The Libertarian System and Theory

The Libertarian Theory supports a society of free will and unrestrained freedom. The Libertarian Media system suggests that media houses should freely report anything and seek to be free from the government’s grip. It hinges on the fact that the public can make decisions for themselves, deciding what information is not suitable for them—an example of a country that has adopted this theory in its mainstream media is Finland.

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In the 21st Century, Finland fits the Libertarian Theory System because of the press’s freedom to expose the government’s activities. The press report on critical issues that would not be seen anywhere else allows the government to rethink its activities or face the people’s wrath.

The policymaking process in Finland has its citizens going through a lot. EU and policymakers develop laws that mess up the Finnish labor markets. Corruption would have been imminent if it were not for the liberty given to the press. Corruption rates have significantly reduced in Finland since the press act as watchdogs, ensuring that socialistic Finland does not go off the rails at the hands of the politicians, EU, and business people responsible for creating business policies.

It was monitoring the EU and exposing the injustices in its tax system. Finland is known to have a low carbon footprint compared to countries like US and China. Yet the EU was taxing their industries heavily. Highlighting this matter caused the country’s leaders to go back to the drawing board and find solutions. As can be seen, unjust acts can be unveiled in a Libertarian System. The press has also been known to expose the oppression of small-scale business people in Finland. It has highlighted the difficulty of starting a business in Finland due to bureaucracy. All of this has worked towards making Finland a better place. Other countries should follow Finland and adopt the Libertarian System in the press.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 15). The Libertarian System and Theory.

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"The Libertarian System and Theory." DemoEssays, 15 Dec. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'The Libertarian System and Theory'. 15 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "The Libertarian System and Theory." December 15, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "The Libertarian System and Theory." December 15, 2022.


DemoEssays. "The Libertarian System and Theory." December 15, 2022.