The Issue of Governments, Their Powers, and the Legislature

The issue of governments, their powers, and the legislature have always been prevalent. Many book writers and columnists tried to grasp the meaning of many government officials’ actions and decisions. Additionally, every generation has its own problems, which reflect the government system and law system. As a result, the following articles might be seen as a description of the acute difficulties that both officials and citizens have to face.

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The article written by Jennifer Selin covers the issues the U.S. government had to face after reviving the economy. The author explains the expansion of governors’ powers, the use of governors for party gains, jurisdictions managing elections, and problematic consequences of COVID-19 (Seline, n.d.). Another article by Conor Friedersdorf addresses the problem of the Tenth Amendment and the state’s rights approach to marijuana. The author discusses the issue of drug legalization and the different reactions of people (Friedersdorf, 2018). The last article introduces Alabama Governor George Wallace’s speech on the school premises. According to Wallace, he refused “to willingly submit to the illegal usurpation of power by the Central Government” (Statement and proclamation of governor George C. Wallace, 1963). The rules stated that the school should be segregated and the governor adhered to the laws.

As for the shortcomings, the article written by Conor Friedersdorf and Jennifer Selin contains biased evidence. In both situations, the writers expose the government and officials rather than provide objective information. Moreover, if the first article provides quotes and historical events, the second article is written in a more descriptive format, and the evidence might not be convincing. The evidence in the third article might not be clear due to the lack of citations in the description of George C. Wallace’s school speech.

Thus, the given readings focus on the officials, their powers, and their decisions. The material raises a lot of questions pertaining to the federal system and government. The first reading raises questions, for example, whether there will be more election postponing and who can be held accountable for COVID-19 policy. The following article raises questions about whether marijuana should be legalized in every state and will this drug ever be decriminalized in public and government. The last source raises issues of whether government officials should value the laws more than morals and whether officials should have the power to abuse the fundamental rights of others.


Friedersdorf, C. (2018). The superiority of a states’ rights approach to marijuana: The public wants it, and the Tenth Amendment demands it. The Atlantic. Web.

Statement and proclamation of governor George C. Wallace. (1963). University of Alabama. Web.

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Seline, J. (n.d.). How the Constitution’s federalist framework is being tested by COVID-19. Brookings. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 12). The Issue of Governments, Their Powers, and the Legislature.

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"The Issue of Governments, Their Powers, and the Legislature." DemoEssays, 12 Dec. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'The Issue of Governments, Their Powers, and the Legislature'. 12 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "The Issue of Governments, Their Powers, and the Legislature." December 12, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "The Issue of Governments, Their Powers, and the Legislature." December 12, 2022.


DemoEssays. "The Issue of Governments, Their Powers, and the Legislature." December 12, 2022.