The consequences of the pandemic greatly resemble those of the Great Depression in the 1930s, and a large number of people consider that the government should react accordingly by providing effective social...

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Obamacare: Labor and Ethical Implications

Introduction It is important to note that the Affordable Care Act, or Obamacare of 2010, can be categorized as one of the most monumental healthcare reforms, which comprehensively altered the system of healthcare delivery and accessibility in the United States. Although the aims and objectives of such a complex plan...

Words: 1981 Pages: 7

Affordable Care Act’s Aims, Benefits, and Challenges

Introduction The Affordable Care Act (ACA) ratified in 2010 was a decisive step that, in many ways, transformed the American healthcare system and, in particular, the principles of medical insurance. The initiative of Barack Obama, then US President, singled out supporters and opponents of this law, and each side had...

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Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals in the US

Introduction Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) is a set of laws in the US that allow for individuals that have been brought into the country as children to be granted a renewable two-year deferred period of time, as well as a working permit. Its purpose was to bring illegal...

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Analysis of Bail Reform Consequences

The problem of the lack of places in prisons is topical for the US. One of the ways for the local government to tackle this issue is the implementation of the bail reform on January 1, 2020. This reform eliminates the bail for people charged with non-violent offenses waiting for...

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Texas Rent Relief as a Government Initiative

Introduction Texas rent relief is an initiative from the government to enhance the trickle-down effect of benefits during the economic recovery efforts. After the advent of the COVID-19 pandemic, many Americans lost jobs while others faced more adversity from the infectious illness-causing profound incurrence of medical costs. Primarily, the lockdown...

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Diabetes: Health Policy Analysis

Problem Statement Diabetes is a significant public health challenge that affects populations of all ages, ethnicities, and socioeconomic groups. The severe conditions development varies for individuals with specific genetic, socioeconomic, and environmental circumstances; however, proper lifestyle choices and habits built at a younger age can help prevent the disease (Eva...

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How Democratic Was the New Constitution and the Bill of Rights?

The new US Constitution, developed in 1787 and ratified in 1788, was a crucial step toward establishing democracy in America. Its purpose was twofold: first, it was aimed to replace the Articles of Confederation, under which the national government had too limited power. For example, it could not collect taxes...

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Neighborhood Noise in Los Angeles: Revisiting Current Policies and Ordinance

Introduction Sound is one of the environmental influences on all living organisms, including humans. Machines, propagating systems, and transport systems are easily argued to be the grassroots sources of loud sounds (Morillas 214). In nature, loud sounds are rare, and the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of...

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Public Perception of the Police Essay

Introduction The public perception of police use of force, as a form of brutality, in contemporary policing remains a delicate subject for law enforcement agencies around the country. Regularly, police departments around the United States deal with allegations of excessive force. Whether justified or not, pictures of police using power...

Words: 1967 Pages: 7

How Energy Policies Have Shaped the Lives of Americans

The amount of energy available in the United States is higher than in other regions such as Europe. Therefore, the cost of energy consumption in the United States is more affordable compared to other countries. To ensure that energy is available for all Americans, the government has formulated policies that...

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The Civil Affairs Association, Federal Tax and Spending Policy

Introduction Alongside the federal and commercial sectors, the not-for-profit sector is among society’s three primary formal industries. Nonprofit work has a long history in the United States. Traditionally, Americans have founded associations or nonprofit organizations to pursue or achieve different social objectives. Americans rely on nonprofits to solve different issues,...

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Texas Political Events: Transgender Student Athletes Bill

A new article regards the Texas legislation for transgender student athletes. Waller (2021) explains that the recently approved House Bill 25 prevents transgender individuals from participating in school sports teams that correspond with their new gender identity. Following Lasswell’s definition, the legislation will allow transgender-opposed parties in Texas to legally...

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Health Information Technology and Privacy of Medical Information

Introduction President Obama signed the Affordable Care Act (ACA) into law to improve health access for the people of the USA. The policy has made the growth of health informatics technology over the years. The health staff has integrated the technology into improving patient care under this policy. Health Insurance...

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What Is Child Tax Credit, and Why Is It Important?

