The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance

In her article What if all guns disappeared?, Rachel Nuwer reflects on possible results of the sudden disappearance of firearms. She focuses mainly on three major consequences: a decline in the murder rate, reducing the frequency of suicides, and probable social and psychological effects.

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Firstly, the author argues that due to the absence of guns, the overall number of homicides could decrease significantly (para. 3). The reason is that cases of killings caused by this weapon prevail, especially in countries where the bearing of firearms is authorized and widespread. Secondly, Nuwer claims that there would be a drop in the rate of suicides, half of which are generally committed by guns. Furthermore, mere attempts would be less probable; therefore, the number of self-murderers could be cut down (para. 4). The plausibility of both consequences mentioned above is demonstrated by the example of Australia, where due to its improved policy concerning firearms purchasing, a substantial reduction of deaths occurred (para. 5; para. 6). Thirdly, according to the author, the disappearance of guns may have a considerable impact on people’s thinking patterns and behavior (para. 7). Not only could it prevent aggression from escalating into homicide, but it also permits people to feel safe and secure (para. 13). Nevertheless, Nuwer specifies three drawbacks: difficulties in fighting against problem animals, increased vulnerability of some people, the loss of leisure activity.

Summing up, the article considers the effects of firearms’ disappearance from different angles. It sheds light both on its positive and negative sides.


Nuwer, R. (2018). What if all guns disappeared? BBC. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, March 6). The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance.

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"The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance." DemoEssays, 6 Mar. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance'. 6 March.


DemoEssays. 2023. "The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance." March 6, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance." March 6, 2023.


DemoEssays. "The Effects of Firearms’ Disappearance." March 6, 2023.