Creative State 2025: The Main Goals

Creative State 2025 is divided into several phased objectives and highlight actions, which together formulate the main purpose of the project. The ultimate goal of the policy is to increase the cultural level of the community, along with the creation of jobs and development of opportunities for the population. Thus, the A objective is to generate employment, create clearer career paths, and develop a workforce in the creative economy (Creative State 2025, 2021). It would be accomplished by promoting the First People initiative and practices in the creative area. Objective B aims to develop Victoria’s cultural ability, along with raising the economic and public value of the current sector (Creative State 2025, 2021). It would be followed by the financial inflow in the creative area due to financing and investments in research, experimentations, and innovations in the field.

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It is essential to provide stabilized development pace on the industrial level. Thus, objective C is to create stronger businesses, organizations, and enterprises, employing more people (Creative State 2025, 2021). It will cover the elaboration of a new four-year investment program to improve the financial and organizational conditions of Victorian non-profit organizations. The objective D is to provide Victoria’s population access to the creative industries (Creative State 2025, 2021). It will include regional infrastructural projects, along with metropolitan touring to ensure continued access to all the creative services in Victoria.

Finally, for any business, after successful initial stages of development, it is necessary to find a wider consumer base. Thereby, according to objective D, the task is to look for new audiences and markets (Creative State 2025, 2021). It will be performed by the creation of platform trade events to increase access to international markets. Moreover, an important task is also to attract new talents and products, which will be implemented within the framework of the current program. Additionally, one should analyze the factors that contribute to the development and implementation of this program, which may be divided into active and passive. Active factors include those that can be influenced by a person, i.e., advertising, elaboration of development strategies, and project implementation. Passive factors, respectively, are those which a person cannot influence directly. For example, in advertising, the active phase includes the launch of advertising, and the passive phase is its action: namely, self-distribution when people advise each other or talk about the project.

Talking about program outcomes, one can make some assumptions about the economic, cultural, social, and political aspects. The economic aspect is characterized by favorable effects on financial flows as a result of this policy. Such events increase the overall well-being of the community by attracting attention and investment. The cultural consequences are formulated by the increase in cultural level, by attracting talented and creative people. Further, social outcomes are characterized by a favorable influence, namely, the increase in social ties in the community due to entertainment programs. Finally, political outcomes include the creation of a favorable atmosphere of cooperation between the community.

Definitions that have been deployed and views on art that are used to promote states or governments include general notions about art. As it has been established, art entails positive outcomes not only socially, but also financially. Thus, additional financial resources can be used for the further development of art projects and policies. As a result, one can notice the principle of mutual development, which is positive for any state or government.


Creative State 2025 (2021). Black Sounds. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, March 10). Creative State 2025: The Main Goals.

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"Creative State 2025: The Main Goals." DemoEssays, 10 Mar. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'Creative State 2025: The Main Goals'. 10 March.


DemoEssays. 2023. "Creative State 2025: The Main Goals." March 10, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Creative State 2025: The Main Goals." March 10, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Creative State 2025: The Main Goals." March 10, 2023.