The Foundation of Army Leadership and Emerging Challenges


The purpose of this essay is to discuss the foundation of Army leadership. This notion means the responsibility of officers to timely address emerging challenges. It also implies accomplishing the mission and achieving goals in the long run. Therefore, leaders are accountable for the outcomes of their actions. Besides, their task is to influence less experienced employees and demonstrate to them proper conduct. The mentorship helps individuals adjust to the working conditions and understand organizational objectives. Since leadership is a complex phenomenon, it should be analyzed thoroughly. The main spheres of its influence are emergencies, long-term goals, and new workers. The structure of this skill will differ depending on the area selected for consideration. This fact indicates the need to evaluate the impact of leaders on the identified aspects of service. The foundation of leadership will be assessed by its levels and the qualities attributed to officers.

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First, handling critical situations is a duty, which requires the ability to lead people. The warfighting capabilities of the organizations depend on the efficient performance of this task. The grounds for their exercise are a strict hierarchy of leaders within an entity. Senior officers in organizations delegate specific actions to their subordinates. In turn, these employees transmit the message to other workers under their supervision. This chain of people works efficiently only if individuals possess the required qualities. In this case, they include adaptability to new conditions and quick reaction. Army leaders use them to shape appropriate decisions with the orientation on the organizational benefits. Cooperation between the employees is essential for the proper functioning of this system. Officers at different levels should be ready to receive the orders and immediately act upon them. Any disagreement might fail to operate. It means that communication skills are also important in this aspect of the Army service. On that account, the global initiatives require the productive participation of all employees. In this mechanism, all people have to lead others at work.

Second, the achievement of long-term objectives depends on the ability of leaders to follow through. It is conditional upon the effectiveness of policies developed by senior officers. This level of leadership is strategic, and it means the cooperation of these actors. Civilian and military employees determine the course of development for the Army. This type implies guidance from more experienced people in the organization. Their expertise helps define the most suitable path regarding the target goals. Making these decisions is the sole responsibility of employees experienced in the field. The acquisition of this competency occurs in one’s career progression. It encompasses cognitive capabilities and excellent performance over the time of service. This leadership is different from exercising hierarchical duties because of several reasons. First, senior employees should be familiar with the political circumstances of their decisions. Second, they should pay particular attention to the bureaucratic aspect of their choices. These needs explain the presence of more extensive knowledge in these officers. They coordinate the implementation of more complex systems within an organization.

Third, leadership is the key to motivating and inspiring people to achieve vital organizational goals. A positive role model affects employees and contributes to their desire for promotion on duty. This type of leadership corresponds to the direct leadership level. It means that officers transmit their experience during face-to-face contact with their subordinates. Therefore, sharing the vision of the organization is an uncontrolled process, which occurs naturally. It is important for guiding young soldiers who lack knowledge of established practices. Their leadership skills stem from the senior employees who monitor their actions. For this reason, the responsibility for the outcomes is shared between them. Supervisors should be capable of conveying information to their subordinates. New employees should follow the instructions carefully once they receive them. This measure allows ensuring the correspondence of their actions to the rules of the organization. As a result, they develop leadership qualities and gain promotions at work. Specifically, the foundation of this initiative includes one’s character, the effectiveness of decisions, and intellect. They define who can become a leader in the context of the Army.


In conclusion, the foundation of leadership in the Army differs in the levels and characteristics. For example, managing emergencies and addressing critical situations requires a strict hierarchy of responsible officers. They cooperate in a pre-defined order to efficiently cope with current challenges. The solution to this type of problem means the presence of essential qualities in people. They include high adaptability to new circumstances and quick reaction. Another aspect of leadership is strategic planning and implementation of corresponding plans. It encompasses the ability to follow through with the appropriate course of action. Its development occurs based on expertise and with the use of specific skills. They are the cognitive capabilities of involved employees and their excellent performance. The following type of leaders are people who motivate and inspire young officers. They set a positive role model and thereby affect the performance. It happens directly in the process of face-to-face communication with soldiers. In this case, the transmitted characteristics are the responsibility and the desire for promotion.

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DemoEssays. (2022, December 21). The Foundation of Army Leadership and Emerging Challenges.

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"The Foundation of Army Leadership and Emerging Challenges." DemoEssays, 21 Dec. 2022,


DemoEssays. (2022) 'The Foundation of Army Leadership and Emerging Challenges'. 21 December.


DemoEssays. 2022. "The Foundation of Army Leadership and Emerging Challenges." December 21, 2022.

1. DemoEssays. "The Foundation of Army Leadership and Emerging Challenges." December 21, 2022.


DemoEssays. "The Foundation of Army Leadership and Emerging Challenges." December 21, 2022.