Abstract A longitudinal study conducted by the American Enterprise Institute since July 2020 has tracked how employment conditions, social safety nets, and families have changed over the pandemic. The new Child Tax Credit (CTC) payments launched in July 2021 were the subject of our respondents’ questions in September 2021.Today’s presentation...

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“US Gun Policy: Global Comparisons” by J. Masters

This paper assesses the article “US Gun Policy: Global Comparisons” written by Jonathan Masters. This article was found on the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) website, where it was initially published. That is the website of an independent membership organization that performs as an educational institution aimed to inform society...

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Fines for Lack of Insurance in Americans

Insurance, on the one hand, is a medical decision concerning an individual. On the other hand, a public event aimed at preventing infection and complications. In addition, it is a public health measure and an activity to ensure that people’s health is maintained. Insurance can be considered an effective public...

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Gun Control Effects in the USA

Introduction The United States is one of the countries where gun ownership represents a significant issue due to the large number of registered guns. With almost 400 million weapons (approximately 130 guns per 100 individuals), the US is leading the pack on a global scale (British Broadcasting Corporation). The increasing...

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Should More Gun Control Laws Be Enacted?

The debate over the necessity to limit the freedom of weapon possession in the United States has been going on for decades now. Advocates on both sides have some compelling arguments as to whether or not the government should employ more restrictive measures regarding gun control. The article Should More...

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Public Management and Governance

The role of public management within public governance The areas of application of public governance and public management overlap in many respects, but they also have a number of differences. The main distinction lies in discussing the “ends and means,” that is, in the orientation towards the process and the...

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Gun Control in the USA: Strategy Proposal

Introduction Statistics indicate that approximately over 300 million guns are owned by individuals in the US today, most of them owned legally and others not. An estimated four million guns are sold yearly, resulting in an alarming rate of firearms owned by civilians (Vernick, Alcorn, & Horwitz, 2017). This, therefore,...

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Good Done by the United States

Globalization is designed so that each country contributes to the geopolitical agenda of the whole earth. Some policies can be seen as negative — for example, when a country sponsors an intervention and violates sovereign borders — while others can be seen as positive. The latter might include any act...

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Conversation with Atlantic City Police Department

Assigned to represent the Atlantic City, New Jersey Police Department, the officer responded to a series of questions raised by journalists and the public. The issues were including the boundaries of the authority of a police official, and the ability of police and the public to interact. The Public Relations...

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Policy Analysis Related to Mental Health

Policy Analysis The COVID-19 pandemic had severe consequences for the entire US population. It is imperative to consider reduced access to health services for racial and ethnic minorities, an increased percentage of mental illnesses among minorities, and the fact that social problems caused by COVID-19 cause mental illnesses that put...

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Evaluating Data of Feeling Safe in Their Community

To determine whether residents feel safe in their community, it is appropriate to employ qualitative method of collecting and evaluating data. In this regard, a survey is a valuable research instrument allowing for the thorough examination of different problematic situations, conditions, or topics of interest by querying a specific group...

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Interest Groups and Lobbyists

Interest groups and lobbyists have a significant impact on policies, as well as on the citizens of the whole country. They influence public opinion, represent the interests and policy preferences of various segments of society, and act to achieve favorable policies. Therefore, different individuals, companies, and other social groups can...

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Policy Analysis Exercise and Its Importance

Summary The public administration utilizes policy analysis to enable activists and civil servants to evaluate and examine available options for implementing the objectives of elected officials and laws. Policy analysis is further utilized in large organizations’ administration with complicated policies. According to experts, it is a process whereby elected officials...

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The Untraditional ‘Normal’ Family Structure

Traditionally, a nuclear family unit comprising a father, a mother, and children was the acceptable form of family globally. However, over the years, the family structure has changed with more individuals raising children as single parents due to divorce or by personal choice (Bahk Eun-ji, 2021). Conversely, in Korea, there...

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Environmental Public Policy, Ethics and Cultural Sensitivity

One of the most pressing issues of current public policy is addressing climate change. President Biden and his Administration have developed a plan to minimize carbon emissions in the coming decades. This strategy is completely different from the course of the previous government, which focused on industrial development. However, factories...

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Politics of Schools Reopening Guidelines During Covid-19 Pandemic

Abstract This paper aims to analyze the involvement of political parties and leaders in the reopening of schools during the COVID-19 pandemic. Discussions and analysis are based on the Democrats’ and Republicans’ concerns about reopening schools and the CDC guidelines for health and safety in schools. The paper analyses different...

