Foundations of U.S. Army Leadership

From an institutional perspective, the Army differs from other organizations because its security and ability to complete tasks depend on subordination. Moreover, people in the Army are often placed in dangerous environments, where they can be wounded or killed. To ensure that the United States Army can achieve its goals, the leadership has to be based on firm foundations so that the soldiers would complete their missions with confidence. As with leadership in any other organization, the army leaders shape the vision and inspire their subordinates to complete tasks. The purpose of this essay is to explore the elements that form the basis of the army leadership in the United States. The foundations of the United States Army’s leadership are linked to its history, the connection with the state’s government, foundation documents, and accountability of the soldiers.

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The success of Amry’s operations depends on the strong leadership foundations. According to Roberts (2018), army leadership is defined as “the process of influencing people by providing purpose, direction, and motivation to accomplish the mission and improve the organization” (para. 5). Moreover, the Army’s “Army regulation 600–100” states the soldiers should be trained to become adaptable and grow into leaders. Hence, the basic principle of army leadership is that all enrolled individuals should be prepared to become leaders and take responsibility for their actions and the people around them. Within the U.S. Army, there are three distinct levels of leadership, which are: “direct, organizational, and strategic” (“Army regulation 600–100,” 2007, p. 3). At each of these levels, the leaders have to demonstrate competency and commitment to what they do. Moreover, the complexity of tasks and accountability levels increases as a leader progresses through these levels. Documentation such as “Army regulation 600–100” provides an outline of the leadership within the Army and help understand the role of the leaders. Thus, one of the leadership foundations for the United States army is documentation.

Accountability is crucial for army leaders since they make decisions that will affect the lives of others. In the Army, unlike other organizations, soldiers are subjected to risks that can result in severe injuries or even death. For instance, the Amry is accountable before the citizens of the United States, which also shows the link between this organization and the state. However, the leaders also have accountability before their soldiers because the latter have to obey the orders (Roberts, 2018). Hence, the leader has to consider the capabilities of their soldiers, their training, and involvement in tasks when developing assignments. This requires leaders to be highly qualified and have a record of behaving ethically, ensuring that they are leaders in the eyes of their soldiers. Thus, accountability is among the central elements of army leadership because it allows leaders to command their soldiers and assign them with dangerous tasks. Leaders are accountable before their subordinates and the nation they protect, and therefore, their training, professional development, and decisions have to be made with caution and based on moral standards.

Finally, the Army is closely linked with the government and the history of the United States, which is another element of its leadership foundation. The basis of the Army’s operations is to protect the state, its citizens, and the government. This provides the Army’s leaders with the authority and capability to lead. According to the “Army regulation 600–100”, the leaders have to adhere to the “moral and ethical tenets of the U.S. Constitution, the Declaration of Independence, and the Army Values” (p. 2). Hence, the final foundation of the United States Army’s leadership is its link with the government and the Constitution. Moreover, the prominent leader of the Army in the United States president, who acts as a Commander in Chief. This position shows the close connection between the leadership and the state. The leaders base their authority on the government documents, association with the government, and the ethical values outlined in the nation’s core legal documents. Consequently, the Army and its leadership are linked with the state’s history and its development.

In summary, this paper focuses on the foundations of army leadership in the United States. The Army’s tasks are often dangerous, which requires leadership to be set on firm foundations. Leadership depends on the Army’s governing documents because those outline the role of the leader. Moreover, these documents formed the foundations of leadership and pointed to the task of developing a leader within any soldier. Next, the Army and the state are interlinked, which means that another leadership element is the government and its regulations. Army leaders have to act according to moral standards outlined in the Constitution, and the President is the chief commander of this institution. Finally, another foundation of Amry Leadership is the accountability of the leaders. These individuals have to be competent and make decisions that will not harm their soldiers and the nation. Thus, army leaders base their authority on strong foundations such as the government, the Army’s documents, and their accountability.


Army Regulation 600–100. (2007). Web.

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Roberts, R. (2018). 12 principles of modern military leadership: Part 1. US Army. Web.

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DemoEssays. (2023, August 12). Foundations of U.S. Army Leadership.

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"Foundations of U.S. Army Leadership." DemoEssays, 12 Aug. 2023,


DemoEssays. (2023) 'Foundations of U.S. Army Leadership'. 12 August.


DemoEssays. 2023. "Foundations of U.S. Army Leadership." August 12, 2023.

1. DemoEssays. "Foundations of U.S. Army Leadership." August 12, 2023.


DemoEssays. "Foundations of U.S. Army Leadership." August 12, 2023.