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Popular Culture and Soft Power in South Korea

South Korea’s strategy of building soft power is based on the 2018 PyeongChang ranks, which is one of the better organized Olympic Games of recent times. The world has many aspects of Korean culture, food, and technology. South Korean government can claim much of the credit for giving games a...

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The Causes of Policy Inaction

First, it is important to acknowledge how insightful Melissa’s post is. She examines the primary causes of policy inaction and the lack of attention certain issues are unfortunately subjected to. In addition, based on these findings and discussion, Melissa formulates the formula of a perfect issue, which attracts enough attention...

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Healthcare Policy Alternatives in the United States

Introduction Health policies allude to the decisions, strategies, and activities to accomplish specific health care objectives. They may address healthcare finance and delivery issues, accessibility to care, healthcare quality, and health inequalities. In healthcare, a policy is critical because it establishes a comprehensive strategy course to lead to desired objectives...

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The US Department of Justice’s Union Policies

Introduction Within the context of governmental organization performance, the issues of standard workforce procedures are viewed differently with the concern about the context in which these organizations work. Given the particularities that characterize the United States Department of Justice in terms of its decisive role in the correctional sphere, the...

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Australian Welfare State Debates as to Disabled

Population Group According to the law, in case of health anomalies that are difficult to treat or are considered not removable, an Australian citizen is entitled to a particular disability group. The special status of a person with restrictions, regardless of age, guarantees them a pension and various preferences. Disabled...

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US Constitution and Thomas Jefferson

The Declaration of Independence, the United States Constitution, and Thomas Jefferson’s letters to the Danbury Baptists differ in expectations and interests. The Declaration of Independence broadcasts the 13 permitted states which were not under the British standard. It portrays the United States of America as an autonomous nation. The Constitution...

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May-Can-Should Applied to Social Justice Bill

When passing a policy through Congress to be further approved by the President of the United States, all the legislature members, ideally, should be guided by the principles of morality and humanity. It is apparent that in reality, this is rarely the case. In this essay, the author attempts to...

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Combating Drug Abuse: Public Policy Issue

Social policy in the U.S. and other global countries has become a battling ground between various political lobbying groups. Often the specific decisions and initiatives are not conducted independently, but instead attached to a political party or a non-profit organization whose sponsors display traceable political pursuits. This tendency results in...

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American Government Event Related to Education

Abstract The institutions of higher learning contribute significantly to how society is shaped. As such, politicians have often explored ways of enhancing democracy. Just months after his inauguration, President Joe Biden, through the ministry of education, allocated a significant amount of money to colleges and universities that were most affected...

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Public Policy Meeting on COVID-19 and Children

Introduction COVID-19 is a frequently discussed topic in today’s health care. People want to know how to protect themselves against the virus. Some individuals have concerns about the effectiveness of strategies the government and medical staff offer. Most official meetings and discussions are organized online to follow the preventive measures...

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Maryland Centre for the Book’s Reading Promotion

Literature is one of the richest, most emotionally gratifying forms of art, regardless of a person’s nationality, race, gender, or other sociological characteristics. It is arguably the most popular form taken by storytelling that allows individuals to interact with worlds beyond reality, strengthening their imagination and empathy. However, different communities...

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The Bismarck Model or Social Insurance System

The Bismarck model, which is also called the Social Insurance system, is adopted in Germany, France, Switzerland, Belgium, Japan, and countries of Latin America. This system assumes that the majority of patients are treated by private health care providers, whose services are financed from non-profit insurance funds (Zaman & Hossain,...

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Aspects of the Political Strategy

Thank you for your insightful discussion post analyzing the cases of Susanna and Tiffani. The political strategy you selected consists of several meaningful steps to alter the current policy that caused harm to the girls and their families. I agree that it is not the best practice to separate an...

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National Politics Guiding Citizens’ Lives

The implementation of public policy agendas constitutes a significant part of the national politics guiding citizens’ lives. The quality of public policy implementation predetermines the outcomespolicies’ outcomes quality of citizens’ life. The news article by Cunningham (2021), chosen for discussion in the present essay, covers President Biden’s signing of the...

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Joe Smoe the Ideal Candidate

Joe Smoe is the ideal candidate in this election mainly because he has the best track record among the current presidential candidates. He is a selfless servant who greatly participated as a decorated marine in the first gulf war and later in the Bosnia Serbia campaign. In addition, Joe Some...

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Educational Policies on Internal and Local Populations

Introduction Education is one of the critical sectors in every nation since it primarily impacts development and growth. Many states have ensured that they implement strategies to improve their education sector. For instance, educational policies have been introduced in many states and can impact the academic industry in various ways,...

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Healthcare Allocation Policy and Implications

Introduction The notion of healthcare has always been one of the most discussed issues in terms of policy introduction and administration. Moreover, when speaking of the modern context of healthcare perception in circumstances of the ongoing global pandemic outbreak, it is of paramount importance to reconsider the overall approach to...

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American Political Development

Introduction The changing times result in a change in public policy, which is the tool of the state for solving problems and issues arising during governance. New governments coming in equally result in the evolution of policy due to the shift in power and authority. The onset of the 20th...

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Public Policy for Social Change

In a democratic society, among all the available options, public policy is the most suitable tool to facilitate tangible and lasting social change. A public policy refers to laws or rules enforced by certain governmental bodies to facilitate programs or regulations affecting a specific population or social area. It is...

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The Stages of the Policy Life Cycle

The process of initiatives’ implementation at the state level is a complicated task for the present-day activists. It implies the participation of numerous actors as well as following the pre-defined procedure complying with legislative frameworks. Therefore, to demonstrate this aspect of societal impact, this paper aims to consider the stages...

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Revision Strategies Essay: Concerned Citizen

An essay by a “concerned citizen” intends to identify and discuss the controversy behind the United States government’s decision to discontinue funding the World Health Organization (WHO). Such a move is based on Donald Trump’s administration’s suspicions against the specialized United Nations agency (Horton 1330). The latter was accused of...

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Public Policies in the Healthcare Sector

The public policy can be redirected dynamically to reduce healthcare costs while boosting longevity and quality of life. One of the strategies to regulate healthcare services’ cost is implementing policies that restrict physicians’ compensation. One of the loops in the United States of America healthcare system is the loose measures...

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Joining the Imperialist Club in the US

On the one hand, the proponents of imperialism in the United States had many strong arguments. Without any doubt, the most powerful of them was that international trade could create many economic opportunities, which would largely contribute to the nation’s progress. The country produced great numbers of industrial and commercial...

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The Role of Religion, Morality, and Worldview in the Shaping of Public Policies

The government of any country has many responsibilities to its people. One such authority is to provide parameters and guidelines for the appropriate behavior of the citizens. The government enacts policies to address urgent issues, facilitate desirable actions, and respond to the needs of its residents. This paper will argue...

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Opioid Crisis and Drug Policy in Ohio

Introduction The topic of drug and drug policy can be traced back to the colonial era when the government had taken responsibility for regulating the consumption of drugs, both legal and illicit. In the United States, the fight against illegal drugs has already been described as a failure considering that...

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Major Shifts in African Americans’ Issue

Diversity is supposed to be the US’s fundamental strength. The data show that the nation will continue to become progressively more diverse. However, different political and social groups translate contradicting views on the problem, as seen in the actions of Obama’s and Trump’s administrations. As a fact, Obama clearly stated...

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Public Policy: Public Policy Submission

Introduction Public policy is important in addressing public issues that affect the population and help improve the situation. Public issues often affect a large portion of the population, making it hard for them to live in a comfortable way. Homelessness is a major public issue in Australia, as evident by...

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Temporary Aid to Needy Families

Introduction Racial disparities remain a topical issue in the United States, despite recent efforts aimed at equality. This problem is systemic, and its development is observed across history. Accordingly, structural racism affects many people, but families in need, especially their children, are particularly vulnerable. The institute of welfare is widely...

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Role of Religion, Morality, and Worldview in the Creation of Public Policy

The interaction of religion, moral life, worldview, and politics is one of the most critical problems in any state. Various aspects influence people’s decisions due to the personal beliefs and cultural views of an individual. Depending on certain assumptions caused by a spiritual direction or a general outlook on life,...